"What do you mean by you need to go to Malawi tomorrow?" McKenna asked as she stared intensively at Jason. Jason had just come back from his mother's estate.

"I have to. The orphanage is bankrupt and I have to save it or fifty-two vulnerable children will be left without a home and the locals taking care of them will be jobless. Part of my job there will be to host fundraisers all over the world"

Jason's mood is apprehensive and his fingers were interlocked. McKenna's mouth was ajar in surprise as she tries to gather her wandering thoughts.

"But…but…you have a lot of money. You should just give them some" McKenna wasn't thinking straight.

"I never met my grandmother. But she was an amazing woman and would have made a very good grandmother. She started Hope for all, orphanage without any help from grandfather or his money. The Yagazie fortune has never gone to the orphanage and all my money comes from that fortune and I am not about to disrespect my grandmother's wish" Jason explained

"Okay…okay…I just need to think. How long will you be in Malawi?" McKenna asked so close to tears.

"Two… probably three years" Jason answered

"Should I wait for you? I mean what am I going to do now?" McKenna asked

"Oma, you are nineteen and there is still a whole world out there for you to see. Your adventure is just beginning and you need to find yourself. You need to go back to school and get a degree. Make yourself better. I have arranged for a monthly stipend to be paid into your account, it is the least I can do after you helped me get the sum of 300 million naira"

"So, money you can give me but what I really want is you, Jason…you could take me with you to Malawi, please"

"I am sorry Miss Chukwuka but I am not in the business of taking my secretaries with me on business trips. The suite is already paid for and you can stay here for the rest of the week" Jason stood up and entered his room.

He had to be firm with her; he needed to keep an emotional distance from McKenna. Jason needed to be in control of his emotions.

When McKenna woke up the next day, Jason was gone. Yesterday night, she couldn't sleep and she cried a little in the bathroom. She tossed on her soft bed that felt like a rock and her heart felt like it was about to split into halves.

McKenna went into Jason's room and sat on his bed. She has never felt so lonely. Around evening she went out for a walk and the serene that was soothing the day before felt dull and lifeless.

A child stood five steps away from McKenna and he looked like he was having the time of his life, stuffing dirt into his mouth. He was unkempt but he seemed happy. His mother sat two steps away on a low stool and she had a tray of bread and groundnut on the table before her. McKenna felt guilty, this child might be dirty and unkempt but he was loved because he had someone in his corner but in Malawi, there are children who had no mothers and no one in their corner and yet she asked Jason not go?

McKenna smiled at the little boy who giggled back. She also bought bread and groundnut from the mother and told her to keep the change. McKenna could hear the woman sing praises to her from a distance as she walked.

After three hours of walking aimlessly around Lagos, McKenna went back to the hotel. She opened the door and found a bag in the centre of the sitting room.

"Jason?" McKenna called out. She couldn't believe he came back for her. it might take a moment but she can pack her stuffs and they can go and save the world in Malawi. After seeing the little boy earlier today, she was convinced more than ever, that those orphans needs Jason Ekoh-Yagazie in their corner.

"Jason?" McKenna called out again as she beamed with smiles and nervousness. The front door opened and someone came inside dragging another bag behind her.

"MK, it's me"

"Ellie…it's you" McKenna a tad disappointed

"Oh…it wasn't the welcome I envisioned but girl, this place is beautiful….When Mr. Yagazie called to say I should take the next flight to Lagos for a well deserved all expenses paid vacation to this beautiful heaven, I was like…what?"

McKenna smiled weakly and hugged her friend. McKenna's demeanor made Elena dial down her excitement.

"What is wrong, McKenna?"

"He left…Jason left for Malawi this morning and he won't be coming back anytime soon"

"Oh sweetie I know you are attracted to him but you will be okay"

"Elena I told him that I love him but apparently…he doesn't feel the same"

"I am really sorry McKenna" Elena said as she made McKenna sit on the sofa "He is a jerk if he rather be chasing tails than be in love with you…girl, have you seen you? You are gorgeous"

"He is in Malawi to stop fifty-two orphans from losing their home" McKenna said almost amused

"Okay…that is actually very noble of him. What are you going to do now?"

"I am done trying to get Jason to love me. I am going to try loving myself first but I am going to take his advice. As soon as we get back to Abuja, I will start applying for undergraduate scholarships outside the country, I am thinking maybe Canada."

"Oh McKenna…But Jason is your first love"

"I know but I am so done with love. It is time for McKenna 2.0"