The kingdom of Vencia was packed with various activities, off all the activities was that of the south plain, swarming with vegetables of different varieties. Taking the largest portion was the wheat field, stretching as far up to the forest, carefully tended by Drokan farmers.

Not too far into the forest, unknown men clothed in hooded cape, four in number; clenched closely to a tree peering at the farmers tending the crops.

"We can't get a better view here, let's find a way to blend in." One of them suggested

"No, this is as far as we go," another spoke valiantly, "we have to report the current situation to Harbors Nest."

"I agree," a voice spoke from behind them.

They turned around immediately, ready to draw their swords but found a squad of archers drawing their arrows towards them, Commander Lafiki taking the lead.

Royal compound

The four spies were dragged to the middle of the courtyard then forced to kneel as every Drokan warrior stationed there went on their knees with head bowed. Kalak, healthy and ravishing as ever steps out from a cottage then stands before the men, who glared at him as though they had a chance to kill him.

"These are the men who have had eyes on us for four days now." Lafiki proposed

"Who are you?" Dorak asked the first one by the left

The fussy looking man glared at Dorak then spat on his sandals, Lafiki quickly withdrew from them then laid on the ground, coaxing the man to rethink his actions.

"And yet they call my clan barbarians, well it's also the fault of my predecessors who became drunk and greedy with the power of the ancients." Kalak spoke rather calmly, an unexpected reaction from a fierce leader.

He griped the man by the throat then lifts him up from the ground obliging the others to wax in quivering fear. The man chocked continuously, blood flowing from his nose and eyes flushing red as Kalak squeezed life out of his neck,. With a forceful blow Kalak crushed his throat, bringing an end to the man's struggling - suddenly, the skin of the man began pulverizing into dust which settled on Kalak's arm; becoming one with it.

"Who are you?" He asked the next man, whose eyes were wet from the tears pouring out of them.

"Go to hell demon," he screamed out.

Kalak placed his hand on his head which caught up in flames, consuming the man, he fell on the ground, rolling and screeching as the flames scorched him.

"Shall we try this again," he turned over to the remaining two men who had pissed themselves, shaking in fear.


In an unknown land, under the setting sun, a fair skin male figure clothed in gray sleeveless, hooded-tunic and black leather pants treads along a path running deep into a forest, he came to a halt on seeing three men obstructing his path, they were vested in dark-blue capes wielding their swords; looking over his shoulder he noticed four others approaching him from behind.

Before the male figure could reach for the two curved blades coated in silver scabbard on his belt, a squad of archers clad in North Farancia armor came out of hidden angles round about them - loosing their arrows at the unknown men.

"I had it under control Ulric." The male figure assured then looked to his rare, over to the brute figure vested in black hooded cape.

"That was not a wise decision Prince Kyle, as the only living Commander of North Farancia and you being the only surviving heir of the Lupin household, it is my duty to keep you and the queen safe."

"Fine" Kyle spoke after a sigh "I won't leave the camp without you again"

"Thank you your highness" Ulric greeted with a bow

"How much further till we get to South Farancia?"

"Five days, King Eric is unto us, we have to use the forest for it won't be long before the Kings guard start coming after us."

"Let's hurry up then."


Riana Castle Compound

Atari lays peacefully on the carpet grass, reading a book under a beech tree in the glade of the rose garden, enjoying the warm evening breeze.

"Here comes the pure soul." Atari spoke mockingly, noticing Prince Richard approaching her.

"Good to see you too Atari." Richard greeted with a bow, obliging Atari to narrow her eyes towards him "May I join you?"

Atari sighs then sits up while Prince Richard sits beside her, "You are a beautiful and fascinating woman Atari"

"Says the dashing handsome Prince."

Prince Richard chuckled then gazed up, "I interrogated a certain individual who claims his evil deeds were because of his love for you."

"How sweet of him, but I'll pass on this proposal."

"That's not my point," Prince Richard spoke with a serious tone, urging Atari to close the book before glaring at him, "I care for you Ari, as my elder sister, is there something I should know?"

"No" Atari responded then rests her chin on her hand "Oh, there is, why is the ban on alcohol and brothel still in effect?"

"That's not our discussion here."

"Well I've changed it."

"It goes against God." Richard obliged.

"Your God Prince Richard, you do not superimpose your lifestyle on others because you have power to do so."

"This is the right thing to do."

"According to whom?"

"The constitution of God's Kingdom."

"Exactly, God's Kingdom, this is Riana Prince Richard, not the Kingdom of your God."

"I am its ambassador and as such a medium to promoting my King's ways."

"Have you read of the history of this Kingdom, behind the hate of the people there is always one waiting for an opportunity to strike you down."

Prince Richard smiles, "Now I see why father takes advice from you."

"Well if you want to become a great King, start by winning the hearts of the people not finding ways to vex them. It is by your good deeds they will be able to pledge to your believe system, no one wants to follow a no fun God whose servant is always angry and serious."

Prince Richard fixed his gaze at Atari, staring with amazement and surprise.

"What?" Atari asked noticing his expression

"Nothing, just thinking."

"Go think somewhere else," she opens her book, "I have a story to finish."

Prince Richard stood on his feet then gazed at Atari with a smile before walking away.

Atari narrowed her eyes to Prince Richard as he walks away then looks back at her book, "Enjoy it a little longer."