Call of Arms

After sending the Fox Demon off, Zhou Yi had finally taken care of something that would have brought him problems.

If he kept carrying the soul of a fox demon around with him all the time, his identity would've been exposed if he ran into someone that was proficient in sensing demon energy.

Once again, his life returned to one that was peaceful and quiet. He would spend most of his time slaying demons, working on his shift and transcribing scriptures. Sometimes, he would even head to the Spring Breeze Court to learn more about arts.

Times passed by quickly.

Zhou Yi's current goal was to buy a house and become a property owner. It was his lifelong goal that had followed him here from his past life.

Since his budget was around 3,000 to 4,000 dollars, he could only pick a smaller place that was located in the outskirts of the city.

He didn't mind if the place was remote since no one would bother him.