Chapter 17

Five years flew by....

Finally, I graduated from the university with a degree in literature. Upon graduation, I accepted an offer to teach in my old primary school.

Josh graduated last year with a degree in business. He would slowly be taking over his father's business. Master Lim planned to retired soon as he wanted to travel around the world with Aunt Helen.

As for Henry, he had been promoted to be the head of the emergency department at Bangkok General Hospital.

The whole household were busy preparing for my wedding with Josh. It would commence in a month time.

Before the wedding Josh, Chen and myself would travel back to Malaya. Josh wanted to give me a surprise before the wedding. We were set to travel back to Malaya by train tomorrow morning.

"How exciting to be traveling back to Malaya." I said excitedly.

"I had wanted to visit my parents' grave for such a long time," I told Josh.

"Yes, I want to visit them too. I want to tell them not to worry about you as I will be taking good care of you." replied Josh.

"You will also be very happy to see the surprise I am giving you," said Josh mysteriously.

"I wonder what surprise would it be." I said curiously.

Josh smiled and walked away.

The next day we boarded the early morning train and after nearly twenty over hours, we reached the very same station which I departed from so many years ago. The town which I knew looked so different. It was more developed now and the population had increased.

There was a car waiting for us when we reached the station.

The journey back to the old mansion would take around twenty minutes with car. I wonder how the mansion looked like after being destroyed by the British so many yeas ago. I can't wait to pay respect to both my parents.

Everything seemed so different now. When we were approaching the old mansion, suddenly Josh covered both my eyes with his hand.

"Close your eyes. The surprise is ahead," said Josh.

"Why are you acting so mysteriously?" I asked but nevertheless I obeyed.

Chen who was sitting in front of the car had a big smile on his face.

Then the car stopped. Josh opened the door and guided me out of it. We walked for a few meters and then we stopped.

"Now open your eyes," said Josh.

When I opened my eyes, the image in front of me brought tears to my eyes.

My father's mansion stood in front of me intact and as I remembered it.

"How can this be possible? It was destroyed by the British when they attacked the Japanese in the 1940's?" I asked.

Chen replied," Master Josh asked an architect to restore it with my help. We spent a few years on the restoration."

"I planned to give this mansion to you as our wedding gift," said Josh.

Then he took out a set of keys from his pocket and put it into my hand.

Tears were flowing down my cheek and Josh wiped it away with his handkerchief.

"Thank you, Josh," I said and gave him a kiss on his cheek.

"Let's go in. All the staff are eager to meet the mistress of the house," said Chen.

Josh and I walked hand in hand into the mansion.

At last....I am home.

Every detail of the mansion down to the arrangement of the furniture were the same as I remembered it from my childhood.

After taking a tour inside the mansion, Chen led me to my parents' grave sites which were behind the mansion.

My father and mother were buried side by side together. Luckily, their grave were not destroyed during the attack.

During the restoration of the mansion, Chen also saw to it that new tombstones were made for their grave sites.

I became very emotional standing in front of my parents' grave.

"Master Lee, I had brought Sabrina back home as I promised," said Chen while facing my parents' tombstone.

"Father, mother I am home..." I said with tears flowing down my cheek.