By the waterfront of Rune Clan, ten sail-ships were anchored, there was no sign of the town folks, the dockyard was in disarray as well as the market and it was as though everyone left in a hurry. By the front-rare of the ship Commander Eslar stood beside Prince Fredrick, surveying the numb-still town.

"This feels like a trap." said Prince Fredrick

"It's very obvious," Eslar agreed then turns over to the three Knights behind her. "Alright, Sri Zick - Sri Tom - Sri Amos." She called at obliging the Knights to clasp their hands behind their back.

"Coordinate every ship here, all archers are to take vantage points, defend the people at all cost, especially the Queen and her children." The Knights agreed with a bow then walks away.

Along the main street of Rune Clan, Commander Eslar alongside Prince Fredrick and Tihon amidst a large company of Ramenia Knights treads carefully, watching out for any unfamiliar movement.

"I saw a man peeping through a window," Prince Fredrick whispered "it seems everyone is safe, but we are walking into the heart of a trap, with no idea how large their forces are."

"I know," Eslar whispered "we just past four different Drokan squads hiding in the alley."

"What are we waiting for?" Prince Fredrick inched

"We have our way here Prince Fredrick." Eslar assured with a smile then strikes her round steel shield with her sword, she struck the shield again, three times then strikes it twice.

At the last strike a portion of the troops charged into the various alleys with war cries, clashing with the Drokan soldiers in hiding.

Like it was planned, a large troop of Drokan soldiers rushed out of the intersection not too far from their position, advancing towards the Ramenia Knights.

"For Ramenia." Eslar screamed out, lifting her sword up high.

"Ramenia!!!" the Knights cried out as they advanced towards the Drokan soldiers.


Kingdom of Aylon

In a hoary eight cell dungeon, floored with sawdust and lighted up by three flame torches, hanging on different ends; Elroy paces to and fro in the fifth cell, hands clasped behind his back, he was so deep in thought he failed to realize when Mira walked in and stood by the rusty old iron bar gate.

"Why?" Mira asked anxiously.

Elroy turned towards Mira immediately then walks up to her, "You misjudge my actions Mira, Orlanda or whatever you know him as cannot be trusted."

"What's gotten into you?"

"Listen to me." Elroy snarled as he held the gate.

Mira gazed at Elroy in disbelief, seeing how furious he was, "What did you remember?"

"Everything, from my childhood to the people I murdered in Riana under the influence of the Behamolt. Look, Orlanda's wife took me in after the incident at Urania, they were the once that cared for me along with their daughter."

"Luna, the name you call in your sleep."

"Yes, Orlanda is dangerous, he is the Leader of a cult known as the Purifiers Creed."

"That's not true; Master Irison is a master to my father and an adviser to King Aaron, King of Aylon."

"You are not listening, I'm telling you Mira, he is dangerous"

"During my stay here with Master Irison he never touched any woman, not to mention killing his wife and daughter."

"You have to trust me Mira."

"Not after what you have done, this should be an effect of the Behamolt incident."


Elroy glanced at the entrance, Mira stood there with a tray of food, he turned over to the imposter before him.

"Who are you?" Elroy's eyes stood still in a daze.

"Elista vasio" The imposter pushed her hand at Elroy, sending out a rippling vigor of yellow sparks which slammed him on the wall of the cell.

Elroy lay on the ground, his body numb and aching, his vision was hazy and his hearing impaled, he blinks twice - lifting his head to the imposter, he saw Mira engaging the imposter in a knife fight.

"Mira…." Elroy could barely hear his feeble voice.

There was a sudden shock wave followed by a knelling followed by Mira kneeling, holding her ears. The Imposter held her neck - she took Mira off the ground as she struggles then she stabs her.

"Mira…" Elroy still couldn't call out clearly, his hand stretched towards her.

The imposter threw Mira at the cell gate, busting it open; Elroy tried crawling towards Mira, but his numb body won't budge.

The imposter clapped her hands together chanting in an unknown tongue, in that instance a twirling black hole with flickering yellow signs and symbols appeared behind her - as though being sucked, Elroy elevated into the black hole as did the imposter then it vanished.