In a section of Margret's tavern covered roundabout with a red thick curtain, Elroy sits opposite Margret; staring at her as she drinks from a mug.

"If only you know what's going through my mind right now." Elroy spoke crossly.

Margret places her mug on the round table in between her and Elroy then drew closer at him with a smile, "I'm sorry El, I can't have sex with my son."

"What kind of mother are you?" Elroy was disgusted and worried.

"Wow! You called me mother." Margret praised.

"Don't flatter yourself woman, start talking."

"I admit, I was young and foolish and confused." She took another sip of rum from her mug.

Elroy kept staring at her, awaiting the true answers.

Margret glances at him, "Alright, I'll tell you" she sighs, seeing how serious Elroy looked. "It was my thirteenth year as a maiden and a rule in Urania has been in place that all those with unique fighting style will be taken to the Kingdom of Riana for proper training to become Kings guards."

"I don't recall witnessing such a thing."

"That's because it was stopped by the four horsemen of Urania, a group consisting of me, Allas Roach, Gerald Abadon, and Philippa Moric. We were the best of the selected fighters, so for that reason we were sent to train alongside Eric Levia, under the supervision of a Sri who was in charge of Riana at that moment, Eric's father was dead and he was just around our age and inexperienced. Sri Jerrod, yes Jerrod."

"Jerrod Rooks?" Elroy confirmed.

"That's it, how did you know?"

"Nothing that concerns you." Elroy spoke crossly, yet more interested in the unfolding event.

"Very well, Eric at first was a bit cold, but after sometime we all became close friends, when Eric reached his twentieth year, he was made Crowned Prince."

"Seriously" Elroy interrupted, "how did all of this result in you leaving a four year old?" Elroy became impatient.

"Everything pieces together why I left."

"It better be worth it?"

"You'll see, with Eric as Crowned Prince, he was sent into the battle field to prove himself, by his side the four horsemen and soldiers of Riana fought of every invasion on Riana. We were always victorious, why won't we, Eric was something else, he was a god, he could cloth his blade with lightning and appear at will on any part of the battle field with bolts of lightning. It was magnificent."

"Then you fell for him." Elroy folds his arm, already knowing where things were heading.

"Yes, yes I did, but I couldn't bring myself to tell him. In his twenty-fifth year he was Crowned King of Riana. Two years later, the four horsemen were sent to the Southern-lands to find out what happened to a troop that was sent to retrieve a package. In our stay there we met with a group that called themselves believers, Allas, Gerald and Philippa were converted and baptized, I did mine ignorantly, so it doesn't count."

"After a year we returned back with the heads of the culprits that ambushed the troop along with the package, in an agreement stamped by King Eric we were relieved of our duties as Kings guard even though others remained, not just that, a new law was put in place to stop the taking of Urania bloods over to Riana, it became something of the past."

"After some years I forgot about Eric and married Gerald," Margret continues, "same day with Allas and Philippa. Some years later you came along, so did Mira, the only difference was Philippa died at child birth. Then everything changed when Eric visited, my love for him rekindled, I couldn't stop thinking about him, I sent letters and he sent back, all this happened behind Gerald's back. I just couldn't help myself, for four years I and King Eric would meet in a town between Urania and Riana at specific times and we would fill our hearts with our love. Until Gerald stumbled upon us one day, he showed no mercy, he would have killed Eric, who was on the defense and refused to fight back. But I was quick enough to stop the fight, I escaped with Eric to Riana, I didn't think on it."

"This is indeed interesting Margret, you left your four year old son and husband for a tender desire." Elroy stands up, "And I became the receiving end of that betrayal."

"I'm really sorry El" She lowered he gaze.

"Keep it to yourself." Elroy steps out.

"El" Margret called out.


Inside a log cabin, Elroy was seated with Jacob and Rebekah; around a circular table. In front of each person were empty plates stained with sauce.

"This was a fine meal miss." Elroy greeted.

"It's a pleasure dinning with you Elroy." Rebekah smiled.

"The honour is mine."

"I would like to know about the famous Shadow of ruin?" Rebekah insisted.

"Come on now love." Jacob pleaded.

"It's alright Jacob, I would really love to tell the story, but I don't remember"

"I'll bail you out bud," Jacob guaranteed. "Elroy as the Shadow of ruin was the main strength of the Morning Star." Jacob began.

As far as Elroy could remember, it all seem like a dream – murdering people in cold blood, but as Jacob spoke of his feat – he began remembering clearly; taking down several men in the mid-Southern lands that ruled in wickedness and enslaved others. The killing of five notorious bandit lords – just in five nights he wiped them and their followers. Saving the Kingdom of Sirilon from slavery and oppression of power; even his statue was erected in the kingdom square – ending the reign of terror in the Waste-lands; Elroy remembered it all, tears flowed on the deaths and loses – he quickly wiped his tears, not willing to let Jacob or Rebekah see him. But of all, there was a missing important memory, it was hazy, the very thought drove him to rage.

"You have to regain your memory," Jacob advised, snapping Elroy back to the discussion.

"Remembering the bad once doesn't mean there aren't good once." Rebekah advised

"Aria won't forgive you for forgetting her." Said Jacob

"Won't dream of it," Elroy smiles. "Are you not supposed to be in the Waste-lands?"

"Not Waste-lands El, Tiaen, the city of Tiaen" said Jacob

"You've done good Jacob, that name is from Taven and Aria." Elroy quickly spotted.

"That's the spirit, keep remembering, I actually came to take a break with my Jewel." Touches his wife's hand

"I can't imagine the stress, who is in charge now?" Elroy asked

"My father" said Rebekah.

"You should meet him El." Jacob assured, "he is a ruthless law enforcer."

"No, thank you" Elroy said cautiously, resulting in a general laughter.