
Under all eyes, Sun Hongan woke up instantly. But at the same time he was sober, his face became extremely pale and ugly.

He made the bet, and he has indeed lost now, but he really has to kneel... Sun Hongan's face turned green and red.

Upon seeing this, Qin Yue hesitated to look at Zhou Xian. She wanted to persuade him, but for a moment she hesitated.

After all, Zhou Xian had just taken action to rescue her father. At this time, if she spoke for Sun Hongan, it would be unreasonable...

Qin Yue hesitated so much, but didn't notice Zhou Xian frowned slightly.

Because at this point, the system boss actually jumped out again diligently!

"The host currently has optional opportunities!"

"Option 1: Since you have made a bet, you should act according to the bet. Reward: 3 random attributes, 5 million money.

Option 2: Have to forgive others and forgive others, compromise the punishment. Reward: 3 random attributes, 5 million money.

Option 3: Be generous and tolerant and make a good bond. Reward: 5 temperament, 5 charisma, 10 million money. "

Originally, according to Zhou Xian idea, it was definitely necessary for Sun Hongan to fulfill the contract. Even if you don't kneel down, you have to bow your head and apologize.

But now that all the system choices were made, Zhou Xian pondered it over and decided to choose the third item.

After all, Sun Hong'an's previous words and deeds made him very annoyed, but thinking about it carefully, the other party's motives were not bad, but there was a problem with his temperament.

In this case, there is indeed no need to die, it is better to be generous once, as it is a good relationship.

Anyway, I also have system rewards, so I dont suffer at all. Thinking about it this way, Zhou Xian anger went down a lot unconsciously.

He glanced at Sun Hongan and took the initiative to say: "What happened just now is a joke, how does Dr. Sun feel?"

In a word, all the people present were stunned. Qin Yue was even more surprised.

She thought that Zhou Xian would not easily let Sun Hongan off with such an opportunity, but she did not expect Zhou Xian to be so generous!

This made her view of Zhou Xian a lot more better instantly!

And Sun Hongan was even more surprised than Qin Yue, the whole person was dull, just as stupid.

After returning to his senses for a long time, he took a deep look at Zhou Xian, his face changed for a while, and he solemnly bowed his head.

"Mr. Zhou has a large number of people, and this Sun admires it very much."

"Doctor Sun doesn't need to apologize. In the situation just now, I am also wrong."

Anyway, he was about to form a good relationship, and he smiled, Zhou Xian didn't mind carrying the blame on himself.

But when he said this, Sun Hongan was even more ashamed, and apologized again and again.

After going back and forth, the anger between the two disappeared.

Upon seeing this, Qin Yue sighed in secret, and asked Sun Hongan to help Qin Guangyang check carefully.

"Chairman Qin's body is fine, and even his physical signs are healthier than before!"

Sun Hongan said, turning his head to look at Zhou Xian.

"It's said that there are some outsiders and there are outsiders, and I am really convinced by Mr. Zhou's methods!

It's ridiculous that I actually questioned Mr. Zhou without embarrassment just now. It's really nonsense. "

Sun Hongan looked ashamed, blinked and said: "But I have a question. I wonder if Mr. Zhou can help me answer it?"

"Doctor Sun is polite, just ask any questions."

"I'm very curious, what kind of disease did Chairman Qin have before? Why is he in a coma while his physical signs are normal?"

Sun Hongan mentioned this with a look of curiosity.

"I would also like to ask Mr. Zhou to give me advice and help me out."