
Feng Hei Lang stretched as she awoke. "Ah...what time is it?" She peeked outside the window to see that the sun was just rising. "Oh, it's dawn..." She looked down to see Xing sleeping right next to her. She patted his head with a smile on her face as she stood up to go wake Kang Lei and Kirei up.

She knocked on their room, but there was no response. Feng Hei Lang frowned. 'They would normally be awake by now. Did something happen to them?'

She pushed open the door to see that no one was there. Feng Hei Lang quickly searched the entire room. There wasn't even a note. It was as if they vanished into thin air.

Feng Hei Lang frowned. 'Where could have they gone?' She quickly reviewed what she remembered recently. 'I went out to confront the assassin...I got poisoned, so I headed back here, and then we brewed the antidote and started heading back to bed...'

She froze when she remembered what the assassin said. 'She set a trap! How did I forget that?! I guess I was caught up in curing the poison! I have to go find Kang Lei and Kirei!'

She quickly placed Xing back into her shadow. "Sorry, Xing. Stay in there for a little longer. I need to find Kirei and Kang Lei!"

He tilted his head at her. 'Mommy, Xing can help! Xing can smell Mommy's friends!'

Feng Hei Lang took him out of her shadow once more. "You can? Where are they?"

When he just about to run out of the room, she grabbed him. "Wait! You can't go out looking like that! That'll be too suspicious!"

"Oh, then how about this, Mommy?" In a bright flash, his size shrunk as he turned into a small black cat.

Her jaw dropped onto the ground. "You could do that all along?! Then why didn't you do so in the first place?"

He looked up at her with big eyes. "Because it consumes a lot of energy, Mommy."

She sighed and said, "Alright, go and find Kirei and Kang Lei!"

Both of them ran outside the inn as Xing led her down the main street. He stopped suddenly, his nose twitching in the air.

Feng Hei Lang turned around in a slow circle, spreading out [Killing Intent Sense]. "Are they around here, Xing?"

He turned towards the ground. 'Mommy's friends are underground.'

She looked down. "Below here? How do we get down?"

It was impossible to directly break the ground because they were in the middle of a busy street. Any big action would cause the people around her to be harmed.

Feng Hei Lang ran off the the side of the street where people weren't busily walking around. She whispered, "How do we get down there?"


[Telepathy Level Up! Specific Target Telepathy Unlocked!]

She quickly looked down at the notification and checked it out. 'Special target telepathy?'

[Special Target Telepathy:

Contrast to normal telepathy, user is able to talk telepathically to one specific person instead of automatically spreading out to nearby people.]

Feng Hei Lang read the description and smiled. 'Oh! That's useful! Instead of having lots of people be able to hear what I'm saying, I can send it directly to one person instead!'

She turned back to Xing who was staring at the ground. "Got any leads?"

He nodded. 'Mommy, there's a weak spot in the ground here. If you can distract the crowd, I can break it.'

Feng Hei Lang pointed at herself and frowned. "Don't you think I would do better at breaking the ground, instead of distracting?"

He looked up at her with large eyes. 'If you say so, Mommy. Just attack the ground here while I distract the crowd.'

With that, Xing ran off into the crowd, vanishing in sight. Suddenly, a huge crash sounded. One of the stalls completely crumbled due to a small black cat stealing a fruit then dodging all of the hands coming towards him.

Screaming started in the crowd, some trying to catch the cat, others trying to get away. The stall owner waved a rolled around. "Someone catch that damn cat who collapsed my stall!"

Feng Hei Lang quickly looked down at the ground. THen, she realized she didn't have any skills meant for her fists. Most of them were blade techniques that all had something to do with slices. They wouldn't even make a dent in the concrete ground.

She sighed and used [Blood Slash] at the ground.

[-3 HP]

It left a small slice on the ground, but it wasn't enough to break it. Feng Hei Lang quickly repeatedly used [Blood Slash,] draining her HP.

[-3 HP]

[-3 HP]

[-3 HP]

[-3 HP]

[-3 HP]


[Blood Slash Level Up!]

The ground finally crumbled after that, showing a small hole that led into darkness. Feng Hei Lang gulped as she glanced down. 'I can't even see the bottom!' She looked back up to see Xing still distracting the ground.

Using specific target telepathy, she called him back. "I broke the ground, come back Xing!" Feng Hei Lang watched him as she used [Lesser Healing] to heal herself.

With a few weaves in and out of the crowd, he was back next to Feng Hei Lang. The people had completely lost him in the chaos. Xing jumped into the hole without hesitation.

She tried to catch him, but missed. "Wait! We don't know how deep that is!" There was no response, so Feng Hei Lang sighed. "If I die, I blame it on you!" With that, she leapt into the hole too.