'He keeps calling me. It is incredibly annoying when a guy can't take a hint'

McKenna crouched over Elena table. She was tapping the vivateck-fine brand pen repeatedly on the table that contained Elena's personal laptop and the office desktop. The table had two layers, the first upper layer had the hand sanitizer and a couple of the company's advertising flyers, it was the one McKenna was crouched over.

The second layer of the table contained Elena's laptop, the company's desktop and a mouse. On the left side of the table, a box of facial tissue laid carelessly with Elena's sun shades on top of it. There were sticky notes on the wooden surface between the upper and lower layers of the table.

Elena typed on the Desktop computer and clicked on the document she wanted to print out. She cleared her throat loudly and fixed her eyes on McKenna.

'Stop tapping that damn pen, you are going to give me a headache' Elena told her best friend

Elena stood up and went towards the water dispenser. She took the disposable cup and poured herself a cup of cold water. She returned to her seat.

'Have you told Tony not to call you anymore?' Elena asked.

Elena was unusually cranky. She was on a weight loss diet and she was hungry.

'Well, I told him…'

'McKenna, how hard will it be to say - stop calling me Tony because you are extremely annoying?' Elena clicked on the mouse severally.

'Oh God, you are grouchy. Please, don't tell me you are on your weight loss diet again?' McKenna stared at Elena. Her eyes narrowed and her lips pouted

'Yes, I am…I am so hungry. Why can't I have your metabolism?' Elena asked feigning annoyance

'You mean going to bed after eating a bowl of ice cream and waking up slim. I am really blessed, aren't I?' McKenna smiled, taunting Elena.

'No… you are annoying' Elena smiled and went back to work.

McKenna went back to her desk to check her emails. Her phone pinged and she checked it to find another Instagram message from Tony.

Can we meet up tonight?

McKenna dropped the phone on her table violently. She scratched her left eyebrow with her left hand almost ruining her make-up. McKenna stared at the phone for a second before picking it up again. She responded to Tony's message.

Fine, let's meet up. Will 5pm work for you?

McKenna regretted sending the Instagram message almost instantly. She looked towards Elena's desk and frowned. Elena stopped what she was doing and her shoulders stooped down in resignation.

'I know that face. What mayhem have you gotten yourself into?' Elena asked raising one of her eyebrows.

'I may or may not have asked Tony to meet me today by 5pm' McKenna answered

Elena narrowed her eyes and pouted. She was stuck in between throwing a pencil case at her indecisive friend or eating the box of chocolate in the bottom drawer of her table. After what seemed like an extensive argument within her, she opened the second drawer and brought out a bag of carrots. Elena munched on a carrot while her eyes remained narrowed.

'I thought we hate Tony' Elena asked with a mouthful of carrot.

'We do' McKenna answered calmly

'Then why meet with a guy you hate, McKenna'

'Would you rather I join the convent and become a nun? One of these days I have to get back on the horse… sooner than later I prefer. Moreover, we haven't met Tony and maybe I will like him, if I can look past his annoying ways' McKenna could barely convince herself, let alone her best friend.

Elena stuffed back the bag of carrots inside the second drawer and cleaned her mouth with the facial tissue on top of the table.

'And you are sure this sudden decision to go out with a guy that clearly annoys you had nothing to do with you being accepted into that school in Canada?' Elena asked

Mckenna tucked one of her braids behind her ear and looked away for a moment. After a few seconds, she looked at Elena and blinked.

'Of course not' She answered but Elena wasn't convinced

'Elena, I applied for a scholarship in a prestigious school in Canada and I got a partially scholarship. Of course, I am going to go and I am going to love it there. This is what I have always wanted'

No, what you really want is Jason.

Elena wanted to say to her friend but she didn't. Some things are rather left unspoken but she was going to miss her best friend terribly.

'Okay, McKenna. You can go ahead and meet Tony but before you do, I want his phone number, work and house address just in case he turns out to be a psycho' Elena instructed.

'Done' McKenna said and then she became sad.

'How am I going to survive Canada without you, Elena?' McKenna's eyes were teary and her mouth twisted in discomfort.