'Where do you want to go?' Tony asked

'There is this bar that sells my favorite milkshake and fish pepper soup but I must warn you, the road to the place is bad and…muddy'

Tony drove off without a word. He was speeding until McKenna asked him to slow down. They chatted heartily about nothing in particular. He was charming and a great conversationalist.

When they got to the bar, McKenna ordered for Milkshake and Fish while Tony took a cold beer.

'So McKenna, tell me about yourself' Tony asked

McKenna talked about herself without emotion, taking care not to talk about what really mattered. She talked about school, her dead dog, her favorite drink and any other superficial thing that popped inside her head. Tony watched quietly without saying a word.

He liked her but he could tell she had baggage, emotional and family baggage.

'For someone that has been talking for the past eight minutes, you have said nothing'

McKenna smiled and she was surprised he saw through her bullshit.

'Well…I got a scholarship to study business in Canada, I leave in a month and I am going to be nostalgic' McKenna said sincerely for the first time.

'What if I ask you not to go?' Tony was serious

'I have to. I promised someone I would be better, see the world and have an adventure' McKenna voice slowed to a whisper like she was reliving a memory she didn't like. She was quick to smile but it was a little late. Tony already heard the sadness in her voice.

'Must be a special someone to you' Tony said

McKenna was quiet. She took a sip from her milkshake cup and spilled some on her blouse. Tony offered his handkerchief to her and she accepted it after muttering a word of thanks to him. The rest of the date was quiet, only the music in the background and the voices of the other customers in the bar could be heard as McKenna ate her fish and Tony drank his beer.

Towards 6 pm, they left the bar and headed to the car that was now muddy.

'I had a nice time Tony, Thank you'

'My pleasure'

Tony opened the passenger's door for McKenna and she entered. His countenance was neutral and he looked a bit tired. He placed his seat belt and checked to see if McKenna followed suit before he drove off.

Earlier today, when McKenna threatened to force feed him with laxatives, Tony wasn't amused even though he decided to play it cool. He had already decided before hand what his ideal future wife will look like – delicate structure, dark, beautiful and slim, he had no tolerance for fat women and he expects his wife to return to normal shape after child bearing as soon as it is humanly possible which in his mind was four months after child birth. But most importantly he needed his woman to be submissive and pay heed to all his words and commands.

The woman beside him was dark, delicate, beautiful and slim but she was the furthest thing to submissive or docile. He could easily mould her to become the woman he wants her to be but it could take time. Tony's only hope was to find a way to dissuade McKenna from going to Canada.

McKenna was glad she was going home. A bath and a good television show was what she needed the most. She dosed off a minute and she dreamt of…of nothing. Lately, she hasn't been able to see Jason's face in her dreams like before and she missed it. It felt like he was slowly slipping away from her and McKenna felt helpless. But she was also relieved too; it meant she could finally move on with her life.

McKenna was adrift in her dream world when Tony shook her.

'I think we have a flat tyre' Tony told her

'Oh God' McKenna muttered and sat upright

'I have called my mechanic to come with a spare tyre but we can't stay here and wait but…' Tony was interrupted by McKenna who was worried about the car's safety.

'But if we leave the car here, looters might loot the car and sell it. We can't leave your car in this lonely road, Tony'

Tony hated being caught off when he was talking; he finds it insulting and distasteful.