
With doctor Sun Hongan's words, Qin Yue's face changed slightly, and when she recovered, she was busy explaining!

"Doctor Sun, you misunderstood, I definitely didn't mean that!"

Regardless of Qin Yue's good family background, she is considered a rich family. But in front of a senior doctor like Sun Hongan, I really can't get up!

Not even apologizing!

Because the title of senior doctor not only represents the profession of doctor, but also represents a kind of identity and status!

Moreover, being able to become the master of a senior doctor, the circle of personal connections, or something, is definitely not inferior to the giants industry!

After all, life is more important than money!

If I really want to offend a senior doctor, and one day there is a disease or disaster, when you depends on your relationship, then you won't know how you will die!

Therefore, facing Sun Hongan at this moment, Qin Yue had to be polite.

When Sun Hongan heard this, he was not aggressive anymore, and said in a slow tone: "To be honest, I can understand President Qin's mood, but it is absolutely necessary to go to the doctor in a hurry!

Of course, President Qin can rest assured. I have contacted my master and told him about Chairman Qin's situation.

My master has promised that he will come back as soon as he returns from abroad.

With My master ability, I believe that Chairman Qin will be able to wake up successfully by then. "

Speaking of Master , Sun Hongan looked respectful.

Qin Yue also changed her face with a look of respect, and said with a serious face: "Excuse me to ask, I don't know when your mentor will return home?"

Sun Hongan said: "According to his old man's message, there should be half a month left."

Qin Yue frowned slightly.

Half a month, it's not long, it's not too short either . In case something accident happens halfway...

Sun Hongan clearly saw Qin Yue's worry, and immediately smiled: "President Qin can rest assured, although half a month has been a little longer, I promise that with Chairman Qin's physical condition, I will definitely wait until that time."

"If this is the case, then I will listen to Dr. Sun." Qin Yue nodded hesitantly.

But at this time, Zhou Xian who had been silent for a long time, chuckled.

Qin Yue couldn't help but look sideways.

Sun Hongan frowned instantly and stared at Zhou Xian : "What are you laughing at?"

Zhou Xian did not shy away from saying: "I laughed at you for being too optimistic and ignorant. If you really wait for fifteen days according to your statement, this Mr. Qin should die!"

"What..! Is what you said true?" Qin Yue's face changed instantly upon hearing this!

Sun Hongan's expression also sank, and he directly scolded: "You are a layman, don't talk nonsense here! Although Chairman Qin has been in a coma, judging by his current physical signs, there is absolutely no danger of his life! " Sun Hongan said vowedly.

However, Zhou Xian ignored him, but looked at Qin Yue with a serious face. "If Mr. Qin can trust me, he won't have to wait for half a month. In three minutes, I promise to wake up Mr. Qin in three minutes!"

Qin Yue's eyes lit up, and she immediately grabbed Zhou Xian arm with excitement!

"Can you really wake up my father?!"

"It's true!"

With joy on Qin Yue's face, he was about to nod.

But Sun Hongan suddenly spoke: "President Qin, don't be fooled by this kid! He can't cure Chairman Qin, and if there is an accident midway, it will kill Chairman Qin!"


In a word, Qin Yue's expression couldn't help changing!

She had to admit that Sun Hongan was right. It is trivial if it is not cured simply, but if there is an accident, it will be fatal!

Seeing Qin Yue hesitate, Zhou Xian spoke again indifferently : "I said, ms. Qin do you want my help or not. I already had wasted my time talking shit to you. If not for Mr. Lin face I won't even bother to continue this farce here. If you want your father to be healed, make a decision now, if you still hesitant about my abilities don't talk about it anymore. I already had wasted my time."

"Are you sure? You are so awesome huh!" Sun Hongan heard the words, unceremoniously and directly said, "if there's accident at that time, will you bear it?!"

It is said that the clay figurines still have three points of fire. Now that Sun Hongan has been deliberately targeted him one after another, Zhou Xian won't bother about him. He stared at Sun Hongan, and said coldly.

"if you has the ability do it yourself. And if you wanted to wait for half a month, do so i won't be bothered by it, it's not my responsibility anyway, But I wondered if he could last that long? "

Sun Hongan suddenly coldly snorted: "you kid dare to lecture me, you're still to green. Moreover I still has the ability to examine my patients, and I can't be wrong."

Zhou Yuan raised his brows: "You said this! Don't regret it!"

"Don't worry, my Sun Hongan will do what I say! Never regret it!" Sun Hongan sneered!

Thinking of his dignified senior doctors, none of them could do anything about Qin Guangyang's coma symptoms.

Even before he had invited other colleagues in the physician's association to help, there was no way for Qin Guangyang to wake up.

He didn't believe that this kid who didn't know where it came out, could cure Qin Guangyang!

"If that's the case, then I will leave. "

Zhou Xian also sneered back, then stopped talking nonsense with Sun Hongan, turned his head and walked towards the hospital door calmly.

"Wait. " Qin Yue subconsciously said

She actually hoped that Zhou Xian could cure her father, but from the bottom of her heart, she didn't hold much hope!

Although she had seen Zhou Xian superb medical skills before, she still felt that Zhou Xian was too young, after all, not as experienced and experienced senior physicians as Sun Hongan.

She had even begun to consider the result of Zhou Xian failure, and was already wondering how to resolve the hostility between Zhou Xian and Sun Hongan.

But she still has a hope, because she is afraid of the worst-case.

" What?" Zhao Xian said indifferently

"Please, help my father.. Please."

He glanced at Qin Guangyang who was sleeping, and then quickly entered the "rest" state, reaching out and pressing on the top of Qin Guangyang's head!

A gust of mysterious yellow aura was mobilized by him, gushing from the Yuan Aperture in his body, and quickly rushing into Qin Guangyang's brain through his palm.

One second...five seconds...ten seconds...

Just over a minute later, accompanied by a muffled hum, Qin Guangyang, who had been unconscious on the hospital bed, suddenly opened his eyes!

"Wake up...woke up!"

"Really awake!"

Several nurses nearby screamed in surprise!


Qin Yue burst into tears in an instant, unable to hide his excitement, and plunged directly into Qin Guangyang's arms!

"How could it...how could it be!!!"

And Sun Hongan, at this moment, it is like seeing a ghost alive! His face was stunned, trembling all over, and couldn't stop falling back!

"I... where am I?"

At this time, Qin Guangyang on the hospital bed murmured blankly.

"This is the hospital, this is the hospital. Dad, you have been in a coma for more than a month. I am really worried about you!"

Qin Yue quickly explained to Qin Guangyang while wiping tears.

Qin Guangyang turned his head and looked at Zhou Xian after hearing her quickly telling the story.

"Thank you today, Mr. Zhou, for helping me. I am grateful for my great grace. In the future, Mr. Zhou will be able to help me Qin Guangyang, if you speak, I will never refuse!" As Qin Guangyang said, he even more solemnly saluted Zhou Xian.

"President Qin is polite, I'm just being trusted by others to help you. "

"That's what I said, but if it weren't for Mr. Zhou, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to wake up." Qin Guangyang sighed casually.

After hearing this, everyone nodded subconsciously.

After all, Qin Guangyang really couldn't wake up without Zhou Xian.

But Qin Guangyang is awake now.