A killer being hunted

Oh, so you are finally back? Glad to see you all again. Well, it is not your nor mine fault. The entire fault is of the person behind the pages. Once I find you I am going to kill you for sure.

Keeping that aside, I woke up and got out of my bed leaving the other two sleeping soundly there and made my way to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror and man I look exhausted as hell. I don't know why is that? I quickly freshened up and also took a shower. As I stepped out of the shower with nothing but a towel on my waist, I saw the other two already awake and yawning. Is this some kind of coincidence?

"Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh. Good morning Daichi-kyun," said Nanami still in her or my jacket.

"Good morning."

The other person looked at me and smiled and said good morning to me in sign language. She can speak but she loves talking in sign language. This person is Nanami's friend Yoshiko. She has shoulder length green hair which were all messed up as she just woke and she was not wearing anything. Don't ask me why. Also, why did she sleep in my room this time? She normally sleeps with Nanami.

"When did you sneak in my bed?" I asked the red haired girl as she perked up and gave me a mischievous smile.

"What are you talking about Daichi-kyun? After all that happened last night, this is how you treat me? You should take responsibility for what you have done to me," she replied holding her face in her hands which were not behind her back as I put them in a lock. "Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch! Okay sorry. You know when I crept in. You were still awake weren't you?" she said as I let go of her.

This girl is really crazy. I went to the wardrobe and got my uniform out and went to the changing room to change. I also applied the cream to hide the scar that I had on my face. By the time I was out, Yoshiko has worn her cloths and Nanami was still rolling on the bed.

"I am going to make breakfast. What do you want to eat?" I asked.

"Sandwich," Yoshiko finally spoke.

"Daichi-kyun!" said Nanami. So she started this early in the morning?

I sighed and made some eggs for Nanami because she loves eggs and I just toasted some bread for me and also was drinking my coffee. Yoshiko ate her sandwich which only had vegetables cut in them with some mayonnaise and Nanami was gobbling down her food like always.

Turning on the television, I saw the news covering the incident of my yesterday's target's death. The police was still investigating the case but they don't know where the shots were fired from. The silencer not only silences a gun but also hides the flash of a gun so there was absolutely no way they could easily find out the place from where I assassinated and even if they find it, they won't know who did this because of my mask nya~. Didn't I stop that yesterday nya~?

Now let me tell what happens in my day to day life. I wake up like any normal person, sometimes alone sometimes not. Nanami and Yoshiko have their own house but Nanami sleeps at my house and Yoshiko sleeps wherever Nanami sleeps for god know what reason. Then I go to school and throw both of them back to their own houses and go to school and the rest of the days happens the way it happened yesterday. Though, I do not have a job every day.

Yoshiko is not from our team but she is the assassin of team 67. Our team is team 69. Nanami and Yoshiko are best friends so she spends time with Nanami and because this red haired idiot is at my house most of the time, even I became good friends with Yoshiko.

I am sure that listening to this make you think I am some harem protagonist but that is definitely not the case. At least I hope that is not the case because honestly dealing with more than one female who is interested in you is really hard and turns your life into a complete mess. No offence to the opposite gender. I don't hate you but why the hell are you so complicated to understand?

My lunch was already ready in the lunchbox which was nothing fancy. Just some rice and curry. I can say I am really good at cooking and I can also cook at a quicker speed. By that, I do not mean I rush anything. I make everything on the most accurate of time. When to add the ingredients, when to mix them from time to time and when the curry is made is all preinstalled in my brain.

We all were now done with our breakfast and I quickly did the dishes and grabbed a bag along with my blazer and wore it. As soon as I grabbed the keys, Nanami and Yoshiko rushed out of the house as I closed the door. I was still in the house and now turned around making my way to the basement door and unlocked it.

Upon unlocking, I picked a paper clip and placed it on my nose as I made my way down stairs and looked at the "thing" on the chair covered in red. The same color was still on the walls. I really forgot about her, didn't I? She was such a beauty that I would not mind dating her but there was a problem. She came after me to kill me so I took care of her appropriately.

