Demonic Imprisonment Array

Feng Hei Lang landed in some stinky, murky water. She coughed as the smell of the sewers invaded her senses. 'Ugh! The smell is so much worse when I have [Greater Enhanced Senses]! It's a passive skill, so I can't turn it off!'

She kept a hand over her nose as she turned to Xing. "Can you smell them?" He was busy covering his nose with his paws. 'It's too smelly, Mommy. But I think they are in that direction.' He pointed off the the North.

Feng Hei Lang stayed alert and started walking, ready to pull out her daggers at any time. Her [Night Vision] automatically activated as she took a few glances around.

It seemed like a tunnel with sewage running through. There were also rats occasionally, but they steered clear of Xing. She couldn't see anyone nearby, so she continued walking down the sewers.

Her shoes, socks, and a bit of her cloak was drenched into the murky water. Feng Hei Lang could tell that her movements will be a bit slower because of the extra weight.

Suddenly, something flew at her as she dodged. An arrow landed on the wall right besides her. There was still no one nearby, so she picked it up. It's tip was covered in poison and it seemed as if someone had set traps here. Feng Hei Lang snapped it as she clenched her fist. "Xing, Kang Lei and Kirei are definitely somewhere around here! They wouldn't set traps if we weren't getting close."

She started running forward, being more paranoid about where she stepped. Feng Hei Lang followed the tunnel down a curve and stopped. 'Something doesn't feel right...I only encountered a single trap, and now there's a door right in front of me?'

She carefully walked down and placed a hand on the wooden door at the side of the tunnel. Feng Hei Lang pushed on it gently, but it didn't move.

Abruptly, Xing called out, 'Move, Mommy!' He leapt at her, trying to push her out of the way.

The assassin's voice could be heard behind them. "Demonic Imprisonment Array!"

A rune appeared on the ground, as streaks of blood rose from the ground, trapping Feng Hei Lang and Xing in a cage.

Cha Li coughed as blood spewed out of her mouth. "Activating it does require quite the amount of blood..." She wiped her mouth with her sleeve and had a wicked smile on her face. "Finally! I didn't think you would run straight into my trap!"

Feng Hei Lang tried to slash the cage, but she just got repelled off of it. 'I can still get out of it using [Shadow Manipulation], but let me see if I can get any information about Kang Lei and Kirei!' She yelled, "Where are my friends?!"

The assassin laughed. "You really want to know? They're only a few feet besides you, in the door that you can't quite reach! Pitiful, isn't it? So close, yet so far."

She sighed in relief. 'Thank god, they are safe! They're right behind me, so if I get rid of the assassin, I can go get them!' Feng Hei Lang started going into her own shadow to get out, but hit something hard. She looked down in surprise. "Wha-"

The blood red cage had also extended and penetrated her shadow. Cha Li laughed again. "I already knew about the shadow tricks you could do. You can't get out of this array unless I let you!"

Feng Hei Lang frowned. 'That puts a stop in my plans...' She held up a hand and pointed it at Cha Li from inside the cage. Using [Shadow Manipulation], she formed shadow swords outside of the cage. In a split second, they all flew towards the assassin.

Cha Li merely dodged them by weaving in and out. "I didn't think that you could cast spells outside of the array, but it doesn't matter. Your swords can only in one direction anyways."

Feng Hei Lang hissed in annoyance. 'That's true. I don't enough control over them to make them follow her around.' She raised her palm to the ground as tendrils of shadow wrapped around the assassin's legs.

The assassin looked down and sliced at them. The shadows healed instantly, although a cut of HP was depleted from Feng Hei Lang.

[-25 HP]

She coughed out a bit in pain. 'What? Destroying the shadows I have control of depletes my HP?' Xing watched her with a worried expression. 'Mommy, are you okay?'

Feng Hei Lang nodded and stood up straight. "Xing, cast [Starfall]. I'll trap her." She lifted her hands as she created a dome around Cha Li. "We may not be able to move, but it's not like she can attack us while we're in this cage either."

Xing opened his small black mouth towards the ceiling and let out a small roar. The tunnel instantly darkened as silver lights rained down from the sky.

Feng Hei Lang could see her HP depleting as Cha Li continuously cut at the dome she made.

[-10 HP]

[-26 HP]

[-15 HP]

She started using [Lesser Healing] on herself, and noticed her spiritual energy slowly start depleting. 'I guess it starts decreasing when I activate many things at once. Or when I use a skill that is not related to my special ability.'

A silver light hit Cha Li directly on the back, causing her to cough out another mouthful of blood. She shakily picked up her sword and glared at Feng Hei Lang with eyes full of killing intent and bloodlust.

She murmured, "I'll kill you." Then, Cha Li shot forward at the cage, stabbing her sword between the gaps.

Feng Hei Lang tried to dodge them, but it was difficult as the cage was so small. She quickly used [Shadow Manipulation] to create herself a shield.

Cha Li picked up another sword from her back and hissed with rage-filled eyes, "You're dead."