Feng Hei Lang's (Not Really) Own Room

Feng Hei Lang watched as the ground approached quickly. She took a deep breath. 'Okay, so at the speed I'm falling, I have a few seconds before I hit the ground...A FEW SECONDS?! OH MY GOD, I'M SO DEAD!'

She waved her hand and used [Shadow Manipulation] at the shadows on the side of the building. Tendrils of raced towards her, trying to wrap themselves around her to keep her from falling. However, they weren't going fast enough.

Feng Hei Lang concentrated even more until they finally reached her. She was just about a few feet off the ground. Her heart was pumping as she landed safely on the ground. 'I JUST ALMOST DIED!' She shuddered, thinking what would have happened if she didn't make it in time.

In the distance, Feng Hei Lang could see Kang Lei and Mei Wang running towards her. She pumped her paw in excitement. 'Yes! Seems like I'm first, even after I asked some questions!'

Mei Wang was using her ice ability to create a path where she could just slide down. Meanwhile, Kang Lei was making his path by using his water ability.

Feng Hei Lang turned back to the tower and saw two doors. One was for foxes in human forms. The other was a small flap for students in fox form. She went through the small flap and saw Instructor Le Yi standing on the other side.

Feng Hei Lang almost jumped in shock. 'EHHHH?? WHEN DID SHE GET HERE? I was JUST talking to her like a FEW MINUTES AGO!'

Instructor Le Yi smirked when she saw the surprised look on Feng Hei Lang's face. Kang Lei and Mei Wang appeared after her, both panting.

Kang Lei raised up a paw towards Instructor Le Yi. "I-Instructor...Hah...We're here on time right...?" She nodded. "With a minute to spare."

Three red foxes rushed in after them. Instructor Le Yi clapped her hands right when they entered. "And time is up. Student Hei Lang, Kang Lei, Mei Wang, Ping, Ting, and Jing, you are all excluded from having to pay for dinner tonight."

More foxes burst into the room at that moment. Instructor Le Yi crossed her arms. "Student Diao Lau, Wo Xiao, Tian Si, and Ke Qi, all of you will have to pay for your own dinner tonight."

Tian Si, the male yellow fox, had an angry expression on his face. "Instructor! It wasn't MY fault I was late! The black fox over there distracted me!"

He pointed towards Feng Hei Lang, and she was shocked. 'HUH?! How did I distract him! I didn't even see him!'

Tian Si kept talking. "She pushed me when she started, it was not a fair match."

Feng Hei Lang really wanted to kick this guy in the face. 'I wasn't even near him! And I didn't even run, I traveled between shadows!'

Instructor Le Yi held up her hand. "Student Tian Si. First, there was no rules. Someone could have pushed you if they wanted to. Secondly, Student Hei Lang was asking questions to me. There was no way she could have pushed you."

Tian Si's face started getting red. Instructor Le Yi ignored him and gave every fox a small medallion. "This badge represents your rank. There is also the currency we use in there. To buy food, items, or other necessities, you must use what we call 'Knowledge Tallies.' Everyone starts with two hundred tallies. If you lose this medallion, you can purchase another one for seventy-five tallies. A meal is ten tallies. Spend it wisely, or else you may not last a year."

Feng Hei Lang looked at the bronze medallion in her hand. 'So, I start with two hundred tallies. A meal is twenty tallies for me since I'm a Bronze Rank Disciple. If I eat one meal every day, this will only last for ten days. However, I'm probably going to eat two or three meals every day, so this will only last for around four days, not including other items!'

She groaned at the small amount of tallies she had. 'I need a steady way to get tallies or I'm going to starve before even a week passes!'

Instructor Le Yi cleared her throat. "Ahem...Now, you can earn tallies by answering questions during class, or doing well in class in general. You may also steal medallions from others, to steal their tallies. You may also challenge them to a duel to steal their tallies. However, their life must not be in any danger throughout that. Do you understand?"

The foxes all nodded. Some had a smirk on their face, while others tried not to be noticed. Feng Hei Lang's mouth curled into a smile. 'This rule is such an advantage for me! I can keep this medallion in my shadow, where no one can find it! Then, all I have to do is not accept any duels. That way I can't lose any tallies, even if I go out to steal medallions from people!'

Instructor Le Yi waved an arm towards the rest of the tower. "This is the dormitory tower. Silver Ranks have their rooms on the second floor. Gold Ranks have their room on the third floor. And Bronze Ranks have their rooms on the first floor. You can go find your rooms. Your medallion will lead you. Now, you have class first thing in the morning tomorrow. It will be in the courtyard at sunrise, sharp! If you're late, that will be minus fifty tallies, so hurry off now!"

Feng Hei Lang quickly ran deeper into the tower. There was a front desk with a fox attendant sitting there.

She quickly walked right up to the male fox sitting at the front desk. The attendant looked up and said, "Welcome to the dormitories, first-years. Please present your medallion, then state your name and species."

Feng Hei Lang pulled her medallion from her shadow and handed it to him. "Feng Hei Lang, Two-Tailed Shadow Fox." She purposely left out Demon Fox because she remembered what Kang Lei said about them being eliminated and exiled.

The attendant sighed. "Please be serious. I don't have all day. It's not funny to make a joke about the Shadow Fox Clan."

Feng Hei Lang tilted her head. 'EHH?! There's something about the Shadow Fox Clan too?! Think, think! What fox species is black?'

She let out a nervous laughter. "Ahaha...Yeah. I'm a Two-Tailed Obsidian Fox." Feng Hei Lang remembered overhearing someone in the courtyard earlier, talking about the Obsidian Fox Clan.

The attendant wrote that down on the back of her medallion. "Here. Second room to the left." He didn't even bother looking up at her anymore.

Feng Hei Lang took her medallion and walked towards the left hallway. There were many rooms that all read "Bronze Disciple Quarters."

She slipped through the second door to see that it was empty. 'I should have known that it would be empty...there were no other Bronze Rank Disciples this year...'

Feng Hei Lang took a better look into the room. 'Wait...this isn't even a room! There's no bed and the bathroom is simply a bucket! This is more like an empty space!'