Jason Koo had always been a handsome man. Xiao Zhan didn't think it was shallow to appreciate good looks, and it was one of the reasons he'd befriended and later married Jason. But it was only one of the reasons. A year had passed since Xiao Zhan last saw Jason. He was just as solemn faced, firm jaw, perfectly clean shaven. His suit was neatly pressed, and hair just as tidy. Some things never changed, like Jason's habits. Xiao Zhan used to love messing up his hair out of spite. He supposed Zhao Lei was the one to do that now.

"Hello Xiao Zhan."


Xiao Zhan had forgotten that they both liked this shop. He'd came with Jason for years until they'd stopped coming together. Jason loved their coffee and sandwiches, just as much as Xiao Zhan.

"You look well."