Kingdom of Riana

The heavy down pour came with fury and thundering, driven on all sides by the raging wind - a thick fog hovered over Riana, so dense no one would know who or what was close by.

In the west section of the fifth district, two children - male and female, about six-seven years, straightened up on their beds to the silent whispers and howling. They stared at each other, looking gloomy and drowsy; they stood up on their feet walking out of the room as though they were not in control. The female child opened the door on reaching it, allowing the heavy down pour to gust into the cottage but still the parents of the children were fast asleep, a flash of lightning revealed several figures in the fog - off the children went into the fog.

Three days later

Fifth district-West section

Eight men, mature and young - rode their horses through the empty main street, halting their horses not too far from Commander Darren who stood with five Riana soldiers in front of the bridge leading in and out of the district. Amongst these tough looking soldiers vested in black leather armor was Sri Jerrod Rooks; looking older - a touch of gray stood with his short dark hair and beards and an eye patch covering his left eye.

Dismounting from their horses they separated themselves into various corners while Sri Jerrod walked up to Commander Darren.

"Sri Jerrod," Darren greeted with a bow.

"Good to see you are well Darren," Jerrod appreciated with a smile then looked over to the far end of the bridge were a dark veil-like atmosphere covered the entire view of the west section of the sixth district.

"What am I dealing with Darren?"

"Fifteen children mysteriously vanished three days ago from this section of the district and the west section of the sixth district is still in its dark hour when we are at mid-day already."

"How was it possible for fifteen children to go missing?"

"I can't explain it, just like how we can't explain why or how the dark veil appeared."

"Have you met with Commander Royce?"

"Yes, he went in with his men."

"This seems like an occult activity, how long has he been gone?"

"Too long for well-trained Riana Soldiers and a Commander."

"Sri Jerrod," one of Jerrod Rooks Soldier standing beside a cottage called out, drawing Jerrod and Darren' attention towards him. "You need to see this sir."

Darren and Jerrod quickly approached the Soldier, carefully observing what he was pointing at. On the wall of the cottage, there laid a carved figure of two swords crossing each other on the head of a ram. Jerrod peered closely at it and saw it had been ignited by fire for it had ash around it.

"This is an alchemy symbol for soul summoning." Jerrod spoke with confidence, yet his voice harbored fear.

"What?" Darren asked devoid of what Jerrod had said.

"Defend the bridge and other entry points Darren, cut down anyone that comes out of that veil, be it a child or Royce or me even."

"What's the word if it turns out to be you or Royce or anyone else." Darren asked.

"Jerrod Rooks."


Chirping birds sang into the cool early breeze gusting through a calm and peaceful town on the top of a hill. Suddenly an old man, the Chieftain of the town arose from his slumber on hearing screams and cries outside. He was about reaching for his staff by the corner when a Soldier of the Purifiers Creed burst through the cottage door, the Soldier didn't mind the Chieftain being old; he dragged him out of the cottage without remorse.

Looking around as he was being dragged, the same incident was happening all over the town, two to three Soldiers kicked down the doors of the cottage pulling the men and young boys out while the women and children cried after them, any man that showed much resistance was put down by the sword without a second thought.

The Chieftain along with others were hauled to the center of the town where they were forced to kneel before a priest mounted on a horse.

"Good to see you again Chieftain." the priest greeted with a smile.

"Stop this bloodshed, this people are innocent." The Chieftain pleaded.

"No sinner is innocent in the sight of God," The Priest declared then raised his right hand to his head level "Trahere (Draw)" he ordered, obliging the squad of archers standing behind him to nock their arrows, fixing their aim on the women and children of the town, held at bay by the swords men.

"Bow to the only living God and give your lives to him," he ordered the Chieftain and men "or I'll start your hell by killing your women."

"This is going against our will, take me instead."

"You are of no use to me traitor, you deserter of the faith."

"Have mercy and spare these innocent lives." The Chieftain pleaded with heavy eyes.

"Time doesn't wait Chieftain."

"Nolite ergo hoc (Stop this at once)" A male voice fumed out from a distance.

The archers immediately aligned themselves as everyone became calm, gazing towards the direction of the voice; there stood Prince Dylan, vested in a violet cloak.

"Quis es (Who might you be?)" The Priest asked curiously.

"I am Prince Dylan of Lux-urbe, son of King Ekmond, Bishop of the Southern Empire."

"Then be on your way Prince, this business doesn't involve you or your Kingdom."

"So long I see women and children crying and innocents been killed it is something that cries out for my intervention."

"I won't warn again Prince," the Priest spoke furiously urging the archers to draw their arrows towards Dylan. "This is done in the name of my Lord Jesus."

"Since when did killing innocent people and forcing towns to serve God become His work, that's not the will of my Father in heaven, that's not the will of a God who is love; that's just the will of your Lord, Aramis Taduis."

The Priest glared at Dylan with wide spread eyes and raised brows, knowing fully well no one is meant to know of Aramis Taduis, not to mention him even.

"How do you know the name of the Creed's God sent saviour?"

"Doesn't matter Priest, your demon leader will be meeting his end soon."

"An imposter calling himself Prince," the Priest tried changing the subject, "what rubbish, ut in eo (take him down)."

With the orders of the Priest, the archers loosed their arrows at Dylan; he evaded every one of them escaping with a slight scratch on his cheek.

The silence continued, all eyes on Dylan, for no mortal could escape flying arrows as he just did.

"Detrahet me in caput ejus (Bring me his head)." The Priest yelled out.

The swords men left their posts immediately, charging towards Dylan with war cries.

Father in heaven, Dylan prayed in his thoughts - By your spirit, bestow on me the strength of Samson, he declared as he draws his steel made hand axe and short sword - Bestow on me the speed of Elijah your prophet and the skill of David your servant.

Dylan charged into the advancing Soldiers, cutting down the first five attackers in a swift-whirl before they could think of lifting their swords, evading a slash he plunged his sword into the attacker then pulls out just in time to deflect a strike.

Seeing the Priest and archers distracted the men charged at them, energy erupting from their shouts of victory, they took the archers down before they had a chance to nock. The Priest tried striking his horse into a canter, but five men dragged him to the ground - followed by kicks and blows on him.

Dylan whirled away from a thrust, slitting the attacker's throat, with a fixed-stern gaze on the last Soldier holding a defensive pose, the Soldier lost his calm then charged at Dylan with a slash.

Dylan deflected the attack then hacked the Soldier's head, sending splatters of blood into the air bringing the Soldier to his knees; he yanked the axe out leaving the Soldier to fall face down.

Dylan bent over to a body then wiped of the blood stain on his sword and axe on the body before bringing out a red cloth from his satchel hanging on his belt, to wipe it clean.

Dragging the groaning beat up Priest bleeding from his nose and swollen lips, the town's men and women followed behind the Chieftain heading towards Dylan.

Dylan straightened up then sheathes his axe and sword.

"My God will judge you," the Priest yelled out immediately he was tossed to the ground.

"God deemed me righteous in Christ, but you were ordained by a demon, your judgement was inevitable." Dylan spoke with confidence then walks away

The towns men immediately picked up the sword of the dead Soldier's then began slashing the Priest as he wailed and cried out in excruciating and unbearable pain.

"Thank you Prince." The Chieftain greeted with a bow.

"All glory to God," Dylan proclaimed as he turns to the Chieftain, "return to God Chieftain, seek him earnestly this time and he will show up, through you His will can be done on this town."

The Chieftain went on his knees before Dylan, "You have touched God."

"No, He touched me and now His will is mine."