Mind Link Skill Token!

Feng Hei Lang slowly awoke as she felt movement. She looked up to see that she was in Kang Lei's arms, while walking down one of the alleyways in Fengli city.

She quickly jumped off and shifted back to human form. Kang Lei had a surprised expression on his face. "You're awake! How are you feeling?"

Feng Hei Lang stretched out her arms and legs. "I suppose...hungry." Her stomach growled on that note.

Kirei had a small smile and said, "Thank you for saving us." He held out a piece of bread. "We got a little bit of food left. Here."

Feng Hei Lang quickly took it and threw it into her mouth. 'Gosh, I was SO hungry!' She looked around and saw Xing in cat form at the bottom of her legs. She quickly picked him and hugged him. 'Thanks for watching over us, Xing!'

He crawled up to the top of her head and nestled there. 'No problem, Mommy...I'm going to take a nap now...'

He fell asleep, staying curled up on top of her hair. Feng Hei Lang quickly took him and placed him back into her shadow. She turned to Kang Lei and Kirei. "Both of you are fine right? What happened in the inn?"

Kang Lei gave her a thumbs-up. "Yup! We're both fine. And as for what happened during the inn...I'm not too sure myself."

Kirei cut in front of him. "We were about to go sleep when we were knocked out by some poison gas. We then fell unconscious and got taken away somewhere." He pulled out an elixir from his spatial pouch. "I thought they came for the antidote, so I hid it within my spatial pouch. However, it still needs a few more days to finish, so watch over your poison, Hei Lang."

Feng Hei Lang nodded. "Definitely. Kirei and Kang Lei, why don't you both head back to the inn? I'll finish some business here and then you two can do whatever you like."

Both of them nodded. "Just watch out, and hurry up whatever you are doing."

She grinned and waved, running off. "Yup! See you!" Feng Hei Lang quickly ducked behind a corner, away from them.

[Level 9]

Species: Two-Tailed Shadow Demon Fox

Beast Level: Uncommon

Cultivation Level: None

Martial Art: Icy Demon (A)

Special Ability: Shadow Manipulation (SS)


HP: 1000/1000

[User is Poisoned. Unless treated, user will die in: 4 days]

Spiritual Energy: 650/700

Strength: 65

Agility: 100

Vitality: 50

Sense: 50

Stamina: 49

[Skills: Chomp (Lvl. 3), Claw (Lvl. 2), Blood Claw (Lvl. 1), Dash (Lvl. 2), Telepathy (Lvl. 2), Camouflage (Lvl. 2), Greater Enhanced Senses (Lvl 1. Passive), Faster Reflexes (Lvl. 1 Passive), Presence Concealment (Lvl. 2), Better Flexibility (Lvl. 1 Passive), Appraisal (Lvl. 3), Blood Slash (Lvl. 2), Night Vision (Lvl. 1 Passive), Human Form Part One (Lvl. 1 Passive), Flashing Steps (Lvl. 1), Dancing Dagger (Lvl. 1), Slowdown (Lvl. 1), Killing Intent Sense (Lvl. 4), Lesser Healing (Lvl. 1)]

Stat Points: 155

Skill Credits: 210

Comprehension Coins: 175

She nodded in satisfaction. 'I'm level nine now, and my HP finally hit one-thousand! I need to check out the evolution stone, skill token, and random artifact I got."

Feng Hei Lang checked her inventory.


[5x Healing Potion, 2x Speed Talisman, 1x Common Beast Core, 1x Epic Beast Core, 1x Shadow Cloak, 1x Evolution Stone, 1x Skill Token, 1x Random Artifact]

She pulled out the [Random Artifact] and a flash of light appeared. Feng Hei Lang covered her eyes and when it disappeared, a ribbon remained.

The ribbon was a beautiful pink color with a cherry blossom flower design, flowing from the side. Feng Hei Lang looked around and made sure no one was there before pulling down her hood. She tied it around her hair and let the flower sit on the side. She quickly used [Appraisal] on it.


[Appraisal Level Up!]

[Cherry Blossom Ribbon]

[A ribbon made from silk with the royal fox symbol on the side]

[Effect: +50 Sense]

[Special Effect: User can spend 500 Spiritual Energy to listen to other people's thoughts for thirty seconds]

Feng Hei Lang pumped her fist into the air. 'Yes! SENSE!! Exactly what I need! And the special effect is great too, although it costs quite a bit of spiritual energy...' She pulled her hood back on and then pulled out the [Skill Token].

[Would you like to use Skill Token for Mind Link Beast?]


She quickly clicked on "Yes." 'This is probably for Xing, since it says it is for Mind Link beast.'

Feng Hei Lang watched as a list of skills appeared before her.

[Spatial Distortion]

[Star Sky]

[Spatial Teleportation]

[Blood Moon]

[Black Hole]

She gaped at the list. 'Why does his skills all sound so cool?! This makes me wish I had these choices when I had a Skill Token!' Feng Hei Lang tilted her head as she tried to think about which one to pick. '[Star Sky] should be similar to [Starfall]...while [Black Hole] should be similar to [Abyss Gate]. BUT GOD! THAT SOUNDS COOL!'

Feng Hei Lang turned to the other three skills. '[Spatial Teleportation] sounds like teleportation, which would be REALLY helpful. However, how is that any different than [Spatial Distortion]? And [Blood Moon] is just completely unknown...I suppose I could take [Spatial Distortion]. It sounds like it can really help in battle!'

She quickly clicked on [Spatial Distortion].


[Xing has learned [Spatial Distortion]!]

Feng Hei Lang nodded in satisfaction. 'I'll ask him to test it out once he wakes up. And now, as for the evolution stone...' She quickly pulled it out of her inventory.

[Would you like to use 1x Evolution Stone?]


She instantly pressed "Yes" and waited. 'Last time, it didn't hurt at all, so it should be the same this time!' Feng Hei Lang closed her eyes, eagerly awaiting.