System store

Bing Jing thought about it for a long time before pointing to the 4947r001 with a soft tone."Thank you, it's this one."

"Okay lady, but this one is an exhibit. Could you please go to the VIP room and wait a while, I will inform someone to help you adjust the goods."

"Oh, okay, okay." bing Jing was led to the VIP room while in a dizzy condition .

Entering the door, Zhou xian was leaning lazily on the sofa, watching her come in, and smilingly said, "How about it, are you satisfied with that watch?"

"Satisfied, very satisfied!"

Bing Jing walked quickly to the sofa, sat down in Zhou xian thigh, and directly embraced his left arm, smiling like a flower: "Thank you Zhou Shao for giving me such an expensive gift."

"As long as you like it."

"I like it, of course I like it."

Bing Jing nodded hurriedly, wishing to hold Zhou xian left arm into her body.She has already decided and can't wait for anything! Having kept the virginity for so many years, I took a gamble and bet the man next to me! !

Zhou xian glanced at her with a smile, didn't say anything, turned his head and focused on the system.

Called out the system warehouse, two system treasure chests were lying in them, Zhou Yuan chose to open them without saying a word.

"Congratulations to the host for opening the system treasure chest*2, earning 10,000 system points, and obtaining a basic fighting skill book."

"Since the host already has system points, the system mall is officially launched."

Nima ! System store? !

It's so cool!

There must be something good in it!

Zhou xian was overjoyed, and he found the mall option and clicked in.

Then the system light curtain turned, Zhou xian was dumbfounded!

This.... This is different from imagination! ! In addition to the car card, body modification card, primary fighting skill book, and attribute points.

There is only a "sale this week (refreshable) window," which contains whitening water, intermediate piano skills and rejuvenating pills.

Then... there is no more!

"System, your system mall is fake? Why is it so barren? Have you been stolen or robbed?"

"The host knows that in addition to weekly sales, the system mall only sells items that the host has already acquired."

I gather...Zhou xian suddenly looked disappointed.

I thought the mall would be dazzling, but I didn't expect it to be so cheating!

Forget it...just pit it, at least it's better than nothing.

What's more, there is also a "weekly sale", which can sell some new things anyway.

Zhou Yuen comforted me and began to browse the prices of a few things.

The cheapest one is a random car card, which only requires 100 points.

The most expensive one is unexpected, it is actually a body modification card, worth 10 million points!

Others are like the basic fighting skills book, 300 each books.

Intermediate piano skill books, 3000 each.

2000 each for whitening water, 5000 each for rejuvenating pills.

As for "attributes", the price of this thing is a bit complicated. It is not constant, but stepwise, following the changes of the host.

Attribute 0~10 stages, only 100 points per point.

From 11 to 20 stages, 200 points per point.

From 21 to 30 stages, 300 points per point, and so on.

And in the attributes, temperament and charm are not involved in the sale!

This made Zhou xian had to give up the idea of stockpile high charm, to attract the girl to hug.

Just looked at the mall carefully, Zhou xian didn't buy anything in the end, and only spent 1,100 points to pile up the power attributes.

Host: Zhou xian

Strength: 915

Fitness: 25 (affected by the transformation card)

Spirit: 12

Temperament: 1

Charm: 7

Props: None

Skills: Elementary Fighting

System Points: 8900

Personal funds: 4.2 million


After purchasing the attributes, Zhou xian could clearly feel the changes in his body, and his whole body was filled with a warm feeling of expansion, and there seemed to be inexhaustible strength between his movements!