Chapter 127: Wedding Underway

Dugu Langya furrowed his brows!

Zhou Yan was also frowning!

Three seconds later, Zhou Yan gravely said, "Young Master, perhaps Chen Feng is already dead, but the news of the young Miss Qin's impending wedding has been released. If we stop now, our reputation will be lost, so they have chosen to proceed with the wedding."

"That's not right," Dugu Langya shook his head. "Chen Feng is definitely not dead yet, that man is terrifying. It's unlikely that the Shen Family managed to kill him."

"Young Master, do you need me to go investigate tonight?" Zhou Yan asked for instructions.

"No need, you accompany me to visit the Meng Family and Shen Family. We can't let the Qin Family go through this wedding smoothly."


Finally, three days later, the Qin Mansion welcomed a joyous day.

That evening, the Qin Mansion was decorated with lanterns and colored banners, and guests consistently arrived, all of whom were prominent figures in the capital.