Feng Hei Lang entered Kirei and Kang Lei's room. Both of them were wearing their cloaks with their weapons. She waved at them. "Hello~ Ready to leave yet?"
They both nodded. Kang Lei pointed at the window. "Let's head out this way."
Kirei frowned. "Are we not going to pay for the inn?"
Kang Lei laughed. "Stupid fire child. If we go pay for this room, we're basically telling them that we're sneaking out."
Kirei frowned even more. "But we should still pay for it...I'll leave a few gold coins here." He quickly placed a few coins onto the bed.
Feng Hei Lang pushed open the window. "Alright, let's head out this way. I'll use my ability to get us out of the city, but we need to get to a high point first, so follow me."
She quickly shifted into fox form, while they both followed her. Feng Hei Lang climbed onto the top of the inn, but she still couldn't see above the gates surrounding Fengli city.
Feng Hei Lang leapt onto another building and climbed the chimney. She could just barely see the over the gates at this height. Feng Hei Lang murmured, "Kang Lei, Kirei. Grip my paw."
She held onto each of them before using [Shadow Manipulation]. All of them melted into her shadow before reappearing right outside of Fengli city.
They were just far enough to be out of the guard's view. All of them let out a long breath. Kang Lei grinned. "Finally! We can stay in fox form now since we're out of the human city!"
Kirei nodded. "We should now probably head to find the Alpha Wolf of the Iron Fox Clan."
Feng Hei Lang was busy digging out a hole while they were talking. "Before we do that, let's get a nice sleep!"
All of them helped expand the hole, making it just big enough for all of them to fit inside. As they all curled in, Feng Hei Lang had a smile on her face. 'I'm glad we're all still safe...'
The sun shined upon all of them, as they awoke and stretched. Feng Hei Lang yawned as she stepped out of the hole.
Kang Lei climbed out and said, "Mornin~ Alright, today, we should go and head to the forest where the Iron Fanged Clan lies."
Kirei also climbed out a few moments later. His fox form was a beautiful navy with white paws. "Yes. I know the directions, so you can follow me. But first, let's eat some food." He brought out a few slices of meat, along with some berries from his spatial pouch.
Feng Hei Lang threw some berries in her mouth. They were sweet and slightly tangy. It tasted sort of like oranges. She mumbled, "Thank you. What is this?"
Kirei took a large bite from the slice of cooked meat. "Sunberry. It's good protein in the mornings."
She tilted her head and threw some meat into her shadow for Xing to eat. "Is that so?"
They all quickly finished up their breakfast and looked up at the sky. Feng Hei Lang smiled. "Alright, it's early in the morning. How far away is the forest?"
Kirei placed back all the spare food within his spatial pouch. "The Iron Fanged Clan is within the Celio Forest. Most of them there are Uncommon grade beasts, with a few Rare ones. The alpha is most definitely a rare grade beast. It should take about a day or two to travel there by walking. If we have a faster method, we could get there by today."
Feng Hei Lang nodded. "Kang Lei, you're an Uncommon grade fox right?"
He nodded, but frowned. "Yeah, but how did you know?"
She blinked and froze. "Aren't we supposed to know that?"
Kang Lei shook his head. "Most grades are private. But you can tell when someone fights or something."
Feng Hei Lang covered her mouth. "Oh, is that so? Sorry, Kang Lei, I didn't know."
He shrugged. "It's fine, I don't really care."
Kirei started pointing towards the north. "We can start heading this way. And before you ask, I'm Rare grade."
Feng Hei Lang grinned. "Alright, and I'm Uncommon grade. Well, let's head towards Celio Forest! I still want to get there by today...Does anyone have a faster way of traveling?"
Both of them shook their head. Kirei thought for a moment. "If I was back at Hu Li University, I could have requested some ridable phoenixes."
Kang Lei gave him a weird look. "Phoenixes? Are you okay? Do you need help?"
Feng Hei Lang waved a hand in between them. "Alright, calm down. We're not at Hu Li University right now, so it doesn't matter." She sighed. "We need something big, something that can carry all three of us. Could we just rent horses from Fengli city?"
Kang Lei frowned. "Horses cost a lot more than you think. They are Rare grade beasts after all."
She gaped. "HORSES ARE RARE GRADE?!" Feng Hei Lang pouted. 'How can I be a lower grade than a horse?!'
Kirei sighed. "We'll just head there on foot. It's alright, it'll only take a bit longer."
Feng Hei Lang nodded. "That's fine then. We can get there in two days." They all just started walking when Xing called for her. 'Mommy! Mommy!'
She paused and said to Kirei and Kang Lei. "Give me a second!"
They both nodded. She turned away from them and whispered, "What is it, Xing?"
There was a small giggle sound from him. 'Mommy, I know of a faster way to get to Celio Forest! Let me out of your shadow!'
Feng Hei Lang used [Shadow Manipulation] to pull him out and almost fell back in surprise. Xing was no longer a small baby dragon. He had large splaying black wings along with a tail that had spikes on them. He was huge, large enough for the three of them to ride him.