Four Biggest Academies

Zhou Yi finished his tea and was about to leave with the signed contract when the owner stopped him awkwardly.

"I'm just wondering... Do you have any extra books that you've copied? I really like your calligraphy and I'm willing to pay a high price for a copy."

Calligraphy was a form of art for the people in that time. Plenty of calligraphers would spend a lot of time perfecting their arts, to the point where a nobody could become a person praised by many.

Collectors of calligraphy works would use any means necessary to get their hands on a work they were fond of, and some would even resort to stealing, threatening, grave digging, or worse.

Even though Zhou Yi's writing was far from the famous calligraphers, it was still unique and pretty. No one could even come close to his copying ability and the elegance in his work.

But it usually took a lot of time for Zhou Yi to copy an entire book, and he had trouble deciding on a price to sell it for.