
Not too far from Margret's tavern, Elroy sits under a horse-chestnut tree, watching the flickering stars while enjoying the serenity the falling blossom created as the warm wind breezes through the surroundings.

"Beautiful isn't it." Margret marveled at the sky as she approached Elroy.

"I don't need your company." Elroy spoke irately.

"I know." She sits beside Elroy groaning slightly, "I just came to say I'm sorry, I don't deserve your forgiveness but I'm still going to apologize anyway. I'm sorry for abandoning you, I'm sorry for not loving you enough to stay when I should have, I'm sorry for being a fool and a coward, I'm really sorry El. You didn't deserve to grow without a mother's love, please forgive me."

"You should really learn how to apologize because you did a shit job."

Margret chuckled, "I'll do just that."

"After everything, why are you not with your beloved ruling by his side?"

"My so-called beloved tried to kill me."

"Glad to hear you got what you deserved."

"Don't flatter yourself."

"What happened?" Elroy asked curiously.

"I caught my so-called beloved, fucking his sworn Kings guard."

Hearing the confession, Elroy immediately turned his attention to Margret.

"I failed Gerald and betrayed his love all for nothing, after eight years as queen of Riana, King Eric found pleasure with Aria, I can't forget that name and she was a bit older, not in looks. How she did it? I still couldn't understand, I tried confronting him but by Aria's order he tried to have me killed, I knew something wasn't right but I couldn't stay to find out what, it was a trusted friend that helped me escape."

"I'm not sorry for that incident, you deserved it."

"Well I can't argue with that."

"I forgive you, but I'm not calling you mother."

"Fine by me" Margret agreed then rests on the tree

"Any ways, I'll be going to Riana by first light tomorrow"

"Why would you go there?"

"Calm down woman, I'm not going to King Eric; I have unsettled business with Jerrod Rooks."

"Still not telling?"

"No, hopefully, if things go as planned."

"Say hi to Jerrod for me then, it will make your business faster."

"Isn't that a bad idea, as you are now a fugitive of Riana?"

"No, Jerrod helped me escape, he's an understanding man."


The kingdom of Ramenia is a large Kingdom taking the entire landscape of an Island. This large mass of land has four sections, Nord, Sud, Est and Ouest. Each connected at the middle of the island, were the fortified Castle of Ramenia stood. Each section is separated from each other by a forest with a river running through it from the Sea; Ramenia is a trading post for most Southern and Western kingdoms during the autumn season, for it is a land rich in minerals and diamond.

Trading stops as soon as springtime approaches, for ship wreckage is an inevitable event in the South-west Seas. But kingdoms unable to wait set out during the three day break from the heavy down pour; they wait in Ramenia for the ten days down pour to pass before setting back to their kingdoms.

Each section or town has a port with at least three Inn's that offers shelter to travelers and is secured by three troops of Ramenian Knights, some of which patrol the port, others the main town and a good number at sea.

The fortified Castle of Ramenia, a four floor cylindrical-like structure made of concrete stones having several cottages round about it for highborn families and a concrete stone wall surrounding the compound.

In the second floor of the large Castle, which was a banquet hall, a feast was ongoing; the large banquet table had a good number of bronze-polished chairs on each side and two gold-polished chairs at the head of the silver-plated table.

Seated on the gold chair by the right was King Samson Bernard, a tall and chubby, dark-skin man, his humid-brown hair short and straight and large beards which gave his temperate looks a fierce and unapproachable gaze. By his left was his pale skin jewel, an alluring wife having long wavy blond hair, Queen Roxy Bernard had deep blue eyes giving her a trustful and reliable look.

By the right rare of the table, close to King Samson, Sri Ivan was seated then Prince Fredrick, Tihon and other dignitaries; on the left rare close to Queen Roxy, sat a brute Ramenia Knight, having thin dark hair and long beards. Next to him was Commander Eslar then other Highborn.

"Thank you for this honour to dine with you King Samson." Prince Fredrick appreciated.

"It's a privilege having a member of the Levia household feasting with me." King Samson spoke with a surprisingly calm tone.

"Ramenia has a wonderful sight to behold; I was intrigued by the few places I could set my eyes on."

"You should try the view from the Castle top, it is breath taking." King Samson assured

"I will be honored to be your escort, your highness" Eslar proposed.

"How can I say no to such an offer?" His gaze smiled on her.

"It's settled then." King Samson agreed.

"Tell me something Commander Phinx, how do you manage the Knights? With just two supporters?" Prince Fredrick asked the brute Knight seated close to Eslar.

"By the grace of God your highness." Commander Phinx spoke with an audible dense voice.

"Interesting" said Prince Fredrick

"So, what brings you to the South-west?" King Samson asked

"An incident occurred in Riana." Prince Fredrick began.

"So I heard"

"News travels fast"

"Indeed" King Samson wasn't surprised.

"My sources traced the culprit here." Prince Fredrick continued

"Give me your information and I will apprehend this individual."

"He is a member of a cult named Seekers Squad"

"That's not possible" Commander Phinx interrupted

"Indeed Prince Fredrick" King Samson agreed

"It was confirmed, my sources are never wrong"

"The Seekers Squad is no cult Prince Fredrick" King Samson guaranteed "It is a group dedicated unto service to God, under the command of Allas Roach, my ally and good friend, they fight against supernatural forces plaguing the earth."

"If so, then this member of team five has to be checked - the name of the culprit is Elroy"

"Then he's an imposter, there is no members of team five going by the name Elroy" Eslar assured "give me your permission my Lord, I'll look further into this situation"

"Very well Commander Eslar, do your best."

"Yes my lord" Eslar agreed with a bow "be patient with me your highness, I'll send word to Commander Allas Roach on this matter. This Elroy will be interrogated and sent back."

"Thank you Commander." Prince Fredrick greeted

"In the meantime Prince Fredrick, enjoy our company, Ramenia is all yours."

"Thank you for the privilege King Samson." Prince Fredrick greeted with a smile.