Just my daily life

The classes went as normal and I was having a really nice time sleeping. The breeze from the broken window was so pleasant, as it swept through my facing waving my long black hair. I did not dye my hair because I did not feel like it but it was allowed in this school. Almost everyone in this school dyed their hair. Is no one satisfied with their hair color? I am quite satisfied with them because my black hair are very useful.

It was now time for physical education period and while everyone was heading towards the gym, I, the lonely soldier was making his way to the rooftop. I think I should not call myself a lonely soldier though. I am not worthy enough to be a soldier. How about a wolf? Yep, lone wolf does sound good. I opened the door of the rooftop and I saw a couple having their private time on the rooftop. Looks like I interrupted something. Seeing me, the girl screamed. I really did interrupt something.

"Hey, what the hell are you doing here?" said the boy.

"I just came here to sleep. You guys continue, I won't bother you."

Saying that, I took the ladder and slept on the roof of the staircase. I can get there in a jump but some great personality brought a ladder here. I really thank that person.

"Hey, get out of here!" shouted the boy. Just let me sleep already. Geez.

"What do you want? I am just sleeping up here. I won't be seeing anything. I don't have any interest in all this," I replied with drowsy eyes.


"Tanihari-kun don't. This guy was the one who smashed Sugawa-kun's head," said the girl stopping the boy.

Looks like news travels fast. I don't really care but the guy whose head I smashed was the strongest person in our grade. He was being talked about everywhere so I know at least that much, as much as I hate it. The boy clicked his tongue and the both of them fixed their uniform. Looks like I interrupted them when they were getting to the good part. They closed the door and then I heard a locking sound. So I am locked up here. Oh well, let's just go to sleep.

Then my consciousness left my body and I was sleeping for a solid two hours. My eyes opened and I checked the time. I missed most of the lunch break and I was hungry. I jumped down and walked to the door but it was still locked. The lunch break was going on and it would just end in ten minutes and my stomach is killing me. I looked at the fence which was present on the rooftop and an idea popped in my idea. The fence was really strong and it won't break. I hope.

I started climbing up the fence. My class is just one floor below and I did break the entire window next to my seat so I will be able to enter even if it is closed. I reached the top of the fence and heard many screams. I looked and saw many people shouting as they gathered under where I was. Do they think I am attempting a suicide? I now started descending and then left the fence when I reached the bottom. I heard many screams but then I grabbed the edge of my window. I am not insane that I will die so early.

Increasing the strength on my arms, I pulled myself up and my head popped up inside the class. The person who was writing something on my desk got scared and fell behind. I pulled myself up and entered the classroom grabbing my bag and taking out my lunch. I can make some amazing food and today I made some eggs because I love eggs. After that I calmly ate my lunch and with everyone staring at me the entire time.

I did not really wanted to do all that in a day but I was forced to. You can blame me. When the classes started, I again drifted to sleeping because a cool breeze blows right after the lunch. Just the perfect amount of it. I don't really care about the classes and the teachers have already given up on me. I have never once given a test seriously and I still come in the top ten in academics so they don't mind except for one. That one teacher is the one whose class is going on at the moment. She is a little different from others because even though bullying is allowed in this school, she tries her best to stop it. Not that she is succeeding it though.

Also, I hate this teacher a lot. Reason being she is a good hearted person and I hate those people. They try to make this world a better place but they are already blind in their objective. They don't need to make the world better but the people in it. The rotten creatures called human beings. Wait, I am one of them.

Now the teacher is standing next to desk with her hands fold and looking at me so intensely that I could feel the stare through every part of my body but I decided to ignore her.

"Miyamoto-kun, is my class that boring?" she said in her sweet voice which could give a person diabetes.

I was still sleeping or at least pretending to so she stops pestering me. I am not disturbing the class so what is the problem then? I am no celebrity that people will be taking picture of me and leaking on the internet with ridiculous captions like, wait, I know, umm… yeah, I have no idea what they usual write and how they get those caption ideas.

Now sensei grabbed my shoulder and was shaking me. Why can't you leave me alone already? Am I that special to you sensei?

I sit up straight and yawned. No, It was not a fake one. I was actually sleepy and I got woken up so this yawn is the result of that. I looked at sensei and her brown hair were tied up in a bun. That is a waste of some really good long hair but I am no one to judge though.

"You finally woke up," she said.

"Sensei, what do you want this time? I am really sleepy right now."

"Come to the staff room with me after class. I will have a long talk with your parents today. You have kept up this behavior for so long now."

"They won't come sensei, don't bother."

