Chapter 16: Are You Jealous?

"Chen Feng looked at the radiant and enchanting Qin Luoyin, something told him that Qin Luoyin might really have some feelings for him.

However, Chen Feng believed that there could be no possible future for him and Qin Luoyin.

"Actually, I'm married. My wife's name is Ye Qingqing. To put it another way, I am the son-in-law of the Ye Family."

Chen Feng said very seriously.

Upon hearing this Qin Luoyin's heart shook violently, her face paling. Her heart felt hollow, as if something important was about to leave her.

This feeling made Qin Luoyin scared.

But then, as if realising something, Qin Luoyin's eyes widened: "What did you say was your wife's name? Ye Qingqing of the Ye family, one of the five powerful families?"

"Yes, what about it?"

"I've heard about you before." Qin Luoyin's eyes were getting brighter: "Rumors say that after you got married to Ye Qingqing, you've never shared a room with her, is that true? And the Ye family don't treat you well, do they?"

"Well, that's about right."

Chen Feng gave a dry laugh.

Two years ago when he married Ye Qingqing and became the Ye family's son-in-law, most of the elites in Qianyang knew about it and it had caused quite a stir.

As the Ye family is ranked third amongst the five notable families in Qianyang in terms of asset holdings, their prestige is no less than the Qin family's. Therefore, any news about the Ye family would become a hot topic and is carefully watched.

When she heard Chen Feng confirm, the sense of loss in Qin Luoyin's heart instantly vanished.

"Hehe, you must be tired of dealing with the Ye family, right? Leave them and marry me."

Qin Luoyin was half joking and half serious.

"Would you really marry me? How about we get a hotel room tonight?"

Chen Feng winked at her.

Qin Luoyin was taken aback for a moment, then her pretty face turned slightly red and she playfully punched Chen Feng a few times, saying shyly, "You rogue, don't talk nonsense."

"What nonsense? I just need to make sure I'm a good match for you." Chen Feng smirked.

"Oh my, you're such a bad boy."

Qin Luoyin's cheeks were flushed and she didn't dare to look into Chen Feng's eyes.

Chen Feng couldn't help but chuckle, "Let's not joke anymore, I really need to get a room to sleep."

"Why aren't you going home?" Qin Luoyin asked curiously.

"I had a fight with the Ye family and came out. Um… I even slapped Ye Qingqing's mother, do you think I can go back?"

"What?" Qin Luoyin was left dumbfounded, not quite able to comprehend.

"Forget about 'what', you go back and accompany your grandmother. See you!" Chen Feng waved his hand goodbye.

"My grandmother is okay now, I'll go with you to the hotel first." Qin Luoyin quickly caught up with Chen Feng and held onto his arm.

Chen Feng stopped in his tracks: "Are you sure you want to come with me to the hotel?"

"What are you thinking? I… I mean I'll see you to the hotel, then I'll come back to my grandmother." Qin Luoyin blushed as she spoke.

"What if someone sees and misunderstands? It's not good for your reputation, so go back. Listen to me."

"I don't want to go back." Qin Luoyin shook her head.

Just as Chen Feng was about to convince Qin Luoyin to leave, a blinding light suddenly fell on their faces.

Chen Feng looked up and saw a familiar car parked in front of them.

It was Ye Qingqing's car!

Ye Qingqing got out of the car. Tall and with flowing long hair, she walked over to Chen Feng in high heels like a queen, smiling as she approached him.

Chen Feng was dumbstruck!

So was Qin Luoyin!

Soon, Ye Qingqing arrived in front of them.

"Husband, aren't you coming home?"

Ye Qingqing's voice was very gentle, so gentle that Chen Feng felt a sense of foreboding.

And Ye Qingqing's gaze intentionally or unintentionally fell on the hand Qin Luoyin was using to hold Chen Feng's arm.

Qin Luoyin calmly withdrew her hand, smiling at Ye Qingqing, "My name is Qin Luoyin, nice to meet you."

"Ye Qingqing."

Ye Qingqing extended her hand and shook hands with Qin Luoyin.

On the surface, it was a calm scene, but under the surface was a brewing storm. Both women looked at each other with barely hidden hostility.

"Qingqing, how come you are here?" Chen Feng questioned.

"Can't I come to pick you up?" Ye Qingqing stepped forward, taking Chen Feng's arm and laughed, "You usually call me your wife, why have you changed your tune tonight?"

"Don't fool around," Chen Feng responded with a bitter smile, "We are getting divorced tomorrow, it's not appropriate to call you my wife."

"Who says we're getting a divorce? I won't agree to it, not now, not ever."

Ye Qingqing suddenly lost control of her emotions.

"Miss Ye, you should be well aware of the life Chen Feng has been living in your home. If you can't treat him well, you should let go. He is valuable to others."

Qin Luoyin said with a smile.

"Miss Qin, Chen Feng and I are a legitimately married couple. If we have conflicts, we will solve them behind closed doors. There's no need for you to worry." Ye Qingqing retorted.

"It's true you're a legally married couple, but let me guess, since your marriage, Chen Feng has never even set foot in your room, right? Isn't that a kind of torture?" Qin Luoyin responded calmly.

"What does that have to do with you?"

"It does." Qin Luoyin responded seriously, "I believe my understanding of Chen Feng over the past few days is deeper than yours. To put it straight, I, Qin Luoyin, like Chen Feng. It's that simple. If you can't treat him well, let him go. No matter what, I will wait for Chen Feng."

Having said that, Qin Luoyin turned and walked into the hospital.

Chen Feng was left puzzled, he couldn't tell if Qin Luoyin's words were true or not.

After all, this was only the third time he had met Qin Luoyin.

Seeing Qin Luoyin leave, Ye Qingqing fiercely pinched Chen Feng's arm, her face icy cold.

"Uhm, actually Qin Luoyin was just talking nonsense. This is just our third meeting, there's no way to tell whether we like each other or not." Chen Feng forced a laugh.

"Oh, so you've met three times already. Is Qin Luoyin particularly beautiful?"

"Well, she's alright. But that's besides the point, the point is, I feel nothing for her..."

"Alright, Chen Feng, I don't want to hear your explanations. From today on, you can't meet this woman again." Ye Qingqing glared at Chen Feng, grinding her teeth with rage.

"Are you jealous?" Chen Feng asked in disbelief.

"I am not."

"Eating sauce?"

"Pft." Ye Qingqing couldn't help but laugh, "You're just full of it. Let's go home."

"No." Chen Feng shook his head, "I slapped your mother and even splashed your father with dog blood. I don't want to go back and face their wrath."

"My parents did a lot of things wrong, and said a lot of things that I really dislike, but no matter what, they are my elders, right? You could just apologize when you get back."

"No. Why should I apologize?" Chen Feng shook his head again.

"Will you do it for me?" Ye Qingqing looked straight at Chen Feng, "Can we give each other a chance?"


At this moment, Chen Feng agreed without hesitation.

He was even a little overjoyed that Ye Qingqing seemed to be taking him seriously!

"Let's go home."

Ye Qingqing pulled Chen Feng into the car.

On the way, Ye Qingqing drove slowly, looking straight ahead, and casually asked, "How come I never knew you were good at martial arts and medicine?"

"You never asked me." Chen Feng answered off-handedly.


Ye Qingqing bit her lip lightly.

True, she had never taken an interest in Chen Feng.

When she got home tired from work, she always ordered Chen Feng around like a servant. Once she was finished, they both retreated to their rooms to sleep. She never thought to understand him better.

Reflecting on this, Ye Qingqing began to feel a tinge of regret!