Kingdom of Riana

Fifth district-West section

Wielding his long sword Jerrod Rooks stood still and calm on the bridge linking the West section of the fifth district and that of the sixth, peering at the veil. He turns over to his seven soldiers holding torches and their swords then he gazed at Commander Darren standing behind his soldiers.

"Remember what I told you Darren."

"I will Sri Jerrod."

Jerrod gazes back to the veil, with a deep sigh he walked into it, as though he was submerged in water, the veil sucked him in - the soldiers hesitated in their movement but eventually followed.

Jerrod and his soldiers carefully observed their surroundings - trending along the numb silent streets of the obscure ice-cold town, frost following every breath. On getting to the town square they beheld with shaken eyes the bodies of the towns folk, stacked up together and the children sitting round about the pile of bodies; aside this there was a child standing before the sore sight, appearing to be dead but seemed very much alive.

"Spread out in pairs of two, cut down anything or anyone you see," Jerrod ordered, "there is no living soul here."

The soldiers shared themselves evenly then went separate ways leaving one behind.

"Let's go Samuel." Jerrod continued towards the standing child.

Jerrod took a glimpse at the child, he was pale as snow, his eyes white and still.

"He's far gone already." A male voice spoke from behind them, obliging them to make a quick turn, taking a defensive stance.

"Who are you?" Jerrod asked as he beheld Elroy, the sword and knife he was wielding, dripping out blood.

"Does it really matter, you are not leaving here alive." Elroy assured.

"Stay by me Samuel, there's something dark about him."

"Aye Sri Jerrod," Samuel replied before tossing the torch aside so he could get a good grip on the hilt of his sword.

"The King was right, this will be worthwhile." Elroy spoke with a smile.

He charged towards Jerrod and Samuel as they advanced towards him; they met in a swift parry - striking at him simultaneously from various points, with both knife and sword Elroy countered and deflected as many as he could, barely escaping others with scratches.

Evading a thrust from Samuel, Elroy slashed at his neck - there came Jerrod, deflecting the attack just in time.

Elroy jumped backwards ready to take a defensive stance, but Jerrod didn't give any opening; Elroy met with a wide slash, which he quickly ducked under before evading an immediate thrust from Samuel - escaping with a slash on his black leather jacket and inner white tunic, placing a shallow cut on his torso.

Not taking a break Elroy makes a quick turn to deflect and check the multiply slashes from Jerrod - unable to keep up he failed to discern Jerrod's movement.

Jerrod took advantage of the counter - he redirected his attack - slashing Elroy's face, giving Samuel the opportunity to plunge his sword into his chest.

Samuel stood still in terror, his shaking eye fixed on the cut patching itself up on Elroy's face, a laughter filled with evil despair protruded from Elroy's mouth.

"Samuel!!!" Jerrod cried out - trying to reach him in time.

Elroy stabbed Samuel's neck with his knife then kicked forward against his chest, before Samuel collapsed to the ground, Jerrod caught up to him - holding him in his arms.

"Stay with me boy." He spoke gently, trying to put Samuel at ease as he choked on the blood pouring out of his mouth.

"This body is amazing." Elroy declared then pulled the sword out of his chest, tossing it aside, "too bad I can't keep it."

Jerrod carefully laid Samuel on the ground then closed his eyes before straightening up toward Elroy, glaring at him intently, pain and fury engraved in his eye.

"You are a man in his own world, I'll give you a less painful death." Elroy guaranteed.

Advancing at each other they clashed in a parry, each clashing of swords ringing out loud and serious.

The intense struggle of swords soon came to a halt as Elroy began slowing down, an after effect of the Behamolt staying in a restricted vessel. Noticing the change in Elroy's movement, Jerrod deflects the next strike from Elroy then sliced his belly open; Elroy shrinks backward pressing hard on the cut as it heals up.

Elroy immediately made a quick turn, preparing to block or avoid the next attack however Jerrod was already in form, he slashed Elroy's neck with a wide swing.

It came as a shock to Jerrod, the blade stopped half way from beheading Elroy, in that instance Elroy plunged his sword into Jerrod, grinning as he pushed deeper till only the hilt remained.

Jerrod let a slight grunt as he shrinks backwards, blood pouring from his mouth, his warbling legs couldn't stand his weight - he went on his knees sprouting out blood from his mouth.

Elroy yanked the sword out from his neck like it was nothing, allowing the wound to heal up.

"My stay in this vessel is up." Elroy spoke frailly, dark-red blood streaming down his nose, he reeled his way to Jerrod then pats his shoulder.

"King Eric sends his Regards." He spoke lightly then staggered away.

"Tihon." Jerrod muttered under a dying breath.


"No!!!" Elroy screamed out stretching his right hand towards a ceiling, tears dropping from his eyes - realizing he was lying on a bed stationed in the middle of a room, he relaxed then sat up. "Where are my?" he thought out stroking his head.

"Aylon" A male voice replied.

Elroy turned to his rare, setting his gaze on a bald, black skin man, probably in his early thirties by looks due to his lack of facial hair - he had a fixed unshaken gaze, he was clothed in the Seekers Squad vest.

"Who are you?"

"Maura Luke, Leader of team four in the Seekers squad."

"The Behamolt?" Elroy asked worriedly, trying to find it in the room.

"Killed by my team." Maura guaranteed.

"It didn't go on a rampage, right?" Elroy asked, touching his head and chest.

"No, I sent it to hell before it had a chance to flee."

"Glad to hear that, my team mates are safe I suppose?"

"Yes and worried about you, aside the fact that I acknowledge your ability and bravery, it was uncalled for, you do not throw your life away when there's a chance to escape. Follow command next time."

"I'll do that," Elroy looked away, "Mira will be pissed."

"That was nice fighting by the way." Maura congratulated standing on his feet, "I'll leave you with your team," he steps out of the room.

Elroy took a deep exhale then stood on his feet; he held his chest with a grunt but was able to walk out of the room.

"Where are you going?" asked Lukas who was resting on the wall close to the door way of the small room Elroy stepped out from.

"To find you guys." He glanced at Lukas.

"Bad Idea El, get back to bed before they find you awake." warned Jake who was standing in-between Lukas and Hector.

"Who?" Elroy asked curiously.

"Too late." Hector spoke lightly then took his leave alongside Lukas and Jake.

"Elroy!" Karin yelled out as she angrily approached Elroy obliging the passing folks of the town to glare at her.

Elroy turned around and met with Karin's fist landing a blow on his cheek then a kick to his belly pushed him to the ground coughing.

"What was that for?"

"That's for putting your life at risk and making Mira worried." Karin spoke grumpily then walks away

Elroy coughed out then raised his gaze to see who was standing before him, Mira offered her hand to him, staring with squinted eyes and lowered brows; Elroy accepts her hand and supports himself up.

"Are you strong enough?" Mira asked softly.

"Hopefully" Elroy assured

"Good" Mira responded before slapping Elroy.

The Town folk's kept watching, awaiting a new drama to unfold.

"That's for disobeying instructions and putting yourself in harms way."

Elroy stared at Mira, gently rubbing his sore cheek, Mira turned her back against him moving forward.

"Let's go, father is waiting" she spoke calmly.

Elroy shook his head then followed behind Mira with hesitating steps.