Under the scorching noonday sun, Elroy trots his horse through a valley of hay, "I know it's been a long day Celsius but I can't let you eat this unhealthy hay, Jacob gave warnings to take good care of you."

Celsius snorts as though it understood Elroy, "I know Celsius, there should be a town after that bridge up ahead," he gazes at the wooden flyover held at bay by thick ropes. "We are going to dig in on radish soup."

After a while of crossing the long wooden flyover, Elroy trot along a pathway running through a corn field - soon after, they entered a town.

Nacroy was the name of this large town at the boarders of the Western-land, Nacroy was known for their fresh fruits and vegetables; the town was always hectic right from dawn till dusk. Seeing the large crowd Elroy dismounts from Celsius, gently pulling Celsius along by the reins. He continued through the crowd until he got to a red tent vegetable stall, were he stopped to take a good look at the huge, fresh, juicy radish.

"I need eight of those?" Elroy demanded, pointing at the crate of neatly arranged radish.

"That would be five silver petals," replied the grumpy looking, tan skinned man whose hands were folded on his broad chest.

"Really?" Elroy asked calmly, staring back at the man.

"Just joking with you friend," the man cracked into laughter, "ten bronze petals would do."

Elroy reached his hand into the small coin pouch by his side then counts out ten bronze coins.

"In case you haven't noticed, you are being followed," the man warned.

Elroy offers the ten bronze coins to the man then narrows his eyes to the side were three murky looking men stood, whispering to each other, he stares back at the vendor.

"Thanks for the warning, where can I find a place to rest?" asked Elroy as he receives the small brown sack of radish from the vendor.

"Continue ahead then take a left turn," the man gestured with his hand, "you should see an inn at the end of a junction called Margret's Tavern."

"Thank you." Elroy appreciated then tosses a silver coin at the man. "That's for the warning."

"I knew you had silver on you," the man said with a smile.

Elroy waved at the man then continued his journey.


Rune Clan

The town was burdened with people undergoing various tasks and the streets blossoming with colourful decorations. An annual celebration was being held, it was a time to drink and eat without restrictions, every item eatable and drinkable in the town was made free until the mid-day.

Prince Fredrick and Tihon who was holding a crate of ale bottles - stepped out from a Pub laughing only to meet face on with six knights vested in purple armor obstructing their path.

"Can we help you?" Tihon asked crossly.

"Let me handle this Tihon." Prince Fredrick interrupted, "I'm sorry if we are doing something wrong, but we are new here."

"You are highly welcomed Prince Fredrick," a flawless indulgent voice spoke from behind the Knights.

The knights gave way in threes, facing each other, allowing Prince Fredrick and Tihon to set their eyes on an average height beauty – her round peach lips were the first to be noticed, her brunette hair long and straight, glowing with her fine-tuned brown skin bringing out the radiance of her warm honey eyes shielded by her long eye lids.

She was vested in purple piping - side lace leather sleeveless armor, proving her to be a soldier.

"This is strange, who are you?" Prince Fredrick asked, surprised at the unfolding event but engorged in the magnificent beauty of the young lady.

"I am Eslar...."

Tihon chuckled inwardly trying to stop himself from laughing, forcing Prince Fredrick and Eslar to gaze at him; Prince Fredrick taught the name strange also but that didn't warrant such a behavior from Tihon.

"Sorry about that, I had a slight cough." Tihon cleared his throat, his eyes almost wet from holding himself from laughing.

"I am Eslar Cole," she continued "second in command of the Ramenian forces."

"Alright Commander, how did you come to know my identity, I've never been to the South-west."

"My sources informed me of a Western prince on our soils, besides the Levia household is a popular one, your highness." She bows slightly.

"Surely you know what will become of Ramenia if harm comes to me."

"We won't dream of incurring the wrath of King Eric, instead King Samson Bernard has invited you to meet with him; where it's safer."

"Such hospitality, to what end?"

"The Prince of Riana is safe, no war comes to us and a good opportunity for an alliance is formed." Eslar clasps her hands behind her, smiling at Fredrick.

"You mean business, Commander Eslar." Prince Fredrick smiles.

"We will be honored to have you with us." Eslar bows.

"Let's get going then." Prince Fredrick urged.


Kingdom of Riana

Riana Harbour

King Isaac Lupin stood before a window drinking from a chalice while gazing at the sparkles the reflection of the moon and stars made on the still ocean. After a while, a knock came on the door, drawing his gaze to the door.

"Commander?" He called out with surprise, for it wasn't that long he sent Commander Leonard to announce his arrival.

"No my Lord, Silas."

"Oh, what do you need?"

"Commander Leonard is here with Atari."

"What? That was quick," he spoke curiously, placing the chalice on a table before walking over to the door. "Where's Leonard then?" He opens the door.

"He stands with Atari my Lord." The Farancia Soldier bowed.

"Alright then, let's join them." King Isaac took the first step.

On deck Atari and Commander Leonard stands side by side in front of seven Kings guard, but there was no sign of the Farancia troop on board. The cabin door opened up, allowing King Isaac to walk through accompanied by Silas, walking up the stairs King Isaac could see how beautiful and fully grown Atari had become. As soon as he got a good view of the deck he caught no glimpse of his Soldiers, looking back at Commander Leonard he could see the pain in his heavy eyes, suggesting that something was wrong.

King Isaac immediately drew his sword - the Soldier behind him slashed his leg, bringing him to his kneels with a cry. Before the Soldier could cut him down King Isaac plunged his sword into the Soldiers' torso, turning back around, a sword plunged into his belly.

King Isaac squealed in pain then raised his gaze only to see Leonard holding the sword, King Isaac peered into Leonard's red heavy eyes.

"Why?" King Isaac asked with a dense gasp.

"He belongs to me now," Atari assured as she walks up to Leonard, "end it," she ordered.

Leonard pulled his sword out of Isaac as he groans; allowing him to fall against the wall, then Leonard impaled himself, plunging his sword through his chest. He went on his knees, blood slowly streaming out his mouth - resting back on his heels he bowed his head.

"You where there. King Isaac glanced at Atari.

"That's right, every damn one of you traitors finally got the befitting end."

"I have no regrets for what I did."

"Actual, you will."

"This act will not be over looked by North Farancia."

Atari smirked at Isaac then turned her back against him, "Surely you don't think I'll make the same mistake you and your team made," she glares at the Kings guard. "Burn down the ship and two others." she ordered walking away.

King Isaac watched her, lost in thoughts of what she meant by the statement.

In the deep of night, three figures look down from the top of a hill at a kingdom burning up in flames, wails and cries of agony echoed out from the flames, even to the hill top.

"It's time to go my queen," the huge male figure urged, "the Riana soldiers may have noticed we weren't there."

"Feast your eyes on the wickedness of the Levia household," the queen spoke then turns to the younger male, "behold the terror of the Levia household, let it sink in Kyle, let it run deep my son."

The young man eyes burned with fury, heavy with tears.