I wore the haze mat suit and started cleaning the room and picked up the person on the chair who you can no longer identify as a human. Her beautiful blonde hair were tainted by her own cold blood and her green captivating eyes were life less.

"What a waste of such beauty," I said to myself as I took the parts which were left like her intestine, limbs, liver and stuff in stuffed it in the bag.

After filling her in it, I threw her in the box and closed the lid and incinerated her. By the way the box was something I bought which could burn the human body within a minute to the points that only ashes are left behind. Soon that one minute passed and I stopped it and moved out.

I did get hurt from her when she stabbed me in the shoulders twice. That looks on her face of satisfaction when she got the knife in my flesh was the best thing I ever saw in the world. I wanted to look at that face for as long as possible. Even thinking about that face makes my body turn on. I would have loved being tortured by her all the time. Ahh, this is really bad for me. I kind of feel like I would have been highly addicted to it.

When the knife hit my shoulder and I let out a grunt her eyes widened in pleasure as her face crept up in a smile and the sadistic look she was giving me that time.

If only

If only


If only, she did not aim for my heart next, I would have manipulated her into being on my side. I would have let her stay here with me and even offer her protection. That was how much she affected me.

I don't mind getting stabbed or shot but I don't want to die. If I do, I won't feel the pain and suffering any longer which would be a letdown. That is my reason to live-

To experience the ultimate torture.

Once I was done with that, I took off the haze mat suit. The reason I wore that was that I did not want to get my uniform dirty and also the smell of blood spilled more than one day ago is really fowl and makes one to throw up. I do no throw up at that because this smell is something I am really used but I did not want that smell to be on the cloths I am wearing at the moment.

Upon checking the time, I still had one hour till school starts so I sat down where I tied her up after I knocked her out. I had cleaned the chair completely and there was no spot of blood left on it. If there would ever be a world championship for cleaning, I will be representing my country.

I picked up the phone I took from her and turned it on. I did not have to worry about being caught because of all signals coming in here are jammed by Nanami thanks to her being a genius.

Upon turning on, I saw flood of messages coming to her and I saw one of the messages which was an order to assassinate me. I checked the name of the client but it was not there. I copied the number and sent it to the organization. I really want to know who this person who wants me dead is.

I let lose my arm as it fell down hanging and looked towards the table which had many knives, hammers, axes and even a chainsaw placed on it. I come to this room when I want to really do some serious torture to me. A human's brain stops one from seriously hurting themselves but in me, this function of the brain is shut off. Nanami knows that I torture myself in this room but that was not the entire truth. I am not the only one being tortured here.

An assassination attempt on me was nothing new. At one point, it was something which happened everyday but Nanami does not know about that. Nor does she know that I bring those people here and extract information from them before killing them. If they do not answer, I have my ways.

I have tortured myself enough without killing myself so I know where on a human body it hurts the most without killing them. So I slowly lead to those spots if they do not answer. As this is a basement deep in the ground, no voice can escape from here.

It is a letdown that most of them just beg me to kill them already or answer all the question till I reach the half an hour mark. But she was a different case. She was able to hold up until I got to the chainsaw which takes me two hours approximately. Upon seeing it was the point she lost it and she broke. It really pisses me when these assassins beg for their life hoping not to get killed by the person they were about to kill. I really do not understand human behavior. If you kill then you need to also be ready to be killed. It is an unsaid contract you sign the moment you become an assassin.

That is also one of the reason she stood different from the others. She accepted her death and just closed her eyes so I decided to end it quickly for her in the end.


A notification came on my phone as I looked at it and it was a text message followed by a phone call. I picked up,

"69A speaking," I said.

If you are wondering why I said this, it is a simple code- 69 is my team number and assassin is my designation. Nanami is 69C where C stands for communicator. Don't ask why. By the way Yoshiko is 67A.

"No need to be formal with me boy," came an oh-too-familiar voice.

"Yes, Nanase-san. So, did you get in information about the client?"

"Not much could be found about the client but one thing we are sure about is that this person is some big shot to be able to contact and convince White shadow to send their assassin to kill you. What did you do to the person?"

"She is turned into ashes. I had to do this but what is more concerning is that they know where I live."

