Chapter 7

6 years later.....

My sixteenth birthday is just a few days away. I had not celebrated any of my birthday since the war.

However, this year I will be sixteen and Aunt Helen insisted to throw me a huge party.

"Sabrina, sixteen is a very important event in a girl's life. It signifies adulthood. You will only be sixteen once. Let's make this a memorable event." persuaded Aunt Helen.

"Alright, Aunt Helen." I agreed.

I do not want to disappoint her. She was very excited when I agreed. She invited all her relatives, her friends and my classmates. It was going to be a very big event. Looking at her excited face made me happy.

All these years she and Master Lim dotted on me like their own daughter. Master Lim constructed a library full of books for me when he knew that I loved to read. I am very thankful to them for their love and care for me.

As for Henry and Josh, they were like brothers to me. I did not get to spend much time with Henry but he was the one who helped me to adjust into the family.

After the first dinner with the family, Henry knew I was feeling awkward and stressed up from all the ordeal that I went through. After that day, he made it his goal to make me happy.

Every night after dinner he would talk to me or tell me jokes to make me laugh. He would play my favorite songs on the piano and sing it for me. Sometimes Henry, Josh and I would run around the paddy field in front of the house or play hide and seek in the garden. Henry even taught me how to cycle. Eventually, I started to bond with them.

Henry was an all rounder. He did well academically and in sports . He can play the piano and paint very well. I would sometimes sit with him while he paint in the study room. However, we only got to spent two years together before he left for England to pursue his study in medicine.

He graduated last month and he would be back in time for my birthday party. I am very excited to see him again after so many years.

After Henry left, I spent most of my time with Josh. We were like Bonnie and Clyde; always getting ourselves into trouble. Most of the time, Josh would take all the faults to protect me from punishment.

He was also an all rounder; he excelled in both his study and sport.

Then puberty hit. He changed from a chubby boy into a handsome and charming young man. He changed into Casablanca; changing girl friend every month. The worst part was I had to deal with all her ex-girl friends. Usually he would come to me with gifts when he wanted my help.

How irritating.

As for Chen, he became Master Lim's right hand man. He helped Master Lim to expand his paddy business to Laos and Burma as well. He was always busy travelling around. I only got to see him once in a blue moon. He promised to be back for my birthday party.

I grew up alright. I am petite around five feet tall with fair complexion. I grew my hair long and I would braid it all the time because if I tied it into a pony tail Josh would pull it loose.