Chapter 8

One more hour to the party...

Aom was busy fussing over me. I was standing in front of the big mirror in my room clutching the necklace given by my parents. It brought back many memories; both happy and sad. It was the most precious thing in my life.

"You look absolutely stunning, Miss Sabrina. You are a true jewel," said Aom.

I blushed and smiled at Aom while looking at myself in the mirror.

I was wearing the 'chut thai' with my hair tied high up into a bun surrounded by a flower band.

There was a soft knocked on the door.

"Come in." I called out.

It was Aunt Helen and Master Lim. They both entered the room. Aom bowed at them and quickly excused herself.

"You look stunning tonight."

"Aunt Helen and myself have something for you," said Master Lim.

He then took out a jewelry box and opened it. Inside it was a very beautiful crafted gold bangle.

"This is a present from us. Hope you like it," said Master Lim.

He took out the bangle and walked towards me. Then he lifted up my hand and put it on.

"Happy birthday, Sabrina," said Master Lim and Aunt Helen together.

"Thank you very much. I love both of you very much," I told them while giving both of them a hug.

"We better get going. Most of the guest will be arriving in awhile. Henry and Chen will be here too. Dusit just went out to fetch them. Both of them arrived nearly the same time."

"Come down when you are ready," said Aunt Helen as both of them edge towards the door.

I nodded my head in response.

It took another half an hour before Aom finally approved of my looks.

Before I left the room, Aom took out a red envelope and put it into my hand.

"I went to the temple this morning to pray for you. I asked Buddha to bless you with good health and happiness. Keep this amulet with you. May you have a blessed birthday." said Aom.

I gave her a big hug.

"Thank you, Aom." I replied while hugging her.

She was like a mother to me throughout all these years; advising me and guiding me to be a better person.

We then proceeded downstairs to attend the party.