If someone was to come after me again, they know where to attack and because they know where I live, they can even explode the entire place and I don't want to die in an explosion, it end really quickly.

"I will see about that. For now stay on guard and go to school though I really wonder why you decided to go there even though you know everything taught there."

She was right. When I was in training, we were taught everything in academics because sometimes I even have to go undercover as a professor and because I have really good height for my age, it is not difficult. With some makeup and a voice changer attached to my neck, Professor Miyamoto is at your service.

"I just feel like it. Well then, I will be cutting the call now."


I let go of the phone but again one thing about her was moving around in my head. A smile crept on my face but it was a sad smile. I did not tell Nanase-san the girl's name. It was Ibarada Alice which honestly sounds half foreign but who am I to judge? There was also that other thing she told me before I open her up with the chainsaw which I did not tell Nanase-san. If that is true then I really look forward to it. I think I can have an idea how that will happen. Let's see what today brings to me.

I checked the time on my phone and there was only…10 minutes…left! I am going to get late! I need to go!

I quickly ran up the stair skipping a few and locked the door of the basement. Picked up my school bag, left Ibarada's phone on the counter and went outside the house to be met with blinding sunlight as I rushed towards the school at my full speed. Good thing that I did not get late somehow. It was not somehow, I jumped over some houses to get there. I am really sorry for it but I won't be paying for your broken roofs. They did not maintain it and I showed it to them. I know I am a really nice guy.

I finally reached school as the gates were still open. There was no penalty for coming late but I like being on time so that is why was in such a rush. Once I entered the building, I slowed down and then took off my shoes and wore my indoor shoes before heading towards my class which was on the third floor though it should have been the other way round but I don't really care about it. At least I was able to eat my lunch because of that fact.

On opening the door, I saw everyone already in their seat as they glanced at me which now turned into a stare. Well, I cannot blame them much about it because so much was known about me last day that I myself was really surprised. While the boys glared at me, the girls were giving me glances from time to time. I sighed and went to my seat and the window was repaired. Who knew that would happen.

Sitting down, I placed my bag and did what any sane person would do, sleep. Look, I had a job last night and I woke up really early so don't blame me. It's not my fault.

The door opened and our homeroom teacher came inside telling something about a student who will soon join us. I don't really care about a transfer student so I shifted my face looking outside the window and suddenly I saw a light flash. These people cannot leave me for a second. They even have to come after me in my school.

I quickly pushed the table and straighten myself and moved a little back as the glass was shattered and so was my table by the bullet. As the sound was heard by everyone in the class, they all flinched and some panicked screaming.

My eyes drifted at the bullet and a little smile crept on my face because I understood which gun he was using and it would take him some time to reload the magazine, adjust his aim and take another shot. I quickly did the calculation in my head which came out that I have seven seconds for the next shot if he decided to shoot again so I dialed a number on speed dial and then cut it. Now I just needed to stall for some time with some acting.

4 seconds

I stood up with trembling legs and fell down panicking and was dragging myself at the back of the class. It does not matter how strong a person is, if he gets targeted by a gun, he will panic so it was only natural. Everyone looked at me understanding how scary the situation was. My desk was destroyed with one bullet which everyone could see in the class as the others who were around my seat also ran away from that place bringing everyone back to their senses as they rushed out of the class but it was too late as another shot made its way from the window next to where I was which missed from destroying my future but impaled a girl's leg.

7 seconds

I am no hero but she got hurt because of me so if I let her die like this, I will feel the guilt. I stood up and picked the girl screaming in pain who was trampled by her classmates. She is your friend, what the hell are you thinking? Well, life is what matters more than a friend so it was kind of understood.

3 seconds

The class was empty leaving me and the blue haired girl who was part of the major bullying group which bullied me. I thought about taking cover behind the wall but the person was using a 338 Lapua Magnum bullet so it won't be of much use. I had three seconds for the next shot so I picked up the girl and moved towards the front of the class. I would have not done it if I was alone but the material the teacher's podium was made with was much more durable.

0 seconds

Another shot was fired which missed my left shoulder but grazed it a little leaving a stream of blood flowing down. Just why is this happening in such a short time?

