mysterious guy 2

Mysterious guy - ah haha, looks like the rat is trying to get somewhere he shouldn't cause the trap is waiting for him.

Felix - who the hell are you calling rat, you m*therf*ucker .

Mysterious guy - looks like no one taught you not to curse in front of a lady.

Felix - huh, we were friends for a long time but still you support him. you & he wants me dead. don't you ?

mysterious guy - ofcourse not man, we were friends untill you cheated on him.

Felix - ha, such a faithful jerk you are.

Mysterious guy - don't think I will give you chance.

Felix - just this once.

Mysterious guy - guardians, take him.

[ 3 people enters any takes Felix with them using force]

Felix - hey stop bastards, KIM ! you will pay for this. I won't leave you moron.

( meanwhile Arya's brain : what the hell is happening ◉‿◉)

[ mysterious guy comes towards Arya ]

( now when take a deep look at him, he is pretty handsome & good looking also he has tattoo all over his left arm, sexy (✪㉨✪). )

Mysterious guy - hello young lady.

Arya - ah .. me.., oh.., hello

Mysterious guy - don't be scared I'm hear to be your escort.

Arya - oh.., where are you taking me.

mysterious guy - you will know soon


( flirty handsome pervert )

mysterious guy - oh I didn't introduce myself, sorry about that. My name is Mars Kim, people call me Kim & I'm kai's right hand man.

oh, you probably don't know kai. he is ..

Arya - I.. i know him, I know everything.

Kim - oh that idiot must have told you everything. anyway you don't need to worry about anything.

Arya - by the way who were those man's you called them something like guardian..

Kim - oh, kai calls them guardian. they work under kai. people know them as ' Alexander's guardians '

Arya - ohh..., so, mister how should I address you.

Kim - you may call me Kim or mars, whatever you like. oh, it's late. we need to live. hurry miss take your stuff .

Arya - Kim don't be so formal. please call me Arya and I don't have any stuff.

Kim - sure Arya. then we should leave.

Arya - okay.

( it's been days seens I saw the outside world. I felt like an outcast, the bright light, crowded streets, smell of street food and noise. just felt like I was in another world. then we set in a luxurious car, Kim was driving and I was beside him. it was so strange that I didn't cried and cursed Kim. he gave me a comfortable vibe just like harry. I wanted to ask him for help but after looking at how faithful he was towards kai, I couldn't. )

Kim - are you scared of kai ?

Arya - ofcourse I am. I only saw him once and when I saw him he was scary as hell. he's a devil and I'm not a thing that you can do whatever you want to do.

Kim - I'm really sorry about Felix, because of how he treated you, you must think that same way about kai because how similar there faces are but he is not like how you think of him. he is a kind man. he will treat you right for sure.

Arya - haha for sure, you know what Im sick of your boss, Felix & everyone ( teary ) they killed my love my best friend. how can I trust them.

I'm sick of my life. I just want to escape every one.

Kim - please don't cry Arya, he is not the one who killed your best friend Infact he told Felix to take care of you in the meantime cause you were in danger. but that bastard Felix betrayed kai and killed harry to win you for himself. that pervert did it all for your love and body. he wanted you to become his slave. but when kai was informed about it, he left everything behind and came here to save you. he was to afraid that you will judge him that's why he didn't came in front of you. he did all that to save you from 'Them'. he knew that you love that person named harry bit he never did anything because he was happy just by watching you from a far.

Arya - stop justifying him. so he was the one stalking me and why do you people need to save me. who is 'Them' ?

Kim - because whenever kai felt like seeing you or when he missed you, he use to follow you. the enemies & opponent got to know that you were some one important, some one he loved. they decided to use you against him. that's why he wanted to keep you safe as he loves you. he even killed ever single one of them by himself also your stalker named ray . To make sure you are safe he appointed Felix as he looked similar like him he thought no one would dare to put a finger on you. but that pysho intended to make you his plaything.

Arya - ( sobbing ( ⚈̥̥̥̥̥́⌢⚈̥̥̥̥̥̀) )

Kim - he will do whatever you ask, if you say you want to go he will let you go. he will protect you till he dies. please don't treat him like Felix cause he is not Felix but he is 'KAI'. he already regrets everything, giving Felix a chance to keep you safe, stalking you and all.

don't cry.

Arya - hmmm

by the way, what did you wrote in the note you give me last time.

Kim - oh, about that. I got through your personal info so I got to know that you had learnt Spanish so, I thought you knew how to read it.

Arya - oh, about that I didn't learn't Spanish. it was just a workshop about language ah, and what was written in the note.

Kim - it was nice meeting you, Arya .

Arya - what !?

Kim - I mean ' it was nice meeting you, Arya ' was written in the note.

Arya - oh, it was nice meeting you too, Kim.

Kim - hmm ( smirk )

( what a hottie & gentle man )

..... 10 min later ....

Kim - we are here.