Rune Clan

The gruesome clash raged on in the main streets and alleys, wailing and death cries rose up as fragrance accompanied by the resounding of clashing swords.

Commander Eslar lifts her sword up with a shout, slashing down on a Drokan soldier's head before kicking forward against his chest, making it easy for her to yank the sword out. From her rare another Drokan soldier slashed at her, which she deflects with her shield before plunging her sword into his neck; she pulled the sword out allowing him to drop down, giving view to a teenage figure vested in green hooded cape - wielding a steel spear with curved blades at both ends.

"Such a young fellow, but yet a killer, God have mercy on these savagery." Eslar was not prepared to hold back.

Another Drokan soldier charged at Eslar with a slash but she eluded his attack then sliced his lower belly with a clean cut, allowing his guts to drop out.

"The battle field is no place for a woman." The lad spoke in the northern tongue, flexing his spear like he was one with it.

"Don't know what you just said but I feel insulted." Eslar assumed, raising her shield as a defensive stance.

At another end, Tihon impales a Drokan soldier from behind with his two short swords then drags it out before taking a posture, backing Prince Fredrick who had just cut down a Drokan soldier.

"This guys out man us five to one." Tihon spoke catching his breath

"That's why we have to catch up." Prince Fredrick smile.

Suddenly, a screaming Ramenia Knight glides over Prince Fredrick and Tihon, urging them to turn over to their rare, there stood Commander Masmus laying waste to the Ramenia Knights with his two large iron mace.

"I think we found the commander." Prince Fredrick was certain.

"Then killing him will end this war." Tihon spoke confidently

"I'm not sure they know when to quit Tihon."

"Let's put it to the test then."

Prince Fredrick and Tihon advanced towards Masmus who had already set his gaze on them, as though he could sense the danger of a close combat Masmus strikes at them when they got within range but they dashed out of the attack to opposite directions, allowing the mace to pound the ground.


Kingdom of Aylon

The gates of Aylon were now fortified, having four watch towers on each side of the gate, holding four archers and a battlement slightly above the closed gate, holding a squad of archers. It was a defense capable of reducing the number of any troop before they got close to lunch a siege.

"Eyes forward," the commanding archer on one of the towers spoke out, noticing the sudden movement in the fir forest, obliging the archers to nock their arrows.

Out of the fir forest a troop of unknown warriors having both men and women walk their way to the open space, wielding knives, all clothed in black hooded robe having the crest of a green serpent.

"Draw!" the commanding archer ordered, urging the archers to draw towards the troop.

Without a command, two young ladies charged out from the troop towards the gate.

"Loose!!!" The commanding archer ordered.

The archers loosed their arrows towards the ladies but the arrows that came their way could not bring them down.

"Ready," the archer ordered, obliging the archers to nock, "draw" he continued "loose!" he screamed out, the archers loosed their arrows at the approaching enemies - yet the arrows that landed a hit refused to put them down, steering terror into the once confident archers.

As soon as they got within range of the gate they slit their throats, coercing their bodies to be engulfed in black flame - exploding in black fumes the instant they collided with the gate.


Rune Clan

The struggle between both sides were on equal grounds, heads rolled - some in one swipe others two or three - throats were slit - guts were spilled - limbs were lost - men choked on their blood, cries of agony and loud wailing rising and receding.

A Ramenia Knight blocks a strike from a Drokan soldier with his shield then impales him with his spear, immediately he pulled the spear out another Drokan soldier sliced open his shoulder, ending him with a thrust to his neck.

Eslar could not keep up with the green hooded lad - all she could do was block each thrust, waiting for an opportunity to strike back and there it was - an opening, Eslar deflects the lad's next attack, slashing at him.

He evaded the attack - landing a whirling firm kick at the side of her head - pushing her to the ground, she instantly rolled over to the side, leaving her shield behind but escaping a ferocious thrust which would have finished her off. Eslar straightened up on her feet then advanced towards the Lad, not willing to give him space for recovering.

Masmus continued intercepting and deflecting the simultaneous strikes from Prince Fredrick and Tihon, not flinching from the position he took. Prince Fredrick being swift was confident on his next strike, he went for it but Masmus deflected it then struck at him, an attack Prince Fredrick didn't plan for.

Tihon intervened immediately, blocking the mace with both his sword which would have shattered Prince Fredrick's skull. Tihon pushed the mace upwards with a grunt then retreated backwards with Prince Fredrick.

"We just can't land a hit," Tihon lamented, already breathless.

"Every man has a flaw." Prince Fredrick observed, catching his breath. "Ready?"

"I'm going die for sure." Tihon replied.

The green hooded Lad ducked under Eslar's blade then gains balance by pinning his Spear to the ground before kicking forward at Eslar's chest with both his leg.

Eslar staggered backwards but struggled to regain herself just in time to evade a thrust, escaping with a narrow cut on her cheek. The Lad continued with his precise thrust, freely changing both ends of the spear, Eslar did all she could to evade and deflect the swift attacks.

