Chapter 377: The Arrival of the Great Enemy

"Then let's do as Chen Feng suggested, don't go out and play, we'll wait until this matter is over,"

Qin Yue softly said.

"So, I'm not going to school either today?"

Dian Dian quietly asked.

"Good girl, your dad will make a phone call to your teacher and ask her to compensate you with an extra lesson tomorrow, okay?"

Chen Feng hugged Dian Dian.

"Okay, thank you, daddy,"

Dian Dian nodded obediently, her small hands hugging Chen Feng's neck while laughing sweetly.

Seeing how happy Dian Dian was, Yun Qian, who was on the side, felt warmth in her heart.

Yun Qian had never imagined that, after leaving her scumbag ex-husband years ago, she could meet Chen Feng.

She believed it must have been the result of her good deeds in her past life, which gave her this fortune in her present one.

"Since everyone is idle, why not play Mahjong?"

Chen Feng suggested.