Saying that, I put my head on the warm desk. It felt so good. Warm and cool are the best temperatures to sleep in. Nothing more, nothing less.

"And why is that? Why won't they come if I call them?" she said.

"Your phone won't reach to them."

"Am I ask the reason?"

"Do you know the number to heaven?"

Just what is going on today? I beat up a kid, had to jump from the roof to get into my class and now this. Why haven't this happened in the span of four moths? Who the hell is even thinking all this dumb stuff?

Sensei was taken back by my answer and a sad expression was formed on her face. This is also one of the reason why I hate good hearted people. They sympathize with just anyone who says something bad has happened to them. Even if it is a lie. Though, I did not lie about this stuff.

"I am so sorry, I did not know," she said.

"Doesn't matter because I never saw them or knew them."

With this I was back to sleep in the class and sensei was back to teaching and not bothering me. I had to reveal that just to keep her from pestering for the day. I spent the rest of the classes resting or staring out of the window. Soon, the bell rang indicating the end of the school and I started heading back.

I was a bit sad though but still happy. No one beat me up after that incident with red haired boy today. According to me, masochist are the happiest people in this world. They are happy when they get hurt and tortured and sad when they don't but that also hurts which makes them happy again. If everyone wants to be happy in this world, then everyone should either turn into a sadist or a masochist.

I reached my mansion and unlocked the door. It was a big mansion which I bought because I felt like it. I have a lot of money in my bank account. Yes, totally not bragging about it. I entered my room and placed the bag on the bed and head to the bathroom to change.

Then I take off my glasses, my blazer and finally, my shirt. Underneath all this was something no one should know about. They don't need to know. Underneath all this was a toned body with bruises and scars all over it. These are because of all those years. I went near the sink and wash my face which removes the cream that I use to hide the big scar which has settled on my face. It starts from the left of my forehead and makes its way across my face and end near the right side of my chin.

I then go and grab my favorite t-shirt and my pajamas and hop on the bed watching the television. I don't really care about my homework because I did that when I was in the bus on my way home. While watching the television, the main door lock made an opening sound and I was alerted. I quickly picked up the knife under my bed and moved near the sound not making a sound while walking.

I finally made my way to where I thought the person was and I saw a bundle of crimson red hair. I lowered my guard because in this world there was only one person crazy enough to dye their hair like this. The red color of the hair looked redder than our own blood. How is that even possible?

I moved near the person and they leaped onto me rubbing their cheek next to mine.

"Diachi-kyun!" the person said.

I sighed and let them do whatever they want. After that, I was pushed down on the chair while they were still on top of me with a knife in their hand. The knife then made its way on my arm and I did not move at all. The knife pierced through it sending the pain through my body which I enjoyed. There is this tingling feeling that I get when a knife is stabbed in my arm. The best feeling I ever felt. Soon, the knife was out my arm and now the person was tying a bandage around it.

"You know that I have a job today. I might need that hand," I said.

"But if you use this hand, then the pain will just excite your masochist side, won't it? I know everything about you."

"Yes, it will but I cannot let that excitement overcome me when I am doing a job. The pay is really high for this one."

Finally, she got off me. The person in front of me was Nanami. She does not have any last name because she wanted it to be that way. I checked the time and it was still half an hour left. Well, let's just get ready.

Oh, I didn't tell about the job I do right? Well, it is technically a part time, well not really as it is kind of my profession. It is an illegal job that I am doing. The government does not allow this. No, it is not the illegal you are thinking, I don't do that. Okay sometimes but that is because it is all part of the job. My occupation is an assassin. A professional at that.

That is why I have all those scars and sleep most of the time during the day because most of the times, my job takes a lot of time in the night and I do not get a nice sleep so this was how I get that. Nanami here is my partner and relays all the information to me from the organization. I just call it the organization because I never bothered learning the full name. All I care about is that I am paid well. How did you expect me to get this massive mansion?

Nanami went in the room which I made just for her with everything she needed and she was already there with a bag of chips. This girl loves eating when we has a job. In the organization, there are groups made up of two people. One assassinates and the other assist the person and I don't know when but our group became the best they had in just one month within eight assassinations. How do you think I get this much money and that was five years ago when we started. It kind of got into Nanami's head which then resulted into the scar I have on my face which was made with a katana. I have no idea why did a businessman would have a katana under his desk but I cannot ask him any longer since he has already left this world.

I said that my black hair helped right? That is because my entire suit is black and then I wore a mask on my face. I have many masks but this was a cat one. I really like cat girls. Wait, this explanation does not make any sense.

