Kingdom of Riana

As the day drew dark, the north section of the fifth district still flowed with enormous activities even as few others return to their various homes. In the mist of the crowd, the Behamolt - still using Elroy's form stood and watched everyone.

How do I get to the west section of the sixth district, he thought.

"Excuse me," a male voice spoke from behind Elroy, he quickly turned around to know who it was.

"Are you lost?" Tihon Rooks asked.

"Ah yes, I know I'm in the fifth district, but how can I get to the West section of the sixth district?"

"Continue down this Street until you see a bridge," Tihon gestured, "it leads directly to the West section of the sixth district."

"Thank you very much, may I have a drink with you for this kindness."

"Maybe next time...."

"I insist sir, it'll make me happy."

"Alright, there's a place we can go nearby," Tihon said, walking pass Elroy, "come with me."

In a pub with few people, Elroy sits with Tihon having a drink by the canter.

"That's pretty far, you've come a long way Elroy."

"It was not an easy journey."

"Now I'm curious, why risk it to come here?"

"There's a man I need to settle, it is because of him I am who I am today."

"That's really good."

"He deserves it."

"That's a nice sword," Tihon complimented, staring at the cased Falchion on the table, its hilt engraved with fine steel weaving.

"It's a marvellous one."

"Indeed, do you know her?" Tihon whispered to Elroy, "behind you."

Elroy gently turns around and sees Mira, who was seated at the far end of the pub; she immediately turns to another direction as though she was looking for something.

"No, but she smells familiar."

"Smells familiar?" Tihon chuckled, "is the ale taking its toll or that's a way of saying she's beautiful in the East."

"Maybe," Elroy shrugs.

"You are one of a kind Elroy; she has been staring at you since we walked in."

"You have a sharp sense."

"I learnt from the best."

"I will like to meet this teacher personally."

"Someday," Tihon assured then straightened up, he gulps up the remaining ale then gazes at Elroy. "Thank you for this hospitality Elroy."

"You certainly deserve it."

"Find a nice room for your mate over there, she seems interested." Tihon said with a smile then walks away.

"Humans and their lusts," Elroy sighs "now, for the main event." He takes a sip from his mug.


Outskirts of Aylon

Elroy lay on the sand unconscious, he flinched as a worried voice called out his name, he slowly raised his head then shook it - get up El - the fading female voice echoed, Elroy lifts his head to the blurry figure standing before him.

El, the fading voice of the figure echoed. Elroy peered closely at the figure as his sight became clear; it was Aria, clothed in black hooded cape.

"Stand the fuck up Elroy." she raged with a clear voice.

Elroy immediately came to his senses as the night snuffles became clear again, he looked over to his side, the Behamolt was distracted, ripping the horses apart as they whinnied, he looked over to the other side, team five already straightening up on their feet, recovering from the event. Elroy then stood up gradually before dusting the sand of his salamander wool cloak.

"It's distracted," said Mira, glaring at the sore sight of the Behamolt devouring the horses. "let's get to the fir forest; it's just half a mile away."

"That's the same one that attacked me and Celsius." Elroy whispered to Mira, recognizing the smell, his hand clenched on his sword – he was sure he could take it, what gave him such confidence, he didn't know.

"Who cares." Mira spoke crossly "it's not paying attention to us"

"That's the one that almost killed me." Said Elroy as he draws his sword.

"Don't you dare El" Mira warned.

"Elroy," Lukas glanced at him, "what do you think you are doing?"

"I'm taking its head" Elroy declared then advanced towards the Behamolt before Lukas could get a hold on him.

"Elroy" Everyone called out.

The Behamolt stopped its dinner then turns over to Elroy, it snots then snarled into the sky before slashing at Elroy with its claws.

Elroy flicked over its hand then sliced its waist; receding hastily to take a vantage stance as the Behamolt roared.

"We meet again bastard." Elroy smiled, for some reason his fear of the creature was totally gone.

The Behamolt turned to Elroy with a loud snarl before pounding the ground, Elroy was nippy enough to avoid the dreadful attack with a side flip, which could had smashed him into bits. Elroy began darting around the Behamolt, eluding its ferocious strikes – closing in to slice its body.

"What is going on?" Karin asked with astonishment of what she beheld.

"Looks like his ability as Shadow of ruin just kicked in." Lukas smiled.

"They did not call him the Shadow of ruin for nothing" Mira assured

"Is it just me or is Elroy moving like Master Irison." Jake spoke curiously

"Hold on guys, aren't we supposed to be helping." Hector asked, drawing everyone's attention to him "just saying" he shrugs.

Clinging on the opportunity, Elroy evades a wide slash - slicing off the Behamolt's hand, arousing team five to cheer. The Behamolt growled out loudly as blood sprouts from the arm, Elroy charged directly at it, ducks under a slash then slides underneath it, slicing it's ankle before making a quick turn as it came to its knees.

"Got you," Elroy said confidently with a smile then clenches tight on the hilt of his sword, with a wide strike he slashed at the Behamolt's neck.

Elroy watched with panic, his smile turning into a frown as his sword shattered on the horns of the Behamolt, it was quick enough to block the fatal slash with its hard horns. The Behamolt roared then slammed Elroy to the ground.

"El!!!" Mira cried out as she draws her sword.

Suddenly, from nowhere two arrows pierced into the eyes of the Behamolt, it shirked out loudly, then three figures clothed in the Seekers Squad vest advanced pass Elroy's body, two rammed their hewing spear into its torso while the third, a bald black skin man, plunged his sword into its mouth.

"To hell in the name of Jesus," he proclaimed then the Behamolt immediately pulverized into dust.