Elroy gazed up at the dusking sky, trotting Celsius along a track having short grass field and few horse-chestnut trees by each side – stretching far and wide. After a while he came to an intersection were an Inn stood.

The Inn seemed cracked up with people, low enticing sounds from pipes played out creating a calm relaxing environment. On the balcony of the upper floor, a large crowd was seated, drinking and cheering.

Elroy trots Celsius over to the wooden hitching post under a white tent, where seven other horses were tied to. As soon as he dismounts Celsius the main door into the Inn burst open, allowing a bloody man to fall backwards to the ground. Elroy stood and watched as the man struggled to stand - leaping as fast as he could, trying to get away from the Inn.

Suddenly two dark-skin ladies, with long brown braided hair hurried out from the Inn, they were dressed in lucid green silk gown, holding a whip. Both ladies showed no pity, they lashed the life out of the man; everyone in the upper balcony immediately stood up and began cheering at the act.

"I must be in the wrong part of town." Elroy muttered then tires the reins of Celsius on the hitching post, "be good boy." Elroy stroked Celsius - picking up two leather satchels from Celsius before approaching the Inn.

Elroy looked over to one side; some men were seated on a black rug, around three ill dressed, young women, slowly gyrating their hips. Turning to the other side there was a large thick red curtain blocking the view of the activities going on behind it. Elroy shook his head then walked towards the female bartender.

"I need a room to spend two nights." Elroy asked as he reached the counter.

"What kind?" The fair, red haired beauty, dressed in pink fine-silk gown asked.

Elroy gave her a confused glance, not sure of what to say, how many kinds of room are there – he thought – a room is a room.

"Do you need the winter cold room or hot spicy room?"

Elroy stared in more confusion; he looks to his side, checking if someone stood beside him, he glances back at the lady.

"Are you new here?" She asked.

"Yes," Elroy spoke with relief, "yes I'm new."

"Oh, so sorry, do you want to spend the night alone or with one of our fine edible maidens, perhaps two or….."

"Thank you," Elroy appreciated with a smile, "I'm fine alone."

"Thirty bronze petals," she said with a smile.

"Just two nights?" He spoke lightly, reaching for the small pouch by his side were he counts out thirty bronze coins on the counter.

"Susan," the red haired called out.

Elroy looked over to her rare, a pale young lady stood by a door waiting, she had short, thin blonde hair and the figure of a teenage maiden. She wore a pink gauzy gown, above kneel length.

"Take this gentleman to a winter cold room." The red-hair ordered.

"Come with me," Susan spoke with a shy voice.

Elroy followed behind as they walk through a hallway, getting to the first door by the left, a man stood with a lady, kissing and caressing her unclothed thighs, Elroy quickly looked away till he walked past them, a breath of relief followed. Getting to the eighth door, Susan stopped and unlocked it before pushing it open.

Elroy walked in and surveyed the room, he looked over to the well made four postal bed with red blinds, not too far from a fire place then the window by the side and a large mirror underneath it with a wooden made bath in front of the mirror, filled with steaming water.

"Worth every penny," Elroy assured, he dropped his satchels then turns over to the door only to see Susan smiling at him, he then put his hand in the pocket of his black leather trouser, bringing out a silver coin he tossed it at Susan. She received it happily then bows before walking away.

"What a maiden." Elroy then removes the key from the front and shuts the door.


In the cool of nightfall, Mira, Lukas and Elroy wander along the scanty street of a village, the few people out were all on horses, pulling carriages filled with crops and vegetables, mostly hay and cabbages. They strolled for a while conversing, until a male voice called out Elroy from behind. They immediately turned around to see who it was; approaching them was a pale skin man along with a brown skin lady carrying a child. They were guarded by two men and women vested in brown cloak, holding unto the hilt of their swords.

"Elroy" The man called out again, overwhelmed with joy, as he approached Elroy.

Elroy stared at Mira, who was staring back at him, their eyes asking who the gentleman was.

Elroy gazed back at the gentleman, having short, dark-hair fixed to his well-trimmed beards, he had thick brows and a broad nose well fitted on his diamond shaped face - having multiple scars even at that his handsome face remained.

The man hugged Elroy tightly, "Didn't think I'll ever see you again friend," he spoke warmly.

"You too," Elroy answered casually, knowing fully well the gentleman knew him from his past, even his smell proved so.

Noticing the unfamiliar response the man gently withdrew from Elroy, "what's wrong El, don't you recognize me? It's me, Jacob."

"Jacob." Said Elroy as he thought on the name, it dawned on him – a memory of the Morning star crew riding together.

"Jacob?" Elroy called out with astonishment then embraced Jacob who gladly embraced him back.

Withdrawing from Jacob, Elroy gazed at him smiling, "You've grown older Jacob."

"There's nothing I can do when life takes its toll," said Jacob, he held the hand of the woman standing beside him, "meet Rebekah, my wife and Carl," he touches the forehead of the sleeping child wrapped in Rebekah's arm, "my son."

"You finally picked one." Elroy spoke jokingly.

"You haven't changed at all." Jacob gave a straight face.

"It's finally good to meet you in person, Shadow of ruin." Rebekah appreciated.

"What!" Lukas and Mira glanced at Elroy

"The what!?" Elroy asked, looking rather confused.

"You are acting strange El, what's wrong?" Jacob asked curiously.

"I'll explain everything soon." Elroy nudged his head slightly towards Mira.

She understood what needs to be done, "Come on Lukas," she urged, "these two have some catching up to do."

"Are we going to let the Shadow of ruin part slip by?" Lukas spoke with wide expecting eyes.

"Don't worry," Mira pulled him away, "We'll get to know later."

Elroy watched Mira and Lukas discussing as they went away.

"I lost my memory in an incident Jacob," Elroy turns to him, "I only just regained some portion of it."

"That explains it."

"I'm glad I was able to remember you Jacob." Elroy felt a brief of relief.

"Not as glad as I am El, let's head over to my place, we have a lot of catching up to do."

With the cloaked guards leading the way, Jacob walks alongside Rebekah and Elroy followed behind them.