It was in the reign of King Job Marwick, the last king before the rise of the Levia reign.

King Marwick was a bastard, pervert and sluggard; he destroyed the long built system of past Kings and chieftain of Morrigan, now known as Riana. Although the Warriors were great the kingdom itself was in chaos, only high-born were allowed to live off the good of the land leading to high rise in crime all over the four districts then. The Warriors did as they pleased and no one could challenge them, being a maiden was a curse in this era, they were helpless, treated like animals, even lower than animals. During the tenth reign of King Marwick, the fourth district grew peaceful, crime did not only reduce, it stopped and Warriors as well as nobles misusing authority either went missing or were humiliated and chased out. All this began when a man named Marcus Levia stepped into Morrigan.

News reached King Marwick after ninety days, so he took a stroll to know who the gentle man was, seeing Marcus Levia, King Marwick was delighted. Marcus was a pale skinned man with good stature having long dark hair; a man who was one with his sword and knew no flaw. King Marwick welcomed Marcus into his Castle and made him Commander over the Morrigan forces. Together they warded of attacks from preying kingdoms and knew no defeat; Marcus was a god in man vessel, having the strength of five well-built men and the power to summon lightning. He was able to take down troops before they could advance; his speed and skills were thrice that of King Marwick, the greatest swordsman in the Western-lands.

Time passed by and the Western-lands trembled at the mention of King Marwick and his demon commander. King Marwick saw an opportunity to take hold of the Western-lands with his good friend Marcus, looking at the current situation in Morrigan, Marcus knew that was a death sentence. Marcus waited and watched for a good chance to strike, what better opportunity than the submit held by King Marwick and his three allied kings of the West.

Like it had been long planned, Marcus slit King Marwick's throat right after his proclamation to subdue the Western-lands and no one went against Marcus. At that point Marcus was crowned King of Morrigan, every man, woman and child bearing the name Job were executed; so were those who opposed King Marcus' coronation. Marcus ruled with an iron fist but bettered the lives of the people and was enthusiastic in rebuilding Morrigan. The name of the kingdom was later changed to Riana, meaning Star of hope.

Years past and it came to the third reign of the Levia house hold, the grandson of Marcus Levia, King Ramus Levia. Riana was undergoing development but more knowledge was needed, So King Ramus journeyed to the Southern-lands leaving Riana in the hands of his wife, Elizabeth Levia. King Ramus trended the Southern-lands learning and gathering new knowledge until he ventured into a town called Urania, the occupants of Urania had special knowledge in crops and a unique high sense of smell; being able to know evil from good.

Aside that, a third of the town's population was gifted with spectacular fighting style in weapons alongside their natural gifts. King Ramus was amazed at their peaceful living and oneness, he stayed in Urania for a year learning their ways and communicating with his beloved wife by writing and sending through a raven. Knowing his trust has been earned, King Ramus proposed to offer any help to Urania in any way he could and in return they would offer those with unique fighting to him for proper training.

The Chieftain agreed to the marvelous idea, all was good until the fifth reign of the Levia house hold, the reign of King Thomas Levia. He was an opportunist, he used the Urania Warriors for his personal gain, Kings Guard he called them. Then came the reign of King Orrick Levia, son of Thomas Levia, he was the worse of them all, alongside the guards and his trusted friend and Sri, Jerrod Rooks; they cleansed the entire Western-lands from those planning to oppose them or talking ill of them. No kingdom in the West dared oppose King Orrick's decision, for they knew better than to wage war with the Levia house hold.

With the rise in hatred for the Kingdom of Riana, alliance began to form in order to crush Riana, but King Orrick was ahead of that plan, he planned an assault on each Kingdom enclosed in the alliance. Unfortunately some group of persons had grown tired of King Orrick's madness, a plot was made and the giant was assassinated, the first in the history of the Levia bloodline. King Eric was just twelve then, so Sri Jerrod Rooks, who managed to escape death with King Orrick Levia took hold of Riana and managed it till Prince Eric came of age to rule.