Chapter 128: Do you want to bet with me?

Chen Feng and Qin Yue went around together toasting each table.

In this kind of situation, even if Chen Feng did not like it, he couldn't neglect the formalities.

After toasting three tables continuously, when they reached the fourth table, a young man stood up, smiling: "Chen Feng, you and the heavenly Miss Qin Yue are getting married. Is that all because of your outstanding looks?"

"Of course, if I can't shock the world with my talents, I will move people with my looks. Do you have any advice?"

Chen Feng smiled.

At his words, many people burst out laughing.

Qin Yue couldn't help but cover her mouth and giggle.

It was clear that this young man was trying to stir up trouble.

But if someone has no shame, they're invincible!

The young man picked up his cup and emptied it in one gulp.