Chapter 17 Continued Nauseousness from Disgusting People

Chen Feng was unaware of Ye Qingqing's thoughts.

At this moment, Chen Feng slightly tilted his head and could see Ye Qingqing's long, snowy legs.

Ye Qingqing blushed unseen, glared at Chen Feng, and said, "If you keep staring, I'll gouge your eyes out."

"So beautiful."

Chen Feng smiled warmly, his eyes clear.

Ye Qingqing was stunned. Then, unable to restrain herself, the corners of her mouth curled up into a smile, beautiful and charming.

Chen Feng could tell that she was very happy.

Chen Feng was also happy because Ye Qingqing was smiling in front of him, a good sign indeed.

About ten minutes later, Chen Feng and Ye Qingqing returned home.

As soon as they entered the door, the cold eyes of Ye Zhengguo and Li Suqin fell on Chen Feng in unison.

Ye Qingqing nudged Chen Feng, signaling him to apologize.

Chen Feng was extremely reluctant, but for Ye Qingqing, he endured the discomfort and said, "Dad, Mom, some of my actions at the birthday feast were out of line. Here, I sincerely apologize to you."

"Oh, so you mean you don't want to divorce my daughter?"

Li Suqin's face was half red and swollen.

"Mom, we're not divorcing." Ye Qingqing replied.

"I didn't ask you. Shut up." Li Suqin glared at Ye Qingqing.

Chen Feng stared at Li Suqin and said, "Qingqing doesn't want a divorce, and I actually don't want one either, so we won't divorce."

"So, after you hit me and cursed me in front of so many people, you just came back like it's nothing? Do you think you're the king?" Li Suqin's voice was very loud- recalling how Chen Feng slapped her in public, she was filled with resentment.

Chen Feng frowned but didn't speak because he knew Li Suqin's temper; there was more to come.

Sure enough, Li Suqin immediately said, "You hit me and insulted me in public; I cannot just swallow this insult. If you want to come back, you need to compensate me. Without four million, don't expect me to let it slide."

"Mom, Chen Feng was wrong to hit you, but don't you think you were at fault too? Mom, how could you do this?"

Ye Qingqing couldn't help but protest.

"That's how I am. If he doesn't want to pay, there's nothing to discuss."

Li Suqin's expression was determined.

Upon hearing this, Ye Qingqing's eyes were tinged with red.

She knew her mother was very greedy, but she never thought she would be greedy to this extent, always eyeing the few hundred thousand of Chen Feng's.

"Here you go."

Chen Feng took out the card that Xu Hu gave him and handed it to Li Suqin.

For a person like Li Suqin, Chen Feng didn't want to argue; after all, she was Ye Qingqing's mother.

Just like a leopard cannot change its spots, disgusting people continue to be disgusting.

If a few hundred thousand could calm Li Suqin down a bit, Chen Feng wouldn't mind the money.

Seeing Chen Feng took out the card, Li Suqin's eyes eagerly lit up. She quickly grabbed it, not even bothering to hide her excitement. "And the password?"

"The last six digits of the card."

Chen Feng answered blandly.

"That's more like it."

Filled with a radiant smile, Li Suqin dutifully pocketed the card.

Ye Zhengguo, standing beside them, relaxed his facial expression. Terrifyingly so.

"Mom, you can't take this money...If you need money, I'll try to find a way to give it to you."

Ye Qingqing hurriedly interjected.

"You're in no place to help yourself. Besides, this is money that Chen Feng gave me willingly. I didn't steal it. Unless Chen Feng doesn't want to be with you anymore, otherwise, this money is never going back to him. He hit me and he's gotta pay the price."

Li Suqin responded coldly.

"You're right." Zhang Peng echoed, "Chen Feng is one of the Ye family; if he made several hundred thousand, he should hand it over to mom."

"Why not hand yours over too, how does that sound?" Chen Feng turned to Zhang Peng.

Zhang Peng's face stiffened, he immediately clutched his stomach and said, "Ow, I think I ate something bad...I need to use the bathroom first."

"Er, I'm going to check on Zhang Peng."

Ye Mingjun also quickly excused himself.

"Chen Feng, we may have allowed you to return to this family, but don't think that a few million yuan can buy our forgiveness. It's impossible, you know?" Ye Zhengguo sternly said.

"What else do I need to do?"

Chen Feng remained expressionless.

"You don't seem too stupid. You displayed quite some strength at your grandfather's birthday banquet. There's this man called Zhang Laoba, he's the general manager of the Qianlai Hotel and owes me a million yuan. Go and collect that outstanding debt for me. If you can successfully recover this debt, I won't interfere with you and Qingqing ever again," Ye Zhengguo stated nonchalantly.


Chen Feng agreed immediately.

"No." Ye Qingqing spoke solemnly, "Dad, you know very well that Zhang Laoba is an unscrupulous character, a seasoned rogue who wouldn't think twice about committing murder or arson, asking Chen Feng to collect your debt is like deliberately making things difficult for him. You're practically pushing him into the fire pit."

"He is free to turn it down. I haven't forced him," retorted Ye Zhengguo.

"It's okay. I assure you I'll get the money back. Is there an IOU?" Chen Feng said, unruffled.

"Certainly, wait for a moment, let me find it."

Ye Zhengguo turned around to find the IOU.

Li Suqin smiled mischievously, "Some people, ah, don't overestimate themselves. Provoking people like Zhang Laoba might result in disability."

"Chen Feng, Zhang Laoba is indeed a dangerous person. Don't take unnecessary risks, alright?" Ye Qingqing frowned, a look of worry spreading across her beautiful white face.

"Rest assured, I don't engage in anything without confidence, and since I've already agreed, I can't go back on my word." Chen Feng reassured her with a smile.

"The IOU has been found."

At that moment, Ye Zhengguo returned and handed over the IOU to Chen Feng.

Chen Feng accepted it and looked it over. The IOU clearly stated in black and white the details of the debt, and even contained Zhang Laoba's personal signature and handprint.

"Don't say I'm being unfair. If you manage to get back the million yuan, I'll give you six hundred thousand, and I'll only take four hundred thousand," stated Ye Zhengguo.

"I agree." Li Suqin nodded, smiling.

"Sure." Chen Feng agreed, nodding.

"Come upstairs with me, I have something to say."

Ye Qingqing pulled Chen Feng upstairs.

After reaching the second floor, Ye Qingqing pulled Chen Feng straight into her bedroom.

The spacious room was fresh and elegant, filled with a captivating fragrance.


Ye Qingqing closed the room door, gazed intently at Chen Feng, and sternly asked, "Zhang Laoba is not an ordinary person, how confident are you?"

"I'm about seventy to eighty percent sure," Chen Feng replied modestly.

But to Ye Qingqing, his comment sounded rather brash.

"At any rate, don't get yourself hurt for a mere million yuan, understand?"

"Are you concerned for me?"

"Who's concerned for you? I...I just don't want you to get crippled and be unable to make breakfast for me," Ye Qingqing retorted.

"Ah, my life is really hard. I'm going back to my room to sleep. Good night."

Chen Feng waved his hand, intending to leave.

"Wait." Ye Qingqing said, her face turning red, "That... Qin Luoyin mentioned that since our marriage, we have never shared a bed, so from today onwards, we don't need to sleep in separate rooms."


Chen Feng was startled.

"What do you mean 'huh'? Don't you understand?" Ye Qingqing asked, embarrassed and annoyed.

"I understand, I understand. Here I come, wifey."

Chen Feng was ecstatic and lunged towards the red double bed.

"Chen Feng, what are you trying to do, you jerk?"

Ye Qingqing screamed.