Jason sat down and interlocked his fingers. The smirk on his face and the ease the authority within him radiated made McKenna angrier.

"Well I can, that is the meaning of boss" he said

"And if I quit, who will you push around?" McKenna's boldness only amused Jason the more.

"Apart from making sure your life is a living hell, I will fire Edna too for bringing me an idiot" Jason answered with a slight grin on his face.

"Her name is Elena, you ignorant conceited spoilt brat" she voiced out before she could stop herself while pointing at Jason.

Jason stared at her and he knew he had pushed her to her limits. McKenna's outburst was meant to provoke him but they merely amused him. No one has ever stood up to him until she came along but he needed her to come with him. He enjoyed spending time with her and they could have two beautiful months together before he marries Amazing Donna and for McKenna he was willing to break his number one rule since the incident with Tammy. He was going to get involved with someone he likes but he won't marry her, he couldn't do that to McKenna. He was incapable of love and he refuses to stiff out the light in her.

He picked up the phone and called his HR "have our head of marketing fired, effective immediately..."

"No, wait. I will go with you" McKenna said panicked

"Mr. Jenkins, I think there has been a mistake, I meant promote her" he said and hung up

"Then I suggest, you get going, now" Jason said and he loved ordering McKenna around.

McKenna slammed the door on her way out. When she got to her desk, she took her bag, said goodbye to Elena and took a cab home to pack her luggage.

McKenna wasn't going to make Jason's trip very pleasant, so she packed two big luggages that would be enough for two months travel for a week she was going to stay in Lagos. When the driver picked her up and drove her to Jason's house to pick him up also, Jason wasn't astonished at all

"I guess this is your way of rebelling, Miss Chukwuka. You know, most girls would jump at the opportunity to fly first class but not you"

"I'm not most girls" she replied

"Well, shall we?" Jason said and entered the car

When they got to the airport, McKenna was already regretting packing too much because Jason being the man he is refused to help her and so McKenna had to drag the luggage all by herself. She tripped once and almost fell down but Jason caught her.

Jason was having fun seeing McKenna drag her enormous luggage but when she almost fell, he came to his senses. He was a gentle guy; it was just McKenna he liked troubling. He took the bags from her and he carried them as if they were made of feathers.

"You don't have to help me" she said as he tried to carry them

"Okay" he said and tried to leave the bag

"But since you insist I will give them to you" she said to him and dumped the luggage on him before he changed his mind.

When they were well adjusted in the plane, McKenna seemed nervous to Jason and he wanted to know why.

"I have never flown before" she told him

McKenna's palms were sweaty and her heart raced. She was a few minutes away from hyperventilation. She tries to calm herself with the breathing in and out technique.

"Well, now you will" Jason said and went back to reading his news papers.

"I'm afraid of heights" she told him with shaky voice

"Hmm… that will be fun to watch. I never knew anything scared you" he joked

"Don't worry about it" She said and took a deep breath but she looked so scared that Jason couldn't take it anymore.

"You can hold my hand, if you feel frightened" he offered, genuinely concerned.

"No thanks" she said sounding brave or at least McKenna thought she sounded brave.

"As you wish"

Few minutes later and there was turbulence, McKenna held his hand so tight that she worried blood flow would be caught off but Jason didn't tell her to let go of his hand instead he gave her a reassuring squeeze and she was grateful. There was kindness in him after all, McKenna thought and held onto him.