The First Part of the Exam!

Feng Hei Lang focused and took a deep breath. 'I guess the most effective way to do this would be make the shadow sword I made before. Although it's too big to pick up, and I could guide it to shoot through the target.

She waved her hand and concentrated some shadows into a sword once more. Then, with a deep breath, Feng Hei Lang shot it towards the target.

The shadow sword hit the target, but it didn't stop. It completely sliced the target in half and then started slicing through the ground as well.

Feng Hei Lang jumped back in shock. 'EHHH? I THOUGHT THE TARGET WAS STURDY!'

The sword finally stopped and dispersed when it reached halfway across the courtyard. There was a large gash in the ground.

The hologram tried appearing, but it faded since the target was broken. Instructor Le Yi's face was shocked. It was the first expression Feng Hei Lang had spotted in her.

Many whispers came from the crowd, talking about how she split the target in two.

Feng Hei Lang anxiously started backing away. 'Oh no! What if they make me pay for the target! I'M BROKE! I didn't expect it to break so easily!'

Instructor Le Yi sighed and then made another target appear in front of her with a wave of her hand. "Try again."

Feng Hei Lang walked back to the center as the whispers died down. 'Maybe I should make it less powerful...After all this isn't a power test. It just tests the potential of your ability, so I can probably make it weaker, right?'

She waved her paw and made a thinner shadow sword this time. Feng Hei Lang shot it once more at the target, but lightly. It dug deep into the target, but finally stopped with the tip of the sword could just be seen on the other side.

Feng Hei Lang sighed in relief as she didn't break the target this time. The hologram appeared and showed [E, D, C, B, A, S]. She tilted her head. 'Eh? Do they not have the rating SS here?'

Instructor Le Yi glanced at her once more. "You. What's your name?" Feng Hei Lang jumped a bit when she called her. "It's Fang Hei Lang..."

Instructor Le Yi sighed and said, "Pass. The red fox in the third row. Your turn."

Feng Hei Lang jumped off the stage, trying to avoid the gazes of the foxes who were now staring at her. She merely slunk back to the back row, where Xing and Kang Lei were waiting for her.

Kang Lei had a shocked expression on his face. "You never told me that you were so strong!" Feng Hei Lang shrugged and picked up Xing. "Meh."

He nudged her, playfully. "It seemed like the target hologram broke after you destroyed it though. I would estimate that your ability is an [A] because there's no way anyone has an [S] ability this year."

Feng Hei Lang tilted her head and looked at him strangely. "Why not?" He pointed to the foxes in human form at the back. "All the strong foxes this year were the only ones part of the four great families. The rest just came from wherever."

Feng Hei Lang's mind started spinning. "Four great families? What's that?"

Kang Lei looked even more shocked. "You don't know the four great families?! The first family is the Royal family. All of their foxes inherit the royal blood. The second family is the Imperial family. They are known for their beauty and grace. The third family is the Lunar family. They harness their power from the moon. And the last family is no more. It was the Demon family. They were all demon foxes and they got stronger by drinking blood or eating flesh from either foxes or humans. Luckily, they were eliminated and exiled, so one hasn't been seen in like a thousand years."

Feng Hei Lang's mouth dropped at that. 'I never knew that demon foxes had to drink blood and eat flesh to get stronger! That's just so...' She shivered at the thought.

However, just at that moment, a screen popped up in front of her.


Drink the blood and eat the flesh of any fox.

Difficulty: Normal

Reward: +1 Level, 15 Stat Points, +8 Skill Credits, +5 Comprehension Coins, +1 Random Artifact

Penalty for Failure: User will become deprived of blood and flesh and go into a starving phase. Identity as a demon fox will be exposed.

Time Limit: Two Days]

Feng Hei Lang really wanted to slap the system for giving her a quest like this. 'ARE YOU SERIOUS? WHY DO YOU ALWAYS MAKE QUESTS POP UP LIKE THIS! AND THERE'S EVEN A TIME LIMIT!'

She sighed and closed the quest. Instructor Le Yi was busy finishing up on the stage. The hundreds of foxes that were here in the beginning soon turned to around twenty or thirty foxes.

Instructor Le Yi waved her hand and a screen appeared on the stage. "This next part of the test will be to cut half of you down. You will battle against someone randomly and you must win to pass this exam. No weapons, talismans, or artifacts allowed. You must purely use your special and combat ability."

When Feng Hei Lang heard that, she quickly took off her cloak and placed it back into her inventory. She sighed. 'That's disappointing. I thought that my cloak would come in handy. But this is a good time to see if I can complete my quest! If I can just get a bite on the fox I am fighting then I'll be done!'

Instructor Le Yi started calling out the pairs. "He Qi and Diao Lau. Bie Tou and Hu Qiu." Soon, she got the Feng Hei Lang's name.

Instructor Le Yi cleared her throat. "Hei Lang... You'll be fighting me."