Grave Mistake!

Feng Hei Lang sat in the wagon that Kirei rented out for them. She yawned and asked, "Are we there yet?"

He shook his head. "Give it like half an hour."

She had been continuously using [Killing Intent Sense] for about two hours. She managed to get to level 3 and it now expanded to fifty feet around her.

Kang Lei nudged her. "You just want to that three gold discount, don't you?"

Feng Hei Lang rolled her eyes and laughed. "As if! I don't want to spend all of Kirei's money on a weapon."

Kirei turned around, still holding the horse reins in his hand. "I don't mind. I have more at home."

Kang Lei grinned. "See! He doesn't mind! We can go spend it all out!"

Kirei glared at him. "Shut up, water boy."

She giggled. "It's fine. I want to see what Venom Valley is like anyways. I heard that there's a chance that a legendary monster called a Gladiator Snake might come! If you slay it, you might get its drop! An A-grade weapon that automatically scans you and turns into the most suitable weapon for you!" Feng Hei Lang's eyes shone with excitement as she said that.

A sweet, but stuffy smell started entering their nose. Feng Hei Lang almost choked with her enhanced senses. She quickly used [Shadow Manipulation] to create a layered mask on each of them. "Ugh...Is that the poisonous gas?"

Kirei nodded. "It's okay if you breathe just a little bit in, but don't do it continuously. "

There was a ravine in front of them which they can't even see the bottom Feng Hei Lang frowned. "How do we get down there? We don't even have any ropes!"

Kang Lei gave her a thumbs-up and grinned. He started running and jumped into the ravine. "See you at the bottom!"

She reached a hand but missed. "Kang Lei!"

He had a grin on his face as he fell through the mist and out of sight. Feng Hei Lang gritted her teeth and grabbed Kirei's hand. "I'll cushion the fall!"

She yanked him down as she jumped off. Kirei frowned. "You don't need to. I can cushion it."

Feng Hei Lang ignored him as the poisonous fog cleared. The ground was slowly creeping up closer as she used [Shadow Manipulation] to pull up some shadows hands. They caught Kirei and her safely. She leapt down and looked around. "Kang Lei! Are you alright!"

A voice behind her yelled, "Boo!" Instantly she jumped up and grabbed a dagger from within her cloak.

Kang Lei held up his hands and laughed. "Hey hey! It's me!"

Kirei whacked him on the back of his head. "Shut up, water boy."

As those two started squabbling, Feng Hei Lang sighed in relief. 'Alright, first, I have to see if there's anyone near here.' She used [Killing Intent Sense] to search through her surroundings. There was a group of adventurers farther down and a lone person up above.

Feng Hei Lang frowned and looked up. 'Strange...why are they above and alone? Shouldn't they come here with a party?' She kept a mental mark on the person and then waved to Kirei and Kang Lei. "I sensed a few snakes this way! Come one!"

She started running south as they both followed her. Kirei waved his hand and a ball of fire formed on his palm, giving off light. He stopped suddenly and grabbed Feng Hei Lang. "STOP!"

She skidded a stop and looked down. There was another ravine inside the ravine that was hidden by the fog. Feng Hei Lang gasped and pulled back. "Thanks Kirei...I would have fallen!"

Kang Lei waved his hand and a bridge of water formed over the large crack. "It's sturdy, don't worry!" He walked over the bridge and waved to the both of them.

Feng Hei Lang continued walking towards the direction which she sensed a snake. As they got closer, a rumbling noise started and rocks started crashing down.

Kang Lei quickly formed a barrier with water. "What is this? An earthquake?"

She frowned. "No, it's a snake!"

As she said that, a large green cobra burst from the ground, tongue flicking in and out. Feng Hei Lang held out a hand to appraise it.

[Level 7 Gladiator Snake]

Grade: Epic

HP: 5000/5000

Skills: [Poison Fang(Lvl. 3)], [Acid Rain(Lvl. 2)], [Tail Whip(Lvl. 1)]

She looked up at the sky to see clouds forming. "Shit...Kang Lei! Form a water barrier above!"

He stared at her. "Eh? But isn't it going to attack this way?" The clouds started getting darker and denser.

Feng Hei Lang shook her head and used [Shadow Manipulation]. She formed a barrier on top as the green rain started falling. "It's acid rain!"

Kirei covered himself head-to-toe in black flame, and then grabbed a sword from his side. "Blazing Hell." It was the same move that he used on Feng Hei Lang the last time they were sparring.

Dark fire sprung towards the snake, burning through the flames. A drop of acid rain hit Feng Hei Land and she flinched.

[-20 HP]

[Due to the effect of poisoned, user will now lose 1 HP every second for 10 seconds]

She froze. 'I'll lose thirty HP at this rate! I can't get hit by another shot!' Feng Hei Lang waved her arms and flying shadows swords shot at the snake. She hit it twice, and almost completely broke through the snake's neck.

It hissed and started running away. Kirei ran out of the shadow barrier and started chasing it, since it only had a tiny bit of health left.

Feng Hei Lang held out a hand. "Wait, Kirei!" She suddenly felt a red aura in her [Killing Intent Sense]. It was the same lone man who was standing above them earlier. The man was now heading in the direction that Kirei was going.

She yanked on Kang Lei's hand and started running that way. 'Hang on, Kirei!'