Chapter 8 The Beauty Who Burst into the Men's Restroom

Elder Pang was startled and quickly responded with respect, "Alright, the restroom is this way; let me accompany the young master!" As he spoke, Elder Pang was ready to lead the way.

But Chen Tang stood still, giving Elder Pang a strange look and said, "Elder Pang, I don't think you need to accompany me to pee, do you? Are you planning to compete with me on who can pee higher?"

Elder Pang's head was covered in sweat at the remark, "Young Master, please don't make fun of this old servant. I am just worried something unexpected might happen!"

Just now, in the first-floor lobby, Elder Pang had only been a bit late, and Chen Tang had already been insulted by Wang Ke and Qi Jun.

Chen Tang waved his hand dismissively, "Relax, Elder Pang, didn't you guys clear out the eighteenth floor? There's nothing to worry about! You go ahead and attend to the guests, help me with something. Ask them if they have any suitable gifts on them that I can borrow. Tomorrow is my grandmother's birthday, and I don't have a suitable present yet!"

I understand! I'll take care of it right away!" Elder Pang bowed respectfully and hurriedly walked toward the conference hall.

Chen Tang moved swiftly, quickly darting into the restroom. After a relieving pee, he finally felt much better. As Chen Tang was fixing his pants, a shadow flitted at the doorway, and a woman in a red cheongsam rushed in, bustling with urgency.

Moreover, the woman was holding a glass of milk in one hand, and with the other, she seemed ready to unfasten her cheongsam as if she was in a great hurry!

As the cheongsam lifted, the long, shapely legs beneath were revealed, round and smooth, a delightful sight indeed!

Upon suddenly seeing Chen Tang in the restroom, the woman's actions froze, her face turning angry, "Pervert, what are you doing in the women's restroom?"

Chen Tang, with an innocent face, "Miss, I think you're mistaken. Would a ladies' restroom have urinals?" As he spoke, Chen Tang pointed to the urinals against the wall.

A moment of doubt crossed the woman's face as her eyes scanned the words on the wall, "Take one small step forward, make one giant leap for civility!"

And the layout of the room — it was indeed, without question, a men's restroom!

Han Youyue felt incredibly embarrassed inside. She was in such a hurry to get to the meeting today that she had accidentally dashed into the men's restroom — and, most crucially, there was someone inside!

Admit her mistake?

That was out of the question. Han Youyue, responsible for all the intelligence at the Southwestern Guard Station, nicknamed the Intelligence Queen of the Chen Family. If people found out she had mistakenly entered the men's restroom, how could she continue her work?

Seeing that Chen Tang seemed like a naïve young man, Han Youyue suddenly had an idea, "So what if it's the men's restroom? Humph! You lecherous scoundrel... Would you believe me if I screamed right now, saying you dragged me into the men's restroom to molest me?"

Having said that, Han Youyue felt a surge of smugness inside.

She was simply too clever!

Hearing Han Youyue's words, Chen Tang's eyes widened, and he looked at Han Youyue speechlessly, "..."

So that's a tactic one can use?

In fact, Chen Tang had a general guess about the woman's identity by this point. The entire eighteenth floor had been sealed off by Elder Pang's men. Anyone who could come to the eighteenth floor would likely be from the Chen Family's Southwest Garrison, right?

This mature beauty was quite interesting!

With that thought, Chen Tang stepped forward, reached out to wrap his arm around Han Youyue's slim waist, and leaned in close to her.

The strong scent of a man startled Han Youyue, causing her to struggle, "What... what are you doing?"

Chen Tang smirked mischievously, "My dear, didn't you say you were going to cry out that I'm molesting you? Since my reputation is already at stake, naturally I have to take some substantive action, otherwise I'd be letting down my conscience, wouldn't I?"

"You wouldn't dare!" Han Youyue replied with a furious coquettish anger, wriggling in Chen Tang's arms, and her handbag smashed hard against Chen Tang's chest as she swiftly fled toward the restroom's exit, shouting, "Shameless, scoundrel!"

Han Youyue fled in disarray while Chen Tang's lips curled up in amusement, remembering the name he saw on her name tag, "Han Youyue, heh, quite a character, this miss!"


The eighteenth-floor conference hall was spacious enough to accommodate two hundred people, and at this moment, there were hardly any empty seats left.

Everyone sat upright, silently waiting.

At the entrance of the room, Chen Tang finally made his appearance, and Elder Pang promptly rose to his feet, loudly introducing him to the crowd, "Ladies and gentlemen, this is Second Young Master Chen Tang, the future first in line to inherit the Chen Family!"

"Good to meet you, Young Master!"

With a rustle, everyone stood up and respectfully bowed to greet Chen Tang.

Chen Tang glanced over the gathered individuals. Those who were qualified to sit here today were all big names in their respective fields!

Yun City's richest man Lu Zhanfeng, Tiannan Province's steel magnate Zhang Tian, Southwest Huang's Pharmacy's Huang Jinyu…

Before, Chen Tang had only seen these figures on television; he never expected to have any interaction with them. But now, here they were standing in front of him, trembling with nervousness, their faces filled with unease.

As the core backbone of the Southwestern Guard, although they all worked for the Chen Family Clan, they didn't know much about the young master they would be following in the future.

"You've all worked hard, please sit down for now. We are waiting for one more person," said Chen Tang, waving his hand to the crowd and walking towards the main guest table under the guidance of Elder Pang.

As the crowd sat down, they exchanged puzzled glances.

The Chen Family's young master is waiting for someone?

Who could it be?

Who commands such respect?

Elder Pang was also puzzled; he had sealed off the entire eighteenth floor. Without Elder Pang's command or an invitation, it would be impossible for anyone to enter.

Just as everyone had taken their seats, at the entrance of the conference hall, Han Youyue suddenly appeared. Upon seeing Chen Tang in front, she let out a surprised cry, "You scoundrel… What are you doing here…"

In recent years, Elder Pang had been the de facto controller of the Southwestern Guard, holding a respected and venerable position at the Southwestern Guard Station.

But now, Elder Pang was actually taking the initiative to guide the young man from the restroom, which indicated that the young man's status might not be low at all!

Someone from the headquarters?

Elder Pang had informed everyone that today was about lifting the family prohibition for Second Young Master Chen, everyone coming together to meet him. Could it be…

With that possibility in mind, Han Youyue suddenly felt a chill!

Could it be something this melodramatic?

"Director Han, mind your words. This is Second Young Master Chen. Shouldn't you be paying your respects to him right now?" Elder Pang's brow furrowed as he gave Han Youyue a gentle reminder.

Han Youyue's heart shattered like glass.


And Chen Tang, watching Han Youyue, gave a charming smile and said, "What a coincidence, pretty sister. We meet again, huh?"

Han Youyue, looking at Chen Tang with an embarrassed expression, respectfully bowed and said, "Young Master… your subordinate… didn't know it was you earlier, I acknowledge my mistake…"

Oh heavens!

She had just insulted the young master as a scoundrel and even hit him with her bag!

Within the Chen Family, there was in fact a strict hierarchy. Subordinates must obey their superiors absolutely.

Moreover, as the direct heir of the Chen Family Clan and the first in line to inherit, the power that Chen Tang controlled was immense. If Chen Tang were to order Han Youyue's death right now, she would not dare to utter a word of refusal!

The room fell silent, everyone waiting for Chen Tang's decision…