Hunting for the Beast Egg

Feng Hei Lang pouted when she saw that she couldn't read the description. 'What the hell! Let me read this!' She poked multiple times at the description, but it didn't change.

She sighed dejectedly and read the directions to hatch it more carefully. 'So, I need to keep it in a dark area during the day?'

Feng Hei Lang decided to do that after she looked through all the items. The 25 Skill Credits automatically added to the 10 she already. The last item that was given were the 3 luck wheel tickets.

However, before Feng Hei Lang had a chance to examine them, a soft growl was heard from behind her. Throwing everything back into her inventory, she turned around.

A pair of red eyes could be seen from inside the bushes. Feng Hei Lang subconsciously took a step back. 'Oh no oh no! Why does something have to find me now!'

The beast emerged from the bushes. It was a beautiful wolf with a gray pelt and red eyes. It howled, calling for its pack-mates.

Feng Hei Lang instantly started running. She activated [Dash] to hopefully get the wolves off her trail. 'KYAHHH! That wolf was supposed to be me!! Majestic, dominating, and beautiful!! Goddess, are you sure you meant to make me a fox?!'

She pouted as ran across the forest. Since Feng Hei Lang was busy in her own thoughts, she didn't notice where she was going.


Feng Hei Lang crashed into something and rebounded off of it. She hit her back on a tree trunk. 'OWWWWW! WHAT WAS THAT?!'

She glanced at what she hit and saw a large black panther. She instantly felt like running the opposite direction, but the wolves were behind her.

Tears formed in her eyes as the jaguar got closer. 'Is this the way I die? By being trapped between this lousy panther and the traitorous wolves?!'

Feng Hei Lang thought of the wolves as traitorous because her name still resonated with the wolves.

When the jaguar turned its head back to eat her, the wolves jumped out of the bushes behind her and crashed into the jaguar.

Instantly, a fight broke out. Feng Hei Lang quickly scrambled to her feet. 'Ha! TAKE THAT JAGUAR! Go wolves!' She silently cheered for the wolves as if they weren't chasing her a few moments before.

The fight started coming to an end. Although the jaguar was much stronger, it was like a 1v5. It took down three wolves, but the jaguar died when the other two wolves finished it off. They were both in very bad shape. However, when it turned to Feng Hei Lang, it still had a hungry gleam in its eyes.

Feng Hei Lang started backing away. Using [Telepathy,] she started trying to soothe the wolves. "Good wolfie! Gooooood wolfie!"

Her voice was even more melodic that the demon goddess'. Unlike the goddess, her voice was soothing and captivating instead of seductive. It was even a bit childish and very sweet.

The wolves paused their movements. A smile broke out on Feng Hei Lang's snout when she saw that. 'Yes! They can understand me! This will make communication much easier!'

She pointed to the left of her and bowed. "Alpha Wolf, I have sensed a humongous rabbit on the left of me. If you run for twenty minutes straight at your top speed, you will find the most luscious and savory rabbit of all time!"

Feng Hei Lang quietly begged in her head. 'Take the bait...TAKE THE BAIT! The dead wolves and jaguars surely have a beast core in them! I can use it for the egg, so take the bait!'

The wolves glanced to the left then looked back at her with distrust.

She quickly bowed her head even lower. "Senior Alpha Wolf, if you find my information to be unreliable and cannot find the rabbit, come back to this very spot and I shall offer to be your meal."

It was obviously a lie. Feng Hei Lang had no plans of offering her own life to the wolves. She was going to run and steal the beast cores while the wolves were away.

The wolves glanced at each other and then both ran off to her left.

Feng Hei Lang sighed in relief. 'THANK GOD! I was so tired from bowing! This Telepathy skill is more useful than I thought!'

She quickly ran to the jaguar's corpse first and rummaged around its insides. She found a glowing crystal that was shaped like a diamond.

Feng Hei Lang's paw was covered in blood. She sighed. 'Guess I'll have to wash it later...' She quickly search through the other 3 wolf corpses and found 3 more beast cores.

She was about to leave when her stomach growled. 'It would be quite a waste to leave all this meat lying here...'

Right at that moment, a screen popped up.

[Quest 1:

Eat the wolves and the jaguar's meat to keep yourself full!

Difficulty: Easy

Reward: +1 Level, 10 Stat Points, 5 Skill Credits, and 10 Comprehension Coins]

She glanced hungrily back at the corpses. 'Ooh~ Now I actually gain something from eating it!'

Then, Feng Hei Lang quickly turned to back to the wolf's corpse and took a bite of it. 'You deserve being eaten you accursed wolves!'

She could feel herself getting fuller. It also didn't taste half bad.

Feng Hei Lang took a bite from each of the corpses.


[Quest Complete!

[Rewards: +10 Stat Points, +5 Skill Credits, +10 Comprehension Coins]


[Level up! Level 2 unlocked! +10 Stat Points, +5 Skill Credits]