I went to the garage and grabbed my bike. The person I had to assassinate was black haired man. I never bother learning someone's name who is about to die from my hands. I took the fastest route which Nanami transmitted to me by my ear piece.

"Now listen cat boy, the target will be exiting the building at sharp 10:00 PM to go to his house. I have already hacked into the security cameras to confirm that. He is normally escorted by six body guards and his personal assistant. You will reach the place in about another ten minutes and you have one hour to prepare. Let's get this over with real quick. If you do then I will award you," she said the last line while licking her lips. I could hear it in my earpiece too.

"I understand but don't call me cat boy nya~"

"All the more reason to call you that."

"Why nya~"

I sighed and sped up the bike a little more nya~. Wait, I don't need to say that now, do I nya~?

Nanami has already taken care of the traffic and I will not find anyone on the way. Finally, I reached the location of the job and looked around remembering the map. It has five exists, one main, two at the back and three emergency exists. The building is twenty floors high. Honestly, I don't get why people make so tall buildings. I looked around the building and found what I needed. There was a really tall building which Nanami suggested as she packed my sniper along with my pistols and knives. I made sure not to be spotted doing anything suspicious and I was also not wearing my mask at the moment and was also in my normal attire. Did you think I had some crazy spy suit? No, just a black full sleeves t-shirt and black jeans.

I made my way to the building and finding a spot to aim from. This building was still under construction but I was sure that this was strong enough to not fall. I reached the second floor because from there, nothing was obstructing my view and also they won't be able to see me because of the two buildings in their view. Nanami did her job well. I open my bag and take out my sniper with my secondary firearm in my right pocket and a knife in left for any surprise attacks.

Setting up the sniper, I lay down on the floor and checked the wind so that I could also adjust my shot if needed to. The target would be coming within ten minutes now so I wore my mask and Nanami was playing some rock music in my ear piece.

"You still have the line on idiot," I said to her.

"Oh, sorry."

This girl is a genius when it comes to this stuff but always forgets if the line was on or not. One time I was having hand to hand combat with a former military man and Nanami had the line on so I heard something I was not supposed to. Though I didn't mind it too much. I just wondered why she was doing that when I was fighting and could be killed.

I had different scenarios playing in my mind so I had every way of getting this job done even if I miss the initial shot. It was now only one minute for the target to appear and so I adjusted my scope. The car arrived and what came next was the thing I was waiting for. The guy was surrounded by bodyguards which had rifles in their hands. It was either he was just over protective of himself, or maybe he knows about today's assassination. I had no idea which one it was but I was looking for an opening. There was none. The car also had bullet proof glass. When the door was opened, the guards were on either side protecting the person. Looks like this will be harder than it looks.

The door was about to close and I put plan F in action. I made plans till M but looks like F is the best on to use.

"Nanami, send me the route that this car takes," I said in the earpiece.

"Okay, here you go."

The route was shown in the phone kept next to me and I had the perfect chance to attack, it was when the car takes a turn. I adjusted my scope yet again and aimed at the wheel of the car. Even if it was not moving too fast, it will still skid along the way. There were two more body guards in the car. I shoot the bullet and it hit the wheel as the car started skidding and the driver could not control it as it hit the wall sideways.

I reloaded the gun and aimed for the front wheel this time. The sniper was silenced so they could not hear anything. The car then sped up and was still in my field of view. It had to take one more turn which it did and as expected, the window at the side of the car was cracked. Enough to let the bullet through. I cocked back the sniper and took the shot which hit the guy's head before going through the bodyguards head. It was .300 magnum round so it did the work.

As soon as the target was down, the job was done and I picked up all my stuff and grappled from the back of the building where I parked my bike. I still had the mask on and went out of that place from the escape route.

"Great work cat boy," said Nanami.

"Thank. I still did not expect him to be so on guard."

"Yes, I saw the security footage, he had some high security."

"If you already knew that then why didn't you tell me? I had to do such a risky thing to eliminate him."

"Because I knew you would get through. Now come back, I have a little something for you."

I know what she is going to do. I am a masochist so what do you expect her to be doing? I was on the way home but I found something I shouldn't have on the way. I still did not have my dinner and my stomach was killing and right in front of my own two eyes was the a branch of the burger joint that I and Nanami love. Now I am in a fit. What should I chose? Should I go back and get tortured by the hands of that girl or buy some burgers and go home and eat it with her and she would probably forget about it and just go to sleep right on the couch.

I did not get beat up today at all and the only thing which happened to me was that my arm got stabbed. My mind is telling me to go home but my stomach is saying otherwise. What should I do?

