
Margret's tavern was a bit scanty for it was still very early, but a few people still chatter about, some from last night going home, others working and a few seated at the corridor of the Inn having a drink. Elroy walks out of the Inn feeling refreshed from the hot bath, he peered over to the tent were Celsius was only to see three filthy looking men searching the saddle bag on Celsius.

"What's going on here?" Elroy yelled, reverting everyone's attention at him, "Celsius, really? Even after the good treatment"

Celsius glanced at him then went back to eating the hay before him.

"You named your horse?" One of the men asked worriedly.

Elroy recalled seeing them in the market-place; they were same men following him.

"That's not the problem here," Elroy assured as he walks towards them. "What are you doing over there?"

"What does it look like, we are checking for the silver," the taller man of the three spoke with confidence, wiping the snot from his nose.

"What silver?" Elroy asked with a straight face.

"Don't play dumb with me pretty face; I know you have silver on you," the taller man assured before drawing out a dagger, so did the others.

"This will not end well for you guys." Elroy stood firm.

The taller man came at Elroy, thrusting and swiping - Elroy evaded all then with a full counter on the man's wrist - Elroy slammed his hand into the man's throat then kicked forward between his legs which made everyone cheer for Elroy, the man went on his knees, chocking with slight grunts.

The other two men advanced at Elroy, simultaneously slashing and thrusting at him, but he was swift enough in eluding the attacks. Seeing an opening, Elroy evaded an attack, slamming his kneel into the belly of the attacker before knocking him out with an elbow to the back of his neck.

With a quick turn Elroy grabs hold of the last man's hand before he could stab him, then he grips the man's rag tunic, throws him in the air and slams him on the ground.

Elroy shook his head as the people cheered for him.

"We could use a manly hand around here," a female voice spoke behind Elroy.

Elroy gave an expression like he had heard the voice before, he turns around to the firm shaped, beautiful woman, looking as young as he was, her short wavy brunette hair glittered under the rays of the morning sun as well as her fair skin, it would be the first thing anyone would look at before peering into her amethyst eyes.

"Thank you, but I'll have to turn down that offer." Elroy observes the young woman carefully - he smell was stronger everyone he knew.

"What a shame?" The woman spoke with disappointment.

Elroy took a deep breath after coming to a conclusion then stared into her eyes, "After all these years, fate brought us together."

"Your sense of smell is as sharp as ever El."

Elroy quickly drew his sword, placing it at the woman's neck, bringing silence to the cheering people.

"Give me one reason, just one good reason why I shouldn't slit your throat right now."

"Is this the welcome hug a mother should receive?" She asked with a smile.

"Says the woman that abandoned her four year old son to a fool"

"You two did not get along after all."

"Doesn't matter"

"Drop the act El; I've heard about the Shadow of ruin, I would be dead if you wanted me dead. Besides, I own this Tavern and its helping this town with a lot of things, Shadow of ruin or not, you'll be dead before you can escape."

Elroy tsked, knowing she was right he puts his sword down.

"Good boy," Margret said with a smirk then turns around, "come with me El, let's have a little chat," she walks toward the Inn.

Elroy had no choice but to sheathe his sword, following behind Margret.


In the early hours of dusk, at a town on the top of a hill, children play around the wide open street while men and women go about their various activities. Every activity soon came to a stop when a bald man vested in gray robe trots his horse into the town with a troop clad in gray hooded leather armor; flying a black banner with the emblem of a white crow.

Not just the sight of the marching troops scared the playing children; they recognized the crow, the emblem of the Purifiers Creed. They were forced to run to their mother's arms, embracing their children, they rushed into their houses. The town's men then hurried out into the open wielding axes, clubs and knives, ready to fight off the invaders.

"The peace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the anointed one, be onto this town," the bald man proclaimed then halts his horse, so did the troop.

The town's men glared at the bald man with animosity, itching to attack, from the crowd of people an elderly man holding a staff steps forward towards the bald man.

"You are not welcomed here Priest." The elder man spoke valiantly.

"You must be the Chieftain," he grinned.

"This town has nothing to do with the Purifiers Creed."

"I'm sorry to hear that, but my Lord has ordered that the Gospel be shared to the this town."

"The same Lord also said shake the dust off your sandals and leave once rejected."

The bald Priest smiles, "Et quod Daemones sciunt ea in sanctis legibus aeternitatis (Even Demons knows the holy laws of eternity)" He spoke in the eastern tongue.

"Super scutum potentis latebras in lumine viventium apud peccator non potest vincere in tenebris, a tenebris ad lucem corrupta (A sinner hiding in light cannot win over a sinner living in darkness, to a light corrupted by evil.)" the Chieftain proclaimed.

"You were once in the faith old man, what happened?"

"Leave Priest" the chieftain ordered.

The bald Priest gazed at the angry men then looks back at the Chieftain, "You can't win against my forces.

"We don't indent to fight, so leave."

"Mitte (Dismiss)" The bald priest ordered, the troops made a quick turn backwards then began marching onward.

"I'll be back" he bridles his horse around then urges it to move.