Staring up close at a thrust she knew avoiding it was inevitable so she blocked it with her sword, the attack threw her off her feet, slamming her against the wall of a cottage, as soon as she regained herself the Lad rammed his spear through her shoulder, restraining her on the wall.

She cried out in pain drawing Prince Fredrick's attention towards her, he immediately jumped backwards realizing he was in the range of Masmus attack and how lucky he was, Masmus smashed the ground with his mace, shattering a portion of it.

"Tihon" Prince Fredrick called out.

"I got this, go" Tihon assured then charged towards Masmus.

"I'll give you a pleasant death for surviving this long." The Lad spoke in the northern tongue then pushed the spear further into Eslar, forcing her to wail out.

The Lad drew a knife from his side, the moment he took a step towards Eslar he quickly flipped backwards, avoiding a wide slash from Prince Fredrick's sword.

The Lad glared intently at Prince Fredrick who was staring at him with animosity.

"Stay with me Eslar." Prince Fredrick comforted her while she held unto the spear, breathing heavily with sobs.

In that moment a horn blasted out drawing the Lads gaze upwards then back to Prince Fredrick, "Kasep (too late)." He smiled.

From the intersection a large troop of Drokan soldiers rushed into the main streets with war cries, overpowering and cutting down the weakened Ramenia Knights still recovering from winning against their foes.

Prince Fredrick gazed at the dreadful sight of full defect, watching as the Ramenia Knights stood their ground to the last.

He took a glimpse at Eslar, her eyes were heavy - beholding her Knights fall to the sword, he looked over to Tihon holding his ground against Masmus, already leaping - Prince Fredrick gazed at the Lad who was ready to charge at him.

Prince Fredrick clenched tightly on the hilt of his sword, staring at the Lad with a glare engraved in fury, the cloud began rumbling as it grew dark, lightning racing through it as it began gyrating slowly.

The moment the Lad got within Prince Fredrick's range a bolt of lightning roared from the cloud, shrieking with intensity as it struck Prince Fredrick - a redirected portion struck the Lad, tossing him into the air.

The sight halted the charging Drokan soldiers as well as all those fighting; Masmus screeched out on seeing his master lying unconscious on the ground, burnt all over.

Prince Fredrick could not be seen, just the bolt of Lightning, flashes of lighting shrieked out from the bolt as it rippled the air - beginning with Masmus it took down every Drokan soldier in an instant.

The Ramenia Knights froze in wonder and fear, for never have they beheld such a power, they went on their knees and bowed their heads in honour of being in the presence of a god. The sky suddenly lit up again as the Lightning round about Prince Fredrick's body and sword fades off, drained and perplexed, Prince Fredrick fell to the ground unconscious.


St. Peter's Haven, a once prospering and beautiful Christian town lying deep in the middle-east, now sleeps as a valley of unclaimed lost souls, for the deaths that took place leaving the valley flooded with bones.

The sky stood still and the sun soaked in blood; a male figure holding a bleeding sack on one hand and a Seekers Squad member over his shoulder paces through the land blistering with withered trees – walking towards a great hall, the only structure in sight, for miles unending.

The figure stops by the large door having the caving of a serpent which shook with each clanking sound, the door opened up on its own accord with the thundering blast of a horn, allowing the figure to step into the hall.

The large hall was flooded with hundreds of dark souls chanting in an unknown tongue while gazing up at the cloves of green flames swarming the ceiling. The figure walked his way along the black runner leading to the far end of the hall which was an elevated section with four stair case.

Getting to the elevated section the figure placed the sack on the ground then threw the Seekers Squad member hard on the marble floor, urging him to grunt out of his unconsciousness.

"I bring you team seven of the Seekers Squad," the figure spoke calmly as he went on his knees.

"I see four heads and a life one, why?" a tender soft voice spoke from the dark viscous-matter ravaging the upper section of the elevated ground.

"Forgive me my Lord, but with the fight he put up, he was too good to die by my hands." He praised.

"Then he can be off use to my agenda."

"I will not bow to a devil," the young lad assured with confidence as he straightened up on his knees, struggling with the rope binding his hands behind his back.

"Yet you bow to fornication," the tender voice spoke with echoes, urging the figure to bow his head and most off all silencing the proud lad who was stunned by the words the voice spoke. "You useless, arrogant and deceitful generation claiming to be God's light, you hide your sins and judge sinners. Yet the negative drive hovers around you, it is your kind that hastens my zeal to end this pitiful world. This world never deserved the love of God, such a pure and magnificent love. I'll help Him end this world and free Him from this worthless bond - I will sift the past of its existence," the fellow trembled to the declaration, "I will render the future to no avail- I will suck the youth of the present and make the world as though it never existed."

An emerald green striped Anaconda with crystal eyes slithered out of the darkness then stood tall on its belly before the quivering fellow - too scared to utter a single word, his shuddering eyes gazing at the large beast before him. It struck at his shoulder then tossed him into the air, with a loud wail he fell into the wide open mouth of the beast.