"If he asks tell him that the answer is yes, he'll be upping his alcohol intake over the next few weeks."
"I'll be upping my fucking alcohol intake," Guo Cheng muttered as he left.
Only Xiao Zhan remained, in the cold silence of the dance studio. Yibo had a music player connected to a portable sound system. The music was off yet, and Yibo went to the centre to warm up, one arm tugged to his chest as he stretched. This was a different Yibo, another Yibo Xiao Zhan could fall in love with all over again. He was serious, focus solely on warming up and dance. Xiao Zhan remained quiet, even when the music came on, Yibo's limbs loosened, flowing. There was
no dance instructor in sight – but Xiao Zhan remembered an interview he watched while stalking. Yibo remembered dance moves after seeing and doing twice. Like Xiao Zhan to drawing and painting, dancing was Yibo's passion.