7 seconds

I placed the girl under the teacher's podium and she was still really scared and held my hand telling me not to leave her. I forcefully let go of her hand and then stood up looking at the person who was firing the shots. I think they should be here by now so I stood there in place while the girl was yelling my name telling me to get cover.

4 seconds

I looked at the position the shots were fired from and readied myself to dodge.

3 seconds

2 seconds

1 second

0 seconds


"Haaaaa," I sighed.

Finally it was over. I fell down on the ground and looked at the girl who was still there. Just to show that I was not wasting time, I brought the tables and stacked it around her and I also sat with her.

You might be thinking why I did not go to the hallway? It was because if I would have gone there, the person would have shot on the walls there causing more casualties and also the people I contacted have to see me to act on the person who tried to kill me. If I was killed then and there, they would have left the site and not bother with the person and just put a tracker on him. I know this sounds really weird and not make any sense but this is just how it works in the organization. I feel like the founder was high on drugs while making these rules. I think I forgot about someone, oh, the blue haired one.

"ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?!" she shouted bursting my eardrums.

"You saw that the bullet shattered my desk and I could not move you much because it would more painful so I stacked the table one after other to give extra protection," I tried calming her down.

"And how in the world you know that? Weren't you scared when your desk was destroyed? You were trembling like a coward."

"You can say it is because of the adrenaline rush I decided to save you."

"That is not what I asked!"

I saved someone and she is now bursting my eardrum. What is wrong with her? You should fall me arms kissing me all over calling me Daichi-sama. Wait, that sounds really cringe. So cringe in fact that I actually cringed in front of her.

"What is that for?" she shouted.

"Why are you even angry at me? I was someone you bullied and now you are worrying about me like you are my mom."

"Of course I would worry about you idiot!"


"I don't know!"

Okay, what? What is wrong with this girl? She is worrying about me and on top of that she does not even know why. And is her wound not paining? I held her left leg where she was shot on her thighs and moved my hand there checking the wound. Her thighs are really soft, no, this is not what I am supposed to be thinking. The bullet went all the way, she will be on a wheel chair for some time. I took out my handkerchief and a bottle which for some reason was kept next to me. How did it even get here at an elevated platform like this?

I poured water on the handkerchief and started wrapping around her wound.

"It hurts you dumbass!" she shouted.

"So you don't want me to apply first aid and let you bleed to death?"

"That is not what I meant. I meant do it a little slowly."

"The bullet went through your leg so if I do it slowly, you will feel the same pain for longer."

"Okay, get this over with quickly."

I quickly wrapped the handkerchief around her wound as she held my arm digging her nails in my blazer which felt really good. Grip harder.

"All done," I said.

"Thanks," she replied in a meek voice.

"It's fine."

"Anyway, I have not heard the shot for some while. Is it possible it stopped?"

"No, let's wait here and wait for anyone to come. We don't really know if the person went away or is waiting for us to come out and shoot again. You want that?"

"Of course I don't!"

We then sat in silence as I closed my eyes and did what I normally do. I fell asleep. The situation was taken care of and the school will repair everything by tomorrow so it will be a holiday for the rest of the day but I was still really sleepy. My consciousness drifted away from me as I had an interesting dream about what Ibarada said.

I was standing in complete darkness while even enveloped my body as I could not see myself. Suddenly, from I saw a silhouette of a person standing in the light far away from where I was and me being the way I am did not even bother moving there and sat down on my place. The person along with the light came closer to me on its own and their step were fast and heavy as if I did something wrong.

"Are you an idiot? You are supposed to come towards the light, not the other way round," I heard the person say.

"But you came towards me on your own so why should I even bother?"

"Huh? If I did not do it, the dream won't continue. This is how it works. You need to get near the light."

"So, what do you want?"

"No, I am what you want."

What? I tilted my head in confusion as the person standing in front of me started banging her leg on the floor in frustration shouting some insults to me. Wait that is a little too much coming from a girl's mouth. I take it back, this one was even worse. What is her problem?

I stood up and smacked the girl's head because it was getting to be annoying.

"Ouch, what was that for?" she said.

"Get to the point already."