Chapter 7 Clearing the Field for Guests Receptions

"What's going on here? Why is this place so crowded? Disperse, disperse!" Wang Ke frowned and hurried over.

Upon seeing Wang Ke, Qi Jun quickly waved to him, "Brother Wang, long time no see! It's me… I ran into an old classmate here, just taking care of his business!"

Qi Jun's father's company had some minor fame in Yun City. Hence, Qi Jun had the fortune to dine at the same table with Wang Ke, and the two had a passing acquaintance.

Next to them, a security guard had already stepped forward and whispered an explanation into Wang Ke's ear.

Wang Ke nodded at Qi Jun, "So it's Qi Shao, but today the Emperor Hao Hotel has VIPs visiting, so we can't get too carried away!" Wang Ke paused for a moment and then said to Chen Tang, who was standing still on the side, "You, go to that corner and clean Qi Shao's shoes. The customer is king, got it?"

Based on the report from the security guard, Wang Ke thought Chen Tang was someone who shined shoes!

Today, Elder Pang had booked the entire 18th floor, clearing the area to host a VIP, and Wang Ke didn't dare take it lightly. If Chen Tang and Qi Jun messed things up, he wouldn't be able to bear the responsibility.

With Wang Ke's backing, Qi Jun grew even more arrogant, "Did you hear that? Chen Tang, hurry up and polish the shoes! Otherwise, get lost!"

And across from him, the moment after Wang Ke had finished speaking, Elder Pang suddenly raised his hand and slapped Wang Ke across the face!


"You fool, how dare you let the young..." Elder Pang had not finished saying the word "master," when he suddenly remembered that the young master had asked to keep a low profile and not to reveal his identity, so he quickly changed his words, "How dare you strike Mr. Chen, don't you know Mr. Chen is my distinguished guest?"

As his words fell, Elder Pang hurried forward and respectfully said to Chen Tang, "Young… Mr. Chen, are you alright?"

Chen Tang smiled faintly, "I'm fine; there were just a few flies buzzing around for a while, that's all!"

This scene left Wang Ke completely stunned.

Good heavens!

The person Elder Pang was hosting in the Tianzi Room after booking the entire 18th floor was this man in front of him?

The Pang Family Group, as a superpower influencing the entire Southwest, was helmed by Elder Pang himself. Qi Jun had never seen him in person, but he had seen him on television.

Looking at Elder Pang now, was Chen Tang his honored guest?

Chen Tang had mentioned earlier that he had arranged to meet someone here—could it have been Elder Pang?

Actually, Qi Jun had no idea that today, anyone of significance in the Southwest Region who could make it was secretly gathered in the Tianzi Room upstairs.

Qi Jun was clueless about these events! But Wang Ke couldn't have been more aware!

Any of those figures in the Tianzi Room upstairs, if randomly pulled out, could wipe out the Emperor Hao Grand Hotel in minutes!

And this very VIP who they were all set to collectively meet, Wang Ke had actually asked him to help Qi Jun shine shoes?

Was he seeking death?

"I was wrong, Elder Pang… I was wrong, Young Master Chen, I apologize… I was blind and didn't recognize you were the VIP Elder Pang was hosting…" At this point, where could Wang Ke care about his face, in front of so many people in the lobby, he slapped himself left and right, nonstop on his own face.

Across from him, Qi Jun and Qin Yao watched Chen Tang with awkward expressions, not knowing whether to stay or to leave!

With Elder Pang backing him, Chen Tang could crush Qi Jun as easily as crushing an ant. Qi Jun was starting to regret it now; it was all because of this damned woman! If it weren't for her, none of this would have happened.

In his heart, Qi Jun had already decided that if Chen Tang pursued the matter later, he would push all the blame onto Qin Yao.

Watching Wang Ke slap himself several times, Chen Tang then smiled and gestured with his hand, "General Manager Wang, there's no need to blame yourself! You got it wrong, I'm not some VIP, it's just that Elder Pang has a liking for calligraphy, and happened to know that I can write a few characters with a brush, so he asked me to go up and write a couple of characters for enjoyment, nothing more!"

Elder Pang was a crafty individual, and upon hearing Chen Tang's words, he immediately understood Chen Tang's intention, "Indeed, we've heard that Mr. Chen's brush writing bears the style of a great sage from the past, so my friends and I wanted to witness it for ourselves. Mr. Chen, it's getting late, shall we go upstairs now?"

"Okay!" Chen Tang's lips curled into a wicked smile as he glanced over Wang Ke and Qi Jun and the others.

Wang Ke's hand stiffened in the air, and it took him a long time to regain his composure.


Not a big shot?

Just going to write a couple of characters with a brush for fun?


Wang Ke immediately felt as uncomfortable as if he'd spent the night with a Husky!


Got it wrong, huh!

Didn't I just get beaten for nothing?

Wang Ke constantly felt that something was off. Elder Pang himself had said earlier that he wanted to see Chen Tang's brushwork. This damn brat, was he playing me?

Thinking they had figured out the truth, Qi Jun and Qin Yao couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. "Psh, and here we thought Chen Tang was some big shot. Turns out he's just a retarded street performer, a few crappy characters with a brush. Let's see how long he can be smug about it."

Qin Yao also patted her chest, "Shit, that scared the hell out of me!"

Seeing the swollen-faced Wang Ke nearby, Qi Jun hurried over and asked with concern, "Brother Wang, are you okay?"

Wang Ke was full of rage with nowhere to vent, and upon seeing Qi Jun, he lashed out with a kick to Qi Jun's stomach, "Scram!"

If it weren't for Qi Jun, this jinx, he wouldn't have been embarrassed in front of so many people.

After being kicked by Wang Ke, Qi Jun staggered, nearly falling over, but didn't show any anger. "Brother Wang, I'm sorry, I'll take my leave first then!"

Just as Qi Jun had taken a few steps, Wang Ke, while touching his face, stopped him and demanded, "That's right, that Chen Tang guy you were with, do you know him? What's his deal?"

Qi Jun paused, quickly turned around, and explained, "Know him? Of course! We went to the same university. He's said to be an orphan who became a live-in son-in-law in the Lin Family. He's nothing but a pushover there, probably about to get divorced!"

"Oh, is that so?" A ruthless look flashed in Wang Ke's eyes. He had thought Chen Tang was really something significant, but it turned out he was just an orphan who amounted to nothing.


Dare to make me, Wang Ke, lose face? Just wait a while, and I'll make sure you regret it!

"Brother Qi Jun, I got a bit hot-headed just now; I'm sorry! How about this, today your bill here, I'll take charge and give you a 60% discount, as a way of showing my apology!" Wang Ke's demeanor changed as swiftly as flipping a book, and with an arm around Qi Jun's shoulder, he offered warmly.

Qi Jun, pleasantly surprised, responded, "Oh, how can I accept that? Haha, thanks, Brother Wang!"


The eighteenth floor!

Elder Pang, leading Chen Tang out of the elevator and seeing that no one was around, finally dared to speak respectfully, "Young Master, you're too modest! Those people insulted you like that, with just a word from you, I could have made them disappear from Yun City instantly!"

Chen Tang smiled faintly, "Elder Pang, they're just a few flies, no need to make a big fuss..."

Elder Pang bowed respectfully and said, "The Young Master is right in his teachings! Please, this way, the person in charge from Southwestern Guard and heads of major families have all arrived, everyone who could come is here!"

Chen Tang nodded, "Alright! However, I suddenly need to pee. Elder Pang, go ahead, I'll go for a quick piss and be right back!"