Waters of Ramenia

A ship drifts through the deep-blue sea raging on its sides, on deck the ship a company of Ramenia Knights struggle to keep the sail of the main mast and foremast in order as the howling wind beats against them. By the starboard a bit close to the bridge stood Prince Fredrick, calm and still, clenching hard on the shrouds while gazing at the beauty of the setting sun.

"You are pretty good at hiding your emotion Prince." Eslar noticed as she approached.

"It's not good enough if you noticed."

As soon as Eslar got to Prince Fredrick she clings unto his hand, "First time at sea?"

"First….First time on a ship actually." Prince Fredrick spoke confidently, trying to keep the pressure arousing through him on check.

"I find that fascinating and hard to believe."

"I get that a lot, on so many things."

"Then there's more to you that meets the eye."

"You will be very disappointed Commander" Prince Fredrick narrowed his eyes at her.

"Let's start with you calling me Eslar other than Commander"

"I'll do so when you call me Fredrick."

"Should be fair enough, but a Prince is a Prince."

Fredrick smiled, "Now I'm curious as to how you ventured your way into the courts of high men and attained second in command."

"The men stood no chance against me."

"Interesting, I would like to try that out myself."

"Anytime Prince, besides you should try the sea food, they are great."

"Will do just that."

Eslar gazed at Fredrick then drew her lips closer to his ear. "I'm more intrigued on seeing a Prince who loses sight of his fears because he's under pressure from standing too close to a woman." she whispered softly then walks away.

Prince Fredrick observed and saw she was right, he was in good shape and his hands weren't trembling, he watched Eslar as she treads towards the struggling Knights then he smiled before looking back at the sea. Like it was planned, Tihon and Sri Ivan approached him, standing beside him, staring at his cheerful expression.

"She will make a great princess" Tihon suggested.

"Ohh yes she would" Prince Fredrick agreed then realizes what he had said "What? No, no-no"

Tihon and Sri Ivan burst out in laughter, coercing Prince Fredrick to glare at them "I will have your heads." he counted his words.

"He's fully into her" Tihon said confidently

"I agree with you Tihon" Sri Ivan supported with a straight face

"Really? You two have been watching me?"

"Just give the order your highness and I'll deliver the message of your undying love to her." Tihon spoke with passion.

"There is no love dying Tihon, you are being too nice, nothing good will come from it."

"Come on Prince, I'm trying to be of help here."

"No." Prince Fredrick rejected, walking towards the cabin underneath the bridge.

"I'm serious Prince." Tihon guaranteed, "I'll do anything you ask."

"Permission to cut Tihon down your highness" Sri Ivan asked, gripping the hilt of his sword.

"Granted" Fredrick did not hesitate.

"Sri Ivan you traitor."


Kingdom of Riana

Riana Castle compound

King Eric and Richard strolled through a garden of roses discussing, when their attention was suddenly drawn to a tall slim Sri, with short curly blond hair; riding towards them with haste. Immediately the Sri got to the garden he dismounts his horse then bows with a knee touching the ground.

"My lord, your highness" he greeted.

"Rise Roderick" King Eric ordered.

"I have a report from the harbour." Roderick said as he straightens up

"Go on" King Eric ordered.

"Three days ago, three ships suddenly went up in flames."

"Three ships can't just go up in flames Sri Roderick." Said Prince Richard, already suspicious.

"Then this was a well-planned incident, was there any outside ship?"

"Yes my lord, a ship from North Farancia."

"King Isaac's Kingdom?" Prince Richard asked curiously, "I find that strange."

"Have you sent a report to their harbour?" King Eric asked hastily, trying to cover up Prince Richard's question.

"No my Lord, there seem to have been soldiers on board the ship when it went up in flames."

"How could you tell?" asked King Eric

"Through the armor on the burnt up bodies."

"We need to report to North Farancia Lord-father." Prince Richard urged.

"Agreed, take charge of the lost goods on our ships Roderick; I'll take care of King Isaac." Said King Eric.

"One more thing my Lord."

"What?" King Eric asked curiously

"A man named Rashik Lum-at was caught fleeing the burning ships the night it happened. He testified to being involved in the act as well as the chaos of the second district."

"Permission to interrogate him personally, Lord-father." Prince Richard asked, already furious.

"Do what you will Prince Richard, but he must be executed publicly in two days time."

"Alright Lord-father, permit me," he bows. "Walk with me Sri Roderick" Prince Richard proposed as he steps further into the garden.