Kingdom of Vencia

A month and some days has passed since the claim on Vencia, the Drokan people were now totally settled in Vencia - the damaged buildings have been put in good form, they had even placed a market, not for sales but for distribution of needed supplies.

The royal compound was also set in place, the walls around about were demolished and four towers, tall wooden made structures were undergoing construction at four cardinal points of the compound. Three cottages stood on each side of the compound while another at the middle, on its slate made roofing hung a pole, bearing the emblem of the Drokan Clan – fluttering majestically to the calm flowing wind.

Before the middle cottage, Kalak sits on a chair like throne made of ironwood, dark as night having a well-polished surface looking like silver.

Covin stood by his side with two of his brothers while two other sons stood by the other side - they were all cloaked in green hooded cape. A short distance from Kalak, five men including Commander Lafiki fully armored goes on their knees.

"Give me your report Lafiki." Kalak ordered in the northern tongue.

"Bangunan wis disusun kanthi rapi (The structures have been put in place.)" Lafiki began. "Two outposts have been established, one on the hill by the east and another in the north section of this land just before the ocean in case of outsiders."

"Kepiye pasokan panganan (What has been done concerning food supply?)" Dorak Herra was curious.

"Vegetation has started in the vast land by the south and the hill top by the west. The soil is very rich it wasn't well utilized, a troop in disguise will also be sent out to bring in more food supply from other Southern-lands."

"Aku menehi sampeyan lan Covin tanggung jawab lengkap babagan masalah sing diwenehake (I give you and Covin full responsibility over these presented issues.)" Dorak Herra declared then Lafiki bowed in agreement.

"Give me your report Ramallah," he ordered, glancing over at the bald-headed, average-height muscled black man, having large beards, kneeling next to Lafiki.

"The Eastern-lands has not been well surveyed, still a total of three thousand soldiers will be needed to trend by land if an outpost must be established."

"Lan liwat segara (And by sea?)"

"One thousand soldiers with a fleet of twenty ships."

"Tundha kabeh kegiatan ing sisih Wétan (Suspend all activities in the East, it is not a priority now.)"

Ramallah bows, "Yes my Lord-Herra."

"Give me your report Makladech." He ordered the pale, huge man with short dark curls and long beards, kneeling next to Ramallah.

"Tanah sisih lor gedhe banget, nanging ora ana persatuan ing antarane (The northern-lands are very large, but there is no unity amongst our conquered lands.)"

"I see, and our clan outpost?"

"Secured, with no rising situation for five years."

"Remain true there, the northern-lands will always be home, do you need more soldiers?"

"Hundred more will do."

"Settled, my son Ramsey will be joining you and he's to return once he enters his nineteenth year."

Makladech bows in agreement.

"Menehi laporan Masmus (Give me your report Masmus.)"

He ordered resting his cheek on his fist, his elbow resting on the chair handle, staring at the huge - fair, well-built, man, having gray scanty hair and beards, holding a tough gaze.

"Sisih kidul gedhe lan maju, kajaba karajan tartamtu, uga ana kerajaan sing wis mantep (The southern-lands are large and well advanced, apart from certain individual kingdoms; there is also a well-established Empire.)"

"Pira prajurit sing dikepengini? (How many soldiers are under your command?)"

"Limang ewu (Seven hundred)"

"Apa sampeyan bisa miwiti pos? (Can you begin another outpost?)"

"Not fully, Lord-Herra, we can take other kingdoms outside the Empire for a start, but touching a kingdom in the empire is touching the Empire itself, our forces may not withstand the whole force of the Empire yet."

"You speak truth, but you wrong – I am enough to crush half this Empire, but that's not the goal yet. Many of ours will die, suspend all southern movements for now, let's aim at expanding this outpost."

Masmus bowed in agreement.

"Menehi laporan Kish (Give me your report Kish)" he ordered the tan skinned, average-height brawny man with thick light brown curls and beards.

"According to Zodiakal's report, the Western-lands is a vast land, each kingdom stands individually on its own."

"Pira? (How many?)"

"I've come across five so far, but Zodiakal warned...."

"Zodiakal ora tau ngelingake (Zodiakal never warns)" Kalak interrupted.

"He did Lord-Herra, he said the kingdom of Riana is an independent kingdom of many, they are demons he said."

Kalak smiled, he sat up straight, eager to hear more; unlike the wasted efforts of his ancestors, especially those that derailed from the course – he has a better ambition, taking down another mighty Empire with a god-ruler. For he believes there surely has to be another being with abilities marching his own.

"Then bringing down this great kingdom will crumble the Western-lands." Kalak spoke surely, "is there a vantage point to hit this demon nation?"

"There's a kingdom on an Island in the South-west plains."

"How many ships are needed to conquer this kingdom?"

"Ten ships will be enough my Lord-Herra."

"Very-well, Kish will attack by sea."

Kish bows in agreement.

"Masmus will attack from land."

Masmus bows in agreement.

"Our victory in the Western-lands will be the beginning of our true reign, Mastik, Roma" he called out to his two sons standing by his right. "Join Masmus and Rakish, show your strength."

"Yes Lord-Herra." Mastik and Roma agreed with a bow.