If I call Nanami, she would without a doubt say the burgers because it has been a while since we ate those but then the torture… Best thing to do is just flip a coin. I reached out for my pocket and took out a coin from the wallet and tossed it and I caught it in my hand. Wait, something is weird and I am feeling really good.

What I did not realize was that I pressed the coin with my other hand when it was still straight and now it has stabbed my hand and half of it is inside it. I DID NOT EVEN KNOW IT WAS POSSIBLE. Just how hard did I press that coin? I took out the coin slowly increasing the pain on my hand. When I finally took it out, it was half covered in my blood and the blood was flowing out of my hand.

"DAICHI! WHAT HAPPENED!" shouted Nanami in the earpiece bursting my ear drums.


"Then why is there blood flowing from your hand?"

She can track everything that is going on in my body at the moment so she knowing it was kind of expected. Why is she freaking out though?

"Calm down, I was flipping a coin and stabbed myself in the hand with it," I replied in a little annoyed tone.

"Wait, is that even possible?"

"That is what I am thinking."

"But why did you flip a coin?"

"Don't worry about that. I am bringing some burgers home for dinner. Our favorite one.'

"Really? Yaay, you are the best Daichi-kyun."

"I know that."

She then still had the line on and I started hearing some moans. I knew what she was doing but I do not want to remember that. She even did it when I was fighting the former army man. I did tell her later about it. She really worries about me when I get hurt since that time I got the scar. I did reach back but then fainted due to the heavy blood loss and then got admitted in the hospital for a month where I always saw Nanami sitting next to me blocking my view when I was staring at the nurses.

I went inside and ordered our food. The person at the counter came back with my order- six burgers, two fries and a strawberry and a vanilla milk shake. The strawberry one was for me and so are the four burgers. I become very hungry after a job. When I was walking out, many people were staring at me for some reason. I don't know why. Even when I came in front of the person at the counter, he flinched for some reason. Oh, I still have the cat mask on.

I then put the food in another zip of the bag and quickly ride home and yes, the line is still on. This girl.

I reached home and parked my bike in the garage and went inside the house. What I saw was Nanami standing in front of me in her black undergarment revealing her figure which could captivate any boy's heart. Her soft skin was clearly visible and she was staring at me with seducing eyes.

Now see, I am a high school boy so obviously hormones are flowing through my body and in front of me an extremely hot red haired beauty. By hot I am not talking about her red hair though. So I have two option, first to just jump on her like a beast and I am sure she would welcome that because this was not her first time. She had to do this once when she had to accompany me on a mission though it was not with me. She had to seduce the target who was into high school girls and I had to make sure they do not get interrupted. He was on guard for most of the time so she had to wait until he gave into pleasure. I then was running away on my bike with a naked Nanami on my back wearing only the shirt I brought her after she killed him.

Second, ask her what she is doing. It did not even take me another second to decide. So I chose option three.

I went towards her and smacked her head.

"Ouch, what was that for Daichi-kyun?" said Nanami while crouching down holing her head.

I picked a jacket and placed it on her. She wore it and started smelling it. What will I do about this girl? I did not lie when I said I live alone. I do. Nanami's house is on the opposite side of the street but she normally stays here. Like all the time.

"Is that a problem Daichi?" she said.

"Wait, how you were able to listen to my internal monologue. What is that person behind the pages even doing?"

"You know I really like it here and when I am alone, I get scared."

"Says the person who I had to drag out of her room because it was time for dinner. Anyway, are you going to eat or not?"

"Of course I am. Burger! Burger!"

I smiled and took out our food and placed it on the table and Nanami pounced at it like a hungry animal. Sometimes I feel like she might even eat a human if she feels like it. Nanami eats all the time but still has that slim figure. I wonder how. She was gobbling down the food and I was also doing the same. Damn, these burgers are the best creation in the world. I sipped my strawberry shake along with filling my mouth with fries and Nanami was already done with her food and was now lying dead on the couch.

"Purr, purr, purr."

Maybe not. She was sound asleep and once I ate my food, I cleaned up everything, reported about today's job to the organization and picked up Nanami throwing her in the bed in another room before going to sleep myself with my magnum research pistol which I have as my main side arm. It uses 44 magnum and even .50 Action Express rounds. It makes me a little safer while I sleep.

During the night, I felt someone enter my bed and was nuzzling her face on my back which I knew who was. This is my daily life. It's not like this because I am an assassin or the writer wants to though it is his fault but the main reason was that these people are crazy.