What is that Ability?!

Feng Hei Lang ran through the poisonous fog, only to see that Kirei was nowhere in sight. She kept her [Killing Intent Sense] on to see where the assassin was.

Kang Lei struggled and broke free from her grip. "Hei Lang! You good? Why are you so worried? You know that Kirei is strong enough to kill the snake!"

She gritted her teeth and ran even faster. "That's not the point! I sense someone going after Kirei!"

He frowned. "Even if it's an assassin, Kirei is pretty strong! He should be fine!"

Feng Hei Lang ignored him and kept running. The assassin was still above her, running along some sort of edge. She felt Kirei ahead, but he was pretty far. She activated [Dash], [Flashing Steps], and [Presence Concealment]. She zoomed ahead of Kang Lei, leaving him behind.

She could tell that the assassin was closing in on Kirei. 'Come on! Just a little longer! Hold on, Kirei!' Feng Hei Lang activated [Slowdown] for half a second. Any longer, and she would faint from the repercussions.

She was almost next to Kirei now. Feng Hei Lang yelled out, "Kirei! Are you there?"

His voice echoed back to her. "Yeah. I caught the snake." Kirei slowly came into view, holding the gladiator snake's head. "You can have the drop." He held up a beast core in one hand, and a shining golden ball in the other.

Feng Hei Lang took them, and threw them into her shadow. "We don't have time. Let's go!" Kirei frowned. "What's the rush?"

She could feel that the assassin was now coming down. "There's someone after you! Let's go!" At that moment, a person appeared next to them. A blue mist exploded and Feng Hei Lang dodged.

Kirei leapt back, but he inhaled some of it and started coughing. He held up a palm of black fire and hissed, "Who was that?"

The assassin walked out, a sword in their hand and grenades in the other. They snapped their fingers, and the expression on Kirei's face became blank.

Feng Hei Lang jumped back and quickly used [Appraisal].

[Cha Li]

Species: 4th stage Spiritual Condensation Realm Cultivator

Special Ability: Brainwash

She gritted her teeth when she saw the ability. 'That's no good! That blue mist was probably her ability! And it hit Kirei flat on the face!'

Kirei picked up his sword from his sheath and held it out in front of him.

Feng Hei Lang backed up and quickly used [Appraisal] on Kirei.

[Kirei Ren]

Species: Royal Navy Fox

Special Ability: Dark Pyrokinesis (S)


She held out her dagger from her cloak. "Kirei! Snap out of it!" He leapt at her, raising his sword as black fire rained down.

Feng Hei Lang activated [Shadow Manipulation] to create a barrier over herself. Kirei started crossing swords with her, not giving her a break. She dodged most of them, but a slice cut her on her cheek.

[-5 HP]

She narrowed her eyes. 'I don't have much HP left. I lost 30 when fighting the gladiator snake and now 5 more. I only have 15 HP left!' She dodged as Kirei made another slice.

The assassin stood at the back, watching the scene unfold. Feng Hei Lang activated [Dash] once more and ran to the assassin. 'They're probably controlling him, so I just need to get rid of her!' She sliced with her dagger, but the assassin dodged. She immediately used [Blood Claw] after that, losing 2 HP.

[-2 HP]

The assassin barely dodged, but it ripped of their hood. Black hair could be seen spilling from beneath. It was a woman around the age of thirty. Cha Li made a circular motion with her hands. "Dragon's Roar!"

A golden dragon spiraled out from behind her, and a loud roar echoed in the whole valley. Feng Hei Lang felt her legs go weak, and she fell to the floor, unable to move. She clenched her fist, shakily. 'God damn it! Come on! Move legs!'

Cha Li got closer to her, holding a grenade. Feng Hei Lang's eyes widened. 'That's the same one used to brainwash Kirei! Come on!! I have to move!'

As Cha Li started to pull the safety clip away, she suddenly jumped back as a stream of water erupted. Feng Hei Lang looked up to see Kang Lei. He was panting, holding out a hand. "Hei Lang! Are you alright?"

She nodded. "I just can't move! Be careful of her grenades! She can brainwash you with a blue powder! That's what happened to Kirei!"

Feng Hei Lang could slowly feel her arms and legs again. She pushed herself up, shakily. Kang Lei was currently engaging Kirei in combat.

She pulled out a healing potion and drank it.

[+25 HP]

Feng Hei Lang also took out the shining gold ball from the gladiator snake in her hand. It became liquid-like for a few seconds before finally forming into a pair of daggers. She called out Xing to engage Cha Li while she checked out the daggers with [Appraisal].

[Gladiator Snake Dual Dagger]

[A set of dual dagger made from the special drop of a gladiator snake]

[Grade: Unique]

[Special Effect: Once you slash the opponent, it deals 0.1% of their health for a minute.]

[Bonus Effect: White dagger can reflect an attack once every 10 minutes, Black dagger can block a fatal attack once a week]

[Effect: +50 Strength, +15 Agility, +5 Vitality, +10 Sense]

Feng Hei Lang grinned. "I can see why so many people are after the gladiator snake now!"


[Xing has leveled up!]


[New skill learned! Abyss Gate!]

She turned to see Xing using [Starfall] on Cha Li, while dodging. Feng Hei Lang called out,"Xing! Swap out! Then use [Abyss Gate]!"

He ran back behind her as she engaged the assassin. Feng Hei Lang used [Shadow Manipulation] to form more shadow swords behind her as she activated [Flying Daggers]. A few of them hit the assassin and her daggers managed to get a slice of Cha Li's cheek.

She made a fist. 'Yes! Now she'll start losing health! VICTORY IS ASSURED!' Feng Hei Lang leapt towards Cha Li, holding up her two new daggers.