Buy watches again

With a big wave of his hand, Zhou xian ordered this small two million watch.

Bing Jing's eyes shone from the side, full of two million, just buy it... so exciting!

Zhou xian noticed bing Jing's expression, and a profligate look suddenly surged in his face.

Anyway, option three can get 3 million, which is not only equivalent to picking up a piece of 6401r001, but there are more than one hundred thousand left.

Rather than having this money left, it is better to reward Bing Jing! After all, this woman has performed quite well all the way!

"By the way, Miss Sister, please take the beauty next to me to have a look around, help her choose a watch, and check out together later."

Zhou xian didn't hesitate, and turned his head to greet the clerk again. Bing Jing was instantly excited, and her face was flushed.

But she was quite restrained, resisting the urge to get up to look at her watch, and carefully said: " Zhou shao, you don't have to ..."

That's what she said, but she subconsciously tightened Zhou xian arm.

Zhou xian instantly felt a terrible soft feeling , and he was even slightly hard.In this situation, it is obvious that the mouth is righteous!

"It's okay, I'll let you pick whatever you want. After all, you have worked so hard to go shopping with me for so long, which is considered a thank you."

"Then thank you Zhou Shao."

Bing Jing suddenly smiled like a flower, and she looked at Zhou xian with a watery eyes .

Rich, young, charming , and willing to spend money...

Horrible! Isn't this the kind of man my goal all the time!Can't let it go... Never let it go!

Grab what you want!

Bing Jing thought wildly, then she stood up softly and followed the shop assistant to the showcase.

The watches in the showcase are relatively cheap watches, and they are all stocked, buy them now and pick them up.

Of course, the price is relatively different , and it starts with tens of thousands, and ends from hundreds of thousands.

Bing Jing looked dazzled, and even her heart was confused.

From a glance, she has photographed two female watches that are also super-replica time series, one 4947r001 and one 4897r010.

The former is priced at 370.000 yuan and the latter is priced at 210.000 yuan

However, bing Jing was worried that it would be too expensive and would make Zhou xian unhappy. After thinking about it, I picked another twenty44910 series with a price of only 9.000 yuan.

Then she took a photo of the watch and the price tag with her mobile phone. She didn't dare to trouble Zhou xian over and sent him a Wechat.

" Zhou shao, which one of these three watches do you think is appropriate?"

Zhou xian had just been led to the VIP room to rest. Hearing the movement of the mobile phone and glanced at it, he instantly understood bing Jing's thoughts.

This woman is also smart, very conspicuous and expensive, but she is afraid that he will disagree, so she came to ask specifically!

Of course, it can also be said that bing Jing, a woman who knows how to measure, is not greedy to make trouble or take the opportunity to mess around.

Zhou xian liked her sense of measure, and he began to hesitate whether to give Bing Jing a big sweetness or spend less.

As a result, the system came up again at this time.

"Currently there are alternative opportunities."

"Option 1: It's just an outsider. You are used to the cheapest thing. Reward: 500,000 money, system treasure chest*1.

Option 2: Now the value is different, why bother so stingy, the middle gear is better. Reward: 500,000 money, system treasure chest*1.

Option 3: Since you have agreed to buy, then directly satisfy the other party. Reward: 1 million money, system treasure chest*2. "

Come on, the system appears, it must be the third item!

Zhou xian picked up the phone and directly replied: "I think that 4947r001 suits you best, that's it."

Outside bing Jing received a reply and shivered with excitement.Three hundred and seventy thousand! Just give it away! Local tycoon! uncle! Oh no! father!

I knew I should practice yoga some time ago...