Chapter 376: Lacking Humanity

Zhuge Xuanji was cold and ruthless, uncaring about the potential risk of the later generations losing their legs.

This left Zhuge Li and his wife somewhat desperate.

However, they didn't dare to express even the slightest dissatisfaction.

The Zhuge Family held a high status in the Imperial Capital and was revered because of Zhuge Xuanji's existence.

If Zhuge Xuanji fell, then these descendants would also follow suit.

"Ancestor, Chen Feng's cultivation level is likely very high; we probably can't confront him directly, why don't we consider another solution?" said Zhuge Li, his voice grave.

"Go ahead."

Zhuge Xuanji sat down, his fingers rhythmically tapping the edge of the table.

After pondering for a few seconds, Zhuge Li proposed, "How about we capture his woman, use her as a threat to get him to the place we want him to be, coerce him into signing the house sale contract, and then kill him afterwards."

"That won't work."