Swordsmanship Divine Art

Days seemed to move faster in times of peace, and half a year flew by in what felt like an instant.

Just like any other day, Zhou Yi arrived at the Resource Division of the Demon Slaying Department as early as he could to sneak into the dungeon. After finding the prisoners in Cell B, he cast an illusion spell and took their badges away.

"Only three today? That's too few."

Zhou Yi opened the first cell and slayed the wolf demon that had terrorized Yongchang County before heading to the second cell to slay the bat demon that had fed on human blood.

His Taoism Attainment had increased by three years, leading to a total of 10,200 years now.

When he opened the third cell, he was surprised to see a rare silver zombie.

Zombies rarely get locked up in the dungeon as these were beings born through hatred. They had a metal body